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It is known that Islamic Sharia is characterized by comprehensiveness as it serves all life affairs and everything related to the human being excepted, and this is why we find in it provisions related to matters of belief, worship, morals, methods of behavior in life and human relations with others, as you find in them provisions related to food, drink and clothing, and so nothing comes out related to Human beings from the rule of Islamic law.

This comprehensiveness is unparalleled in any divine law before Islam, nor in any existing or ancient statutory law. Therefore, a Muslim who understands Islam who knows the nature of nature cannot accept anything other than Islamic law as a system for his life and a method for his behavior .

Types of provisions

In this broad coverage of Islamic law, we find three groups of rulings  :

  The first group Sharia liabilities, which are of two types: duty and delegate .

  The second group: the  endings of the law, which are of two types: prohibited and disliked .

  The third group permissibility, which is what Sharia leaves the choice for the obligated person to do and leave it .

The basis for the diversity of provisions

Islamic law only sought what deserves to be sought because of the certain benefit it contains for the human being and forbade what deserves to be forbidden for what is certain harm to the human being, and it permits what is helpful for a person to do what is required and forbids what is forbidden, so there is nothing in Islamic law that a rational person can say about it. If only Islamic law did not require this or did not end this or did not solve this .

Forbidden harm to doers and others

What is forbidden in Islamic law is absolutely harmful to the one who does it and to the society in which he lives, whether this harm is related to religion, soul, intellect, honor or money, and these are the five necessities that Islamic law is keen to find, preserve and pay off harm, and one of the ways to protect it from harm is the prohibition of what is forbidden by Islamic law .

Prohibition of intoxicants and drugs

It deprived him of Sharia and Islamic, intoxicants of all kinds and the multiplicity of its assets are forbidden at all said the Almighty (O ye who believe Wine, and gambling and an abomination of Satan avoid that ye may prosper), and wine in Islamic law , the term name such as sugared said   ﷺ   " Every intoxicant wine and every wine It is forbidden, "and drugs that intoxicate people are attached to intoxicants in terms of their prohibition and that they have taken their own name, such as antidote and hashish .

The harm of intoxicants and drugs is definitive

The alcohol and drug harm segmental undoubtedly has the Koran referred to some of the damage he says (but wine, and gambling and the abomination of Satan, avoid that ye may prosper), (but the devil wants to sign among you enmity and hatred in alcohol and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer Are you forfeited?) Enmity, hatred, and repulsion from the path of God and from prayer are some of the harms of alcohol and the greatest harm, and there are other material damages that afflict the human body and its various organs, and this has been proven by a doctor and with repeated observations, which leaves no room for doubt about these damages, as well as in abuse. Intoxicants and drugs corrupting the human mind and hindering the person from serious and beneficial work with the possibility of committing crimes and immorality, and thus spreading evils, evils and evils in society . 
Question :

Some may ask:If intoxicants and narcotics have many damages and evils, why should a person take them indifferent to their damages? Does not her material harm rebuke him if he is a non-Muslim, and does her prohibition of her prohibit him against a condition with the material harm in it if he is a Muslim? The answer to that in the wine pleasure as well as in drugs, although this pleasure does not last ones and this fact is not mentioned in Islamic law, he referred to the Holy Quran the Almighty said (they ask you about alcohol and gambling say them is a great sin and benefits for the people greater and Atmanma than benefit them, and they ask why they spend Say pardon as well. God clarifies to you the verses, so that you may think.) And it came in the interpretation of Al-Alusi, may God Almighty have mercy on him, in the interpretation of his words (and benefits to people), meaning of the pleasure and the benefit ofthese verses. Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on him, its benefit is what is happeningFrom pleasure and from trade in it .

But this benefit in wine is a meager benefit immersed in the serious harm of alcohol, and therefore Islam forbade intoxicants, and it was hoped that every rational person would abandon the intoxicants and not consume them, especially the Muslim, but a person does not always follow the logic of the mind, rather he walks a lot with the whims of the soul, and the whims of the soul drives him towards the forbidden Including intoxicants is an encounter with an urgent pleasure, and if its repentance will result in the hereafter, because one of the instincts of a person is the benefit of the immediate benefit, and that it passes away on the future happiness that does not disappear. Doing evils, including eating intoxicants .


And if the reality of intoxicants and the drugs that are attached to them are as mentioned, and the reality of man, as we have shown, then what is the treatment for the problem of the demand for intoxicants and drugs and the harm that results from that for the individual and society The answer is that the decisive remedy for this problem is the required Islamic remedy and what has to do with certain failure. Every attempt outside the scope of Islamic law to eradicate the scourge of intoxicants is a failed attempt .

The American attempt to tackle the intoxicant failed

Among these failed attempts to deal with intoxicants, the American attempt, as the United States of America issued in 1920 AD the law prohibiting alcohol, and under this law it became legally prohibited and a crime punishable by law to sell, buy, manufacture, export and import alcohol. The US government sought before issuing this law to prepare souls for acceptance. And obeyed him, so it carried out massive propaganda all over the country aiming to explain the harms of alcohol and the necessity to quit its use, and the government has sought medical, sociological, psychology, criminology, education and statistics scholars to explain the harms of alcohol, each according to its competence, and used all means of publishing and media such as radio, cinema, theater, holding seminars and conferences, and publishing books and letters. And research in newspapers and shops that show the harms of alcohol in various fields supported by numbers and statistics, for example, it showed the crimes and accidents caused by intoxicating cars, divorce, homelessness, murder, suicide and inflicting various diseases.On this huge propaganda, about 65 million dollars and nine thousand million pages were listed in the statement of the harms of alcohol, millions of dollars were spent to implement this law and the statistics were mentioned for the period between the date of the enactment of this law and October 1923 A.D. In order to implement it, two hundred people were killed and half a million imprisoned A person, violators were fined millions of dollars in fines, and hundreds of millions of dollars were confiscated for violating him, and the last event was that the American government was forced to abolish the law in late 1923 CE for its inability to compel citizens to respect this law and adhere to it, and the huge propaganda and the sums that did not benefit it I spent it or the scientific research that scholars presented in explaining the harms of alcohol, because as I said man does not always follow the logic of the mind, but he tends a lot with the whims of the soul that pushes to the preference for short and urgent pleasure even if it is followed by the delayed pain ...The whim of the soul is like a stormy wind that is only stopped by what is stronger than it, and we do not find this strongest except in Islamic medicine .

Islamic treatment

We said that the Islamic treatment is based on the application of Islamic law and that this treatment is crucial to the problem of intoxicants, and the historical facts support that. According to the Holy Quran (ask you about alcohol and gambling say them is a great sin and benefits for the people greater and Atmanma than benefit them, and they ask why they spend less amnesty as well as God shows you the verses that you may Taatvkron) was this marked that alcohol is undesirable in Islam, and it is about to deny, and has already left Some Muslims, then the Almighty’s saying (O those who believe, do not approach the prayer while you aredrunk until you know what you say) and this was a rebellion from what is close to the roses of khamr.Some Muslims, if a Muslim is not safe, if he drinks alcohol and is drunk, he continues to be drunk until the time of prayer, and he misses the prayer when the time for it comes out while he is still in a state of drunkenness. Perhaps you will work well. ”The word (so avoid it) had a tremendous effect on their souls, as they rushed to the sheets of their wines, slit it with knives and spill out the wine in it. Pursuit, fine, or imprisonment, so how did this strange thing happen and how did this Islamic treatment succeed?But wine, and gambling and the abomination of Satan, avoid that ye may prosper), was the word (avoid it) a huge influence in them so that they sped off to the wafers their wines Ishqunha with knives and shedding their own thing about the wine, I have weaned them from drinking off, was all that aphids Alcohol and weaning souls without soldiers, police, propaganda, stalking, fine, or imprisonment, so how did this strange thing happen and how did this Islamic treatment succeed?But wine, and gambling and the abomination of Satan, avoid that ye may prosper), was the word (avoid it) a huge influence in them so that they sped off to the wafers their wines Ishqunha with knives and shedding their own thing about the wine, I have weaned them from drinking off, was all that aphids Alcohol and weaning souls without soldiers, police, propaganda, stalking, fine, or imprisonment, so how did this strange thing happen and how did this Islamic treatment succeed?The strange and how did this Islamic treatment succeed?The strange and how did this Islamic treatment succeed ?

How Islamic treatment succeeded

We said that the Islamic treatment was based on the application of Islamic law, and this leads us inevitably to how this application that led to the success of the Islamic treatment that we are talking about, to take advantage of it at the present time, it was the law of God to come down to the Prophet Muhammad   ﷺ   Vtaatlagafh hearts before the ears Wesera meaning in Their existence is activated, so their souls are active to carry out this audio as required in the religion of God, and this is how they learned the Qur’an, understood it and acted on it. If they learned from the Prophet   ÇáäÈí   ten verses, they did not go beyond them until they learned their knowledge and work, they said, so we learned the Qur’an, knowledge and action all together .

With this serious and strong reception of the law of God the traces of their souls disappeared and their hearts imbibed the meanings of Islam and the paper of their religious feeling until they became like a radar with which they erase the concerns of their hidden passions and eliminate them before it became a stormy wind that plunges them to the sites of sin, and this is how their whole lives were characterized by the color of Islam, so the entity of the individual, the family and the society rose. On the meanings of Islam to it, as if there is a contradiction between the reality of the Muslim individual and his religious behavior and the reality of the society in which he lives, everyone is walking according to the methods of Islam, and everyone helps one another in this Islamic path and adherence to it. Everything turned him after him by means of strength and victory over his own desires and aspirations to forbidden ones, including drunkenness, and for this all, the Almighty said (so avoid) that tremendous effect on their souls and wean them from eating intoxicants .

Thus, the Islamic remedy succeeded in purifying society from the evils of intoxicants because it was based on Islam and applied its law, and the treatment of positive law that the United States of America clung to failed because it was not built on this solid foundation .

The application of Islamic law at the present time

We said that the decisive Islamic treatment for the problem of intoxicants is based on the application of Islamic law. This application summarizes society from the evils of intoxicants and drugs because individuals are reluctant to abuse and consume them in response to God's law and fear of his punishment, but the proper application of Islamic law must be so that it can lead to the desired result It is the reluctance of individuals to drink intoxicants and drugs. What are the conditions for the principles of proper implementation of Islamic law ?

Conditions for proper application of Islamic law

First    - The first of these conditions is that the one who implements the application believes that he implements a religion that is the religion of Islam, and that every Muslim is responsible for implementing it, that this premise for implementing Sharia is a necessity even without the one who performs it sincerely in it, spending the maximum of his efforts, not his success. Or it is related to him who accepts it with complete satisfaction because God’s law and his religion, that this feeling on the two sides, the one who applies the implementation and the one on whom it is implemented, helps a lot for the success of the application and keeps people away from forbidden things, including intoxicants .

Secondly   - That the application be comprehensive to all matters of life and community relations, because one of the characteristics of the comprehensive Sharia, as we have said, can implement all its desired fruits without this comprehensive application, that the partial application of Islamic law is not sufficient and does not exempt the Muslim from religious responsibility for the comprehensive implementation as long as he is able therefore, God has vilified the Almighty Jews to apply some of the provisions of Islamic law without others with their abilities to the general implementation and comprehensiveness, the Almighty said (Taking the Mithaqkm not shed your blood and you come out yourselves from your homes and Oorteurtm as you testify), (then you are those you kill yourselves and bring forth a team of you from their homes Tzaheron their sin and aggression and that Aotokm captives Tvadohm is haraam, you get them out Ovtamnon some of the book and disbelieve some of what penaltyBy doing that you only disgrace in this life and the Day of Resurrection respond to the most suffering and God is unaware of what you do), and the consequent inclusion of the application to build the individual and the home and society on the basis of Islam Vihakq harmony between everyone and accessible to the individual dimension and to move away from falling into the taboo, including alcohol Vinju survive community Of her evils .

Third   - Emphasizing on the Islamic creed and the meanings of faith, that deep faith is a strong valve that traps the whims of the soul and gives the heart extreme sensitivity against forbidden things that it does not desire or love, but rather .... about it and hates it and smells its foul smell with its sensitive enlightened heart, so it is disgusted by the Devil. It has the pleasure of intoxicants .

Emphasis on the aspect of belief and belief is very important, and in the Holy Qur’an one of the verses of the faith and the meanings of faith are times the verses of transactions, which indicates the importance of the aspect of belief and that it is the basis on which the Islamic construction is based. And the influential sermon and seeking the help of what modern science has reached in the fields of astronomy, medicine, animals and plants. The scientific discoveries in these fields show us the greatness of God and his power, so hearts are subject to him and minds are subject to him and those who believe increase in faith .

Fourth   removing filth from society, and by which I mean evils, including audio and visual, which weaken faith and encourage committing sin, and it is time for Muslims to take matters seriously and forcefully and remove the contradiction present in their societies, so we hear the word of Islam in their broadcasts, we hear a few minutes later, a fallen song, while we see a reader The Quran recites on television, after which we see half-naked dancers drinking alcohol, while we read a good article in a newspaper or magazine, immediately afterwards we read an article that breaks the first and calls for vice and the release of the whims of the soul. It has become one of the waste of history and one of the antiquated ideas that science has overtaken from a long time ago, that these strange paradoxes that the community in the country of Islam inevitably affect the faith of a Muslim and absorb or disturb, thus making it easier for him to commit sin, including eating intoxicants .

Fifth   - The establishment of Sharia punishments, which are part of the Islamic law and are included in what we have said about the comprehensive application of Sharia, but I singled it out by mentioning its importance, that Sharia punishments are a remedy for those who were not benefited by wisdom and good advice and did not affect them and the Eid of the Qur’an so they must be sensitized to the corporal punishment that God decreed Dear All-Knowing, will not deal with intoxicants and other hudud crimes, as well as punishments for qisas and discretion, because these punishments contain a sufficient amount of deterrence. If a person knows that by eating intoxicants he exposes himself to the punishment of flogging with the number prescribed by Sharia, and the physical and psychological pain in the flogging, this will deter him from intoxicants or weaken it. Rushing to it, especially if he knows the ruler's seriousness in applying legal punishments, and drunkenness for committing crimes and the corporal punishments that result from them will deter him from intoxicants or weaken his tendency to them .

Who applies Islamic law 

But who applies Islamic law as we have shown The answer is that all Muslims have a responsibility to implement the Sharia, whether they are individuals or groups, rulers or ruled, but it must be known that their responsibility is not the same because it is based on knowledge and ability. The responsibility of a knowledgeable man is greater than the responsibility of an ignorant man. The former knows much more from the rulings of Sharia than the ignorant and therefore must The duty to inform, explain and spread the meanings of Islam, enjoining good, forbidding what is evil, and other things considered necessary for the application of Islamic law more than what is required of an ignorant man, and the responsibility also differs according to the ability to do so, hence the responsibility of the ruler who has the command and the prohibition is greater than the responsibility of individual Muslims because the ruler can with what he owns Who is empowered to work to implement Islamic law, build society on the meanings of Islam, and purify it from evils in a much more effective way than individual parishes can do through preaching and declaring .

The effect of implementing Sharia law

If the Islamic Sharia is applied in the manner that we have shown, then society will surely be a happy, good society, safe from the evils of intoxicants and drugs, because its members have transcended the temptations of these sins and soared above them, seeking the pleasure of God and our last prayer is praise be to God, Lord of the worlds .

Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan


Published on: 2015-03-08 (10515 Reads)

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