الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Books

Jurisprudence Research Group

(Majmueat Bihawth Faqahiat)

A group of jurisprudential research papers dealing with various topics written in the sixties and seventies of the last century. They were published in booklets and also collected in a book entitled “Jurisprudence Research Group

The book has (464) pages, and has been printed by Al-Resala Foundation many times.

The sheikh says about this book:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions, and after

These are researches that are compiled by the research collector in light of the meanings of Islamic law, and that is why I called it (a group of jurisprudential studies), hoping that people will benefit from it and know some of the meanings and rulings that Islam contained in the eternal religion of Allah. And yes proxy.

Research in the book

Islamic Law And General International Law

The research deals with the constituent rules of international law in Islamic law, its nature, characteristics, characteristics and features, and then examines the position of Islamic law on the general international law that is already in place among countries at the present time.

The Rights Of Individuals In The House Of Islam

The research deals with the personality of the individual in the House of Islam - the Islamic State - and his enjoyment of all of his rights recognized by Islam, which are divided into two parts: political rights (the right to elect the head of state, - the right to consult, the right to observe, the right to dismiss, the right to run, and the right to hold public office). And general rights (equality, freedoms of individuals of all kinds.

The State Of Necessity In Islamic Law

The study deals with the state of necessity and the hardship that it contains and dealing with Islamic law in the light of the origin of the embarrassment. It begins by defining the necessity, explaining its ruling and its cases, and having to deal with what is forbidden such as vaccines, drinks and medicines, and having to destroy the soul or commit immorality, and having to take money or destroy it and destroy it A person is in a condition to protect himself or himself, and to be forced to say falsehood.

Belief In Fatalism And Destiny And Its Effect On Human Behavior

A study that deals with clarifying the issue of judgment and destiny and aims to help the violator to see the truth in this issue and uncover the similarities with him, and to show some of the effects of the correct belief in destiny in the behavior of the individual in his relations with others, his position on his actions and what befalls him, to show that matters of belief in Islam are the origin of the type of human behavior And his positions on the events of life.

The Effect Of Intent On Actions And Contracts

A study that deals with the effect of intention on the behavior of a person and his contracts in this world, describing these behaviors as permissible and inviolable according to them. It also deals with the importance of intention in Islamic law as it is the point of reward and punishment.

The Dispute In Islamic Law

The research deals with the issue of difference and its occurrence among human beings, meaning is its occurrence rare or frequent, or reach the degree of inevitability and necessity? Are Muslims exempt from falling among themselves, or not? Then is the difference one type or types? Is the defamation attached to all these types - if these types exist - or is it limited to some of them? Then what are the reasons for the dispute? How can it be prevented? Does the penalty affect all the different? In addition to other questions that come to mind in this topic and many sub-questions related to each question.

The Laqtaha And Its Provisions In Islamic Law

The Iraqi civil law did not deal with the provisions of the law, except in one article. This law, this research deals with the provisions of the clap in the Islamic jurisprudence in its various sects, with an explanation of the most correct of it, so that the judge or the competent court can refer to these provisions easily and easily in the various cases of “looting ”.

Foundling Provisions In Islamic Law

Since there is no text in the Personal Status Law on the rulings of a foundling, it is necessary to refer to the Islamic Sharia in its various schools to know these rulings, and this research deals with this topic and the provisions related to it.

Punishment In Islamic Law

This research deals with the topic of punishment, its types (eschatological and secular), its origins and characteristics, and the objections to these punishments by some, and the response to these objections.


Published on: 2015-02-19 (7816 Reads)

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