الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Books

Summary Of Religions In The Qur’an

(Mujaz Alaidyan Fi Alquran)

book authored The Sheikh's by in the year 1417 AH -1997 AD in which the deals with the emergence of religions, the relationship of man with them and their influence on him, and highlighting the blessing of God on Muslims with Islam.

The sheikh says about this book

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions, and peace be upon them all.

This is a brief study of religions in terms of their origins, truth, types, the extent of man’s relationship to them, his need for them, their accompaniment to him, and their influence on him.

I would not be exaggerated if I said that human beings from the very ancient and even to this day have never been devoid of religiosity with a religion, and this is why religion occupies a large space It is apparent in the behavior of individuals and groups regardless of the nature and type of this influence .. This influence will remain present even if the deniers deny it and try and try to keep it away by keeping religion away from the scene of life and from the relationships of people between them.

The Purpose Of This Study

The purpose of this brief study on religions is to get to know them and their owners, guided by what is stated about them and their people in the Noble Qur’an, and it is the truest and most reliable source that provides us with the true knowledge we need in this field. We want from behind this distinction and distinction that the true religion is not confused with others and that the followers of the true religion do not fall into the fall of the followers of the false religion, as it is not enough for a person to side with the people of the true religion and to declare his affiliation and affiliation with them while he is saturated and burdened with ideas of false religion and the morals and aspirations of his follower.

Then we want from behind this to show the blessing of God to Muslims in Islam, as it is easy for them to guide them, so they should thank Him with a thanks that corresponds to this great blessing, because thanksgiving for the blessings is as much as His grace and is not greater than the blessing of Islam on a person because every blessing that a person gives other than the blessing of Islam is a blessing that perishes and is not It remains contrary to the blessing of Islam, which is in the nature of staying and accompanying its owner to his grave in order to comfort him in it, then go out with him to the land of the crowd on the Day of Reckoning and then reach him to his stable in Paradise…

Research Methodology

In light of the above, I saw that this study be made in chapters as follows:

Chapter One: Defining Religion and the extent of its need

Chapter Two: Religious tendency in man

Chapter Three: The Jews

Chapter Four: Christians

Chapter Five: The Sabeans and the Magi

Chapter Six: The Polytheists and the Eternals

Chapter Seven: Islam


Published on: 2015-02-19 (8447 Reads)

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