الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Books

Al-Wajeez Of The Fundamentals Of Jurisprudence

(Alwajiz Fi 'Usul Alfaqih)

A book written by the Sheikh in the year 1380 AH - 1962 AD and located in (434) pages, and it is the second book in the chronology of the books written by the Sheikh, and it is considered one of the main courses in many legal and Sharia Universities around the world. This book has been translated into Turkish, Persian, Kurdish and Indonesian.

The sheikh says about this book while presenting it in its sixth edition:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master Muhammad and upon his family and companions, and after

The jurists of Islamic law, may Allah Almighty have mercy on them, have established for us a knowledge of great stature, of great interest, unparalleled by the nations of the earth as a whole, neither in the ancient nor in the modern era, that is the science of the principles of jurisprudence. The purpose of setting it up, building its edifice and clarifying its features, aspects and meanings was to serve Islam by understanding the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger ﷺ and to derive judgments from their texts from respected sources in light of the rules and meanings of this science, the science of the origins of jurisprudence. Years ago, I wrote memoirs on this. Great science for fourth-grade students at the Faculty of Law, University of Baghdad. It was collected in a book named (Al-Wajeez Fi Usul Al-Fiqh) In its previous editions, what I saw was useful in revision and refinement by adding, reducing, modifying, and representing .. This is the same as the case of man in what he writes. And Allah alone is unique in absolute perfection, but most people do not know Among the extensions that I saw added in its previous editions, some examples of positive laws are the rules of jurisprudence rules related to the interpretation of texts, because these fundamental rules are scales for understanding the Arabic phrase and the correctness of its interpretation and knowing what is meant by it, and as long as the law is written in the Arabic language, it is, necessarily, subject to His interpretation of these rules, as we will  mention later.

Finally, I hope that in this simple and humble work, in its sixth edition, it has made it easier for our dear students to understand what is badly needed in researching this science, and Allah I ask to help me and them to serve the Sharia and to elevate his word that he will hear the prayer and respond.

Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan

Baghdad on 9 Shawwal 1396 AH / 22 October 1976 AD

Research Methodology

The topics of the science of origins: they are the legal ruling, its evidence, methods of deducing it, and the deduction itself, i.e. the mujtahids in terms of the conditions of eligibility for ijtihad.

Based on this, we will divide the research of this book as follows:

The First Chapter: In The Matters Of Judgment.

Chapter Two: In Evidence for Rulings.

Chapter Three: Methods of deducing judgments, its rules, and all of the rules of weighting, transcription (Naskh), and abrogated (Mansukh).

Chapter Four: Ijtihad and its conditions, mujtahid, Tradition and its meaning.


Published on: 2015-02-19 (21541 Reads)

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