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Literature --> Books

Detailed In The Provisions Of Women And The Muslim Home In Islamic Law

Almufassal Fi 'Ahkam Almar'at Walbayt Almuslim Fi Alshsharieat Al'islamia

Encyclopedia of beginning the sheikh authoring it in 1979 AD and finished writing it in mid-1991 AD, the book is located with (5780) pages distributed over twelve Volumes in which he combined the two, the Muslim woman from her birth until her death, and the Muslim house from the time of its inception as a Muslim family and as a place where they live This family.

This book won the King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies in 1417 AH - 1997AD, and it was published in many editions, noting that some editions have added a group of contemporary jurisprudential studies to the book and made its title (The whole of Islamic jurisprudence - detailed in the provisions of women and the Muslim home in Islamic law), Some publishing houses have published sections of this encyclopedia in the form of a separate book, such as (The Book of Rights and Duties of Women in Islam, the Book of Dress and Adornment in Islam, the Book of Zakat and Its Rulings in Islam, the Book of Preparation, and the Book of Prayer in Islam).

The book was translated into Turkish (15 Volumes) and into Malay.

The Sheikh, may Allah have mercy on him, says about this book:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions, and after.

The greatest concern of mankind of social issues in the old, past and present, and what will occupy them in the coming future, as I believe, is the issue of women. People have been confused in dealing with it and they did not seek the right thing because their treatment was independent of Allah’s guidance and righteous law, so it came distorted by the whims of the soul and the limitations of the mind that It would be incapable of comprehending the realities of matters, and the woman was the victim in these treatments, and what is new in the case of women in the modern era is that it was presented and is still presented in a new way bearing the slogan of defending the rights of the disputed woman and restoring her stolen freedom and the necessity of her equality with men in everything and in what he enjoys from Freedom of going and coming, work and behavior, and the necessity for her to leave the home prison and its restrictions, and the heralds - in this new presentation of the issue of women under this new slogan - were people who responded to the love of immorality, theft of symptoms and the indecent assault, and they care in deception, deception, and stirring up instincts and desires. Cunning until the matter ended in western countries toThe disintegration of the family, the prevalence of immorality and the proliferation of foundlings, until they became numbered in tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands in some countries of these countries, and diseases and diseases appeared in them that were not in their ancestors until some of their writers were uprooted from this fate and they warned their people of the bad consequences if the matter continued as it is from this Badness and warning, but the people have become familiar with vice and have reached the bottom and have no strength or determination to rise from the tooth swamp in which they have fallen.

This is what happened in the countries of the West, but in Muslim countries, the matter, even if it did not reach what it arrived, is only in the countries of the West, except that what happened there began its first evils are here in Muslim countries and that the victims of Muslim women are many, and the Muslim home has begun to weaken and crack and threaten to fall All of this makes us not exaggerating if we say and say that the danger creeps on us very quickly and increases its danger that the wave of corruption, misleading and deceit of the poor woman is getting more fierce, violent and insistent because the people who are responsible for this violent wave and those who drive it are people who have given great pain in audacity to religion with excellent skill in propaganda And misinformation and systematic and accurate exploitation of the means of print, audio and video propaganda that helped them and helped them in their ungrateful pursuit, the negligence of Muslims, the weakness of Islamic awareness among men and women alike, the lack of jealousy over the sanctities and the love of imitation of what is happening in the countries of the West. Muslim countries and it is about to happen all in a country Muslims, if Muslims realized that the issue of women was dealt with by Islam decisively in all its aspects and that its treatment is the only correct remedy because it was made by Allah, the Creator of women, in a way that is suitable for her: 

(أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ)

(Only he knows to create a gentle expert).

But despite what happened to the Muslim woman and the Muslim home, treatment is still possible, Allah Almighty willing, but on the condition that it is serious, initiated and persevered with it Because time is running quickly and does not await us, and one of the means of treatment is spreading Islamic awareness among Muslims and one of its ways is to introduce Muslim women and the general population of the rulings of Muslim women And the Muslim house in the Sharia of Islam, and one of the ways to introduce them to it is to write books that set out these rulings, and for that I wrote this book, it is not much for a Muslim woman to write or write for her a book bearing her name and be a reference for her to learn about her religion and what is related to her. The Muslim House is to add its rulings to the rulings of the Muslim woman and associate his name with her name, so I make the two a title for this book, especially since the statement of the rulings of the other and for this the title of the book came combining the two between the two Muslim women from her birth to the time of her death, and the Muslim house from the time of its inception as a Muslim family and as a place where these inhabitants the family.

The Purpose Of Writing This Book

The purpose of writing this book, and I have referred to it by definition, A Muslim woman is concerned with the rulings of her religion, especially those related to her and what is obligatory for her as a Muslim. If she knows that, she is required to do what she knows because knowledge is intended to act upon it, and if it is in advance of it, Almighty said:

(فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لِذَنبِكَ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ)

(So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women), By virtue of the rulings of Islam and following them, she is obliged to call to what she knew, meaning the call to Islam. The Almighty said:

(قُلْ هَٰذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ عَلَىٰ بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي)

(Say, This is my path. I pray to Allah with insight on me and whoever follows me), and this is how a Muslim woman will be good in herself from the interest of every Muslim and this is the best interest of her. Writing this book and another purpose of its writing is to familiarize Muslims in general with the rulings of the Muslim family and how to form it on the basis of Islam and what should be the house in which it lives in terms of its construction, its assets, and what is related to it. Islam wants it as a place that this Muslim family lives in according to the teachings of Islam.

Research Methodology And Its Controls

The research method that you committed to researching the topics of this book is summarized by the guidelines that I outlined as follows:

First  - The issues pertaining to women, such as her dress and adornment, what is permissible for her to show from her body and adornment and what is not permissible, and the topics that are frequently debated, such as her mixing with others and her work outside the home and the extent to which she enjoys political rights and so on. From texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah and other sources of rulings on these topics.

Second  - In the topics in which the general provisions of the woman share with the man, but the woman is concerned with provisions in some of its parts, I have not only mentioned these parts and mention their own provisions, but rather a brief but sufficient search for the origin of the topic, then I highlighted the provisions specific to women in some parts of the topic This approach is evident in the subjects of worship such as prayer, alms-zakat, fasting, pilgrimage, and others such as crime, punishment and jihad.

This approach is useful for women because it gives them general jurisprudential material on these topics and because understanding these parts in which some rulings are concerned requires understanding the origin of the topic and knowledge of its general provisions. Also, this approach to discussing these topics is useful for the Muslim home because these topics relate to either what is obligatory on its members such as acts of worship. And jihad, and it is either related to their rights and duties in the abode of Islam, or it is related to what might happen to them or to them, so they need a good knowledge of its rulings such as crimes and penalties.

Third  - There are topics that share some of its parts, but a Muslim woman’s knowledge of her and her rulings is very beneficial to her because we want her to be an advocate of Islam, and a preacher to Islam needs to know the rule of Sharia in her. I chose from these topics faith, vows, sacrifice, hunting, slaughter and other things that are mentioned in the book, as well as A peaceful home needs to know these topics and their rulings because actions of its members relating to these subjects and their provisions apply to them.

Fourth  - Then I detailed the statement regarding the Muslim house since its formation through legal marriage and explained its rulings and the rulings of the members of this house regarding themselves, and about their relations with them from their birth until their death, and this is in addition to what I mentioned about the prohibition and permissibility of how the house is built and the furniture placed in it And supplies and others, and in the relationship of the woman with him, and in the relationship of the house with its neighbors.

Fifthly  - I have committed myself in discussing all the topics of the book to be behind the Islamic Sharia. I hear from it, listen to it and understand what it wants. I do not precede it by saying or say it unless it says it and I do not carry it with what it cannot bear, and I do not obey it to what the soul desires or the people desire because I believe that writing in Islamic law is a religion to which the Muslim is held accountable, and telling about the law of Allah requires honesty and honesty, and it is not permissible to alter and distort. This is why I was keen in my research like chemical in his laboratory as he examines the material in his hands: all his concern is to know the properties and characteristics of this substance as it is, not as he or she desires. He loves people.

Sixth  - It was mentioned in the impact of the issues discussed by the sayings of the jurists and their evidence that I stood on because the sayings of the jurists, with the exception of those based on us based on the definitive texts of Sharia law, the proof and the significance - are rightly considered one of the aspects of the interpretation of the legal texts and of the aspects of deducing the judgments from their considered legitimate evidence, and therefore they enter into a circle Acceptable reasonable diligence which is permissible to invoke and it is permissible to weigh in when disagreement, and for this reason I have preferred what appeared to me to be the most correct, and if it did not appear to me his preponderance was silent and mentioned the words and narrated the disagreement if the weighting is not permissible without evidence or proof.

Seventh  - Among the issues that I discussed are new issues that I did not stand on with an explicit statement about them from our old jurists, may Allah Almighty have mercy on them, such as the right of women in elections and their choice for membership in the National Assembly.

What I mentioned is my methodology and my controls in the research, and if I succeeded in it to the right, then this is what I wanted, and it is pure grace of Allah to me, and if I made a mistake, I thought that I was keen not to make a mistake, and I hope - in any case - that I will not miss the reward, as our master and our Messenger said Muhammad  : (If a judge issues a ruling, having tried his best to decide correctly, and his ruling is right, he will have a double reward, but if he issues a ruling, having tried his best to decide correctly, and his ruling is wrong, he will have a single reward).

Organizing Book Research And Topics:

The encyclopedia is located in Eleven Volumes, and it has made the book’s research and its topics into books, and has divided the book into chapters, the chapter into chapters, the chapter into investigations, the research into demands, the demand into branches, and all of that in concatenated paragraphs, and with this division and organization, I have tried to collect diaspora and parts Every topic I dealt with with research and to facilitate and facilitate the reader in reading the chapters and topics of this book without distraction or stumbling, and I hope that you have succeeded in that to what I want, and praise be to Allah.

Definition of the book's topics

In the following, I will mention a very brief summary of the divisions of the book that include the titles of its topics, and more precisely, some of its topics, not all of its topics:

Volume One

The First Book: Worship

Chapter One: The Prayer

On prayer and what is related to it - true purity and judgmental purity, and what is related to them, Sunnahs or characteristics of the fitrah, ablution and what is related to it, washing and what is related to it, tayammum, wiping over the cast, the khuffs and socks, the consequences of the ruling purity and losing it from the provisions of prayer Imposed and voluntary prayer .... etc.

Chapter Two: Zakat

On whom zakat is due, money on which zakat is due, how to spend zakat, zakat al-fitr.

Volume Two

Complement worship, faith and vows

Chapter Three: Fasting

Imposed fasting and what is required for it, voluntary fasting days for which fasting is forbidden, the prohibition of fasting due to its association with what is forbidden.

Chapter IV: Hajj

The virtues of Hajj and its rule and wisdom, the conditions for the obligation of Hajj, the elements of Hajj and the duties of the Hajj, the conditions for the validity of performing the Hajj, the corruption of Hajj and its ruling if it is corrupted, the Hajj is missed, the pilgrimage of the young and the Hajj on their behalf, the Umrah, how to perform the Umrah.

Book Two - Faith and Vows

Part I: Faith

Legitimacy of oaths, swearing, swearing by, swearing by Allah and not by others, swearing by forbidden and divorce, among the formulas of swearing by divorce, the sworn and his designation, the rules for assigning the sworn, the form of the oath (oath) raised the oath or the ruling of the oath, the oath that is sealed and unconstructed, the oath Yemen dips.

Part Two: Vows

The legality of the vow, the conditions of the vow, the types of the vow, the rule of each type, the one who dies and is vowed.

The third book: sacrificial animals

Evidence of its legality, the conditions of the sacrifice, the sacrifice, the sacrifice and its time.

Volume Three

The Fourth book: Prohibition and Permissibility, and it has nine chapters.

Chapter One: On hunting and sacrifice, the meaning of hunting, its tools, its tools, and what is required of it. Slaughtering: its meaning, conditions, types, optional and obligatory slaughter, and what is related to each type.

Chapter Two: In foods and drinks, what is permissible from them and what is prohibited, nuts and drugs, tobacco, what permits food and drink prohibitions when necessary, eating and drinking and what is related to them.

Chapter Three: Treatment and Treatments, Legality of Diet, Treatment and Types of Medicines, Promotion and Legality, Abortion for Women for Treatment.

Chapter Four: Looking, touching and talking between women and men, and what is permitted from that and what is forbidden.

Chapter Five: Dress and adornment, what is required in a woman’s clothing is the type of adornment that is permissible for her, the ruling on jewelery, pigmentation and perfume, hair and what is related to it, branding and scaring, adornment and cosmetic operations at the present time.

Chapter Six: Tabarruj (finery): The concept of tabarruj and its ruling, mixing between women and men, and the ruling on this mixing.

Chapter Seven: I talked about houses and what is related to them and the legal ruling in all that, so I talked about building the house and its furniture and what might be placed in it, including statues, pictures, inscriptions and utensils. I also talked about permission to enter homes, eating and drinking in the homes of others, about a woman’s relationship with the house, and about relationships The neighbors are among themselves.

Volume Four

Chapter Eight: I talked about entertainment and play, so I explained what is meant by entertainment and the ruling on singing and its instruments, and play and its types, and what is permissible and prohibited from all of that.

Chapter Nine: Self defense and of honor and property.

The Fifth book: Rights and duties

It has made this book in Three Chapters as follows:

Chapter One: On Rights and Duties: their definition, their general principles in terms of their source, how they are used, some progress over each other, their diversity, and women's equality with men, except for exceptions.

Chapter Two: On the rights of women, as they are from the people of Dar al-Islam, so they clarify their general rights: personal freedom, the inviolability of the home, freedom of opinion and belief, freedom of education and learning, freedom of work and the right of women to social security.

She spoke about her special rights and her political rights: the right to hold jobs, the right to run, and the right to vote.

Chapter Three: In the duties of a woman as one of the people of the House of Islam, then she explained her first duty, which is to listen and obey the ruler, and her second duty, which is to command good and divine, and her third duty, which is jihad for the sake of Allah, by fighting, with money and with the tongue.

Volume Five

Book VI: Crimes and Penalties.

And I made it into Five Chapter as follows:

Chapter One: Crime Basis, Punishment Basis, and General Principles.

Chapter Two: Hodd crimes: Adultery, defamation, drinking alcohol, theft, warfare, prostitution, prostitution, apostasy.

Chapter Three: Self-assault crimes , intentional homicide and its punishment, semi-intentional killing and its punishment, wrongful killing and what is required of it, killing the fetus, i.e. the crime of aborting the fetus by assaulting its mother and what is required of it.

Chapter Four: Crimes of assault on something below oneself and the punishment, blood money, or indictment that is required of it.

Chapter Five: Discrimination crimes and what is required of them.

Volume Six

Book Seven: The Muslim House (Rulings on Family and All Relatives)

Chapter One: On marriage and its effects, the ruling and wisdom of marriage, choosing a wife, choosing a husband, engagement, the elements of the marriage contract and its conditions, forbidden women, competence in marriage, guardianship and agency in marriage.

Volume Seven

Marriage between Muslims and others, the marriage of non-Muslims among them, is a wisdom if one of the two spouses becomes Muslim, the effects of a correct marriage contract of dowry, alimony, rights and duties between the spouses, the effect of the correct marriage contract, proof of the marriage contract.

Chapter Two: Methods of marriage, divorce, divorce, devotion, appearing, curse, separation for discord, separation for harm, separation for lack of spending, separation for unfairness or insolvency in the dowry, separation due to the father of Islam or due to the apostasy of one of the spouses, separation for not fulfilling the condition.

Volume Eight

The continuation of Book Seven - The Muslim House - Family Rulings and All Relatives

Volume Nine

The continuation of Book Seven (Chapter Two) - The Muslim House - Family Rulings and All Relatives

Chapter Three: In the waiting period, its meaning , its types, the waiting period, the waiting period in a valid marriage, the waiting period in the corrupt marriage, the waiting period on suspicion and the adultery, the waiting period by reading, the waiting period in months and the pregnancy, the beginning and the end of the waiting period, the transformation and overlapping of the waiting period, the provisions of the waiting period and the waiting period.

Chapter Four: Rulings on children and other relatives the good news of the newborn and what is made for him, the pedigree of the newborn in various cases, proof of birth, pedigree of the child through artificial insemination, methods of establishing lineage, foundling proportions and its general provisions, adoption and non-proof of lineage, the religion of the young: children of Muslims, and children who are not Muslims. Religion of the children of non-Muslims if one of the parents became Muslim, the religion of foundlings, breastfeeding, the infant and the nursing woman, and the breastfeeding woman has custody and who has the right to it and its general provisions joining children to their guardians after the expiration of the custody period, raising children and how they are treated alimony for children and relatives.

Volume Ten

Book Eight Book: Financial Actions

The Ninth book: The sick and the dead

Section One: A general provisions for patients, patient behavior disease death: donations completed, passed, his marriage, divorce, Mkhalath, and his commandments, and stopped.

Section Two: Rulings for the dead, general provisions for the dead, the condition of the dying person, what is desirable and disliked for the dead until his death, how to wash the dead, shroud him, carry him, pray for him and bury him, cry over him, console the deceased’s family and what they do and what he does for them, the ruling on visiting graves, what the deceased benefits after his death, The legacy of the deceased and the rights related to it, the meaning of the legacy and the rights related to it: the right to supply, debts, wills, inheritance, reasons for inheritance and its conditions and impediments, types of heirs and their legitimate shares, how to solve inheritance issues after introducing dependency, restitution, withholding, deprivation, and others.

Volume Eleventh

Conclusion, and in the definition of the Prophet pairs    and his children and his family, and the same    in his home.

Finally, I hope and hope that I have contributed with this book to those working in the service of Islamic law, spreading its concepts and clarifying its rulings

(يَوْمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ وَلَا بَنُونَ * إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ)

(The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children * But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart), May Allah's blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions, and our last prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan


Published on: 2015-02-19 (16378 Reads)

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