الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Books

The Beneficiary From The Stories Of The Qur’an For Preaching And Advocates

(Almustfad Min Qasas Alquran Lildaewat Walduea)

This book authorship by Sheikh in the year 1416 AH - 1996 AD and is located in two volumes (1216) pages. It is considered one of the necessary supplies for the da'i, which the sheikh recommended to the preachers to read with my books, “Usul al-Da’wah,” and “The Divine Sunnahs among Nations, Groups and Individuals .”

The sheikh says about this book:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon our Messenger Muhammad and his family and companions. and After

There are various stories in the Holy Qur’an about the past from the Prophets and the Believers. It also contains stories about the infidels and the corrupt, which we will present in the chapters of this book, Allah Almighty willing.

Quran Stories The Best Stories

And what Allah has told us is the best of stories. The Almighty said:

(نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ أَحْسَنَ الْقَصَصِ)

(We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories) and this deals with all that the story of Allah Almighty in his book. We depict the best cutting for you, as it is said: We speak to you the best of words, and show you the best statement, and according to the second saying the meaning is: We shorten the best of what is cut, meaning the best news that was cut, and it indicates this meaning and it is what the Almighty said in the story of Moses against him. Peace: (When he came and told him the stories) and the saying of the Almighty:

(لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِّأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ)

(We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories), And Sheikh al-Islam said after mentioning the two sayings: The correct view is that (stories) in the Almighty’s saying:

(نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ أَحْسَنَ الْقَصَص)

(We shorten for you the best of stories) is the object of it, even if its origin is a source, but it is mostly used in the object.

Repetition Of The Story In The Qur’an

One story may be repeated in the Qur’an, but in its repetition there are benefits, in each of which there is a benefit that is not present in the other without contradiction in the whole, because when it was revealed for the sake of the lesson, exhortation and influence on the minds and hearts, its methods differed between brevity and exaggeration, and some of the meanings and benefits were mentioned in some Not in others, so that you will not get bored with their pronunciation or their meanings. Moreover, the sayings spoken therein express the meanings and explain the facts, not the translation of the expressions spoken on their behalf by their subjects, for some of those spoken about them are foreigners, and the language of the Arab among them was not the language of the Qur’an in its eloquence and eloquence. The difference in the styles and methods of expression in the stories of the Qur’an and in the Qur’an in general from the same meaning does not differ except for jokes that benefit from their understanding verbal or moral benefit.

And the martyr Sayyid Qutb said in the repetition of the story in the Holy Qur’an: (People think that there is a repetition of Quranic stories, because one story may be repeated in various surahs, but a closer look confirms that no story or episode of a story has been repeated in a single image in terms of destiny. Which is driven, and the method of performance in the context, and that whenever a loop was repeated, there was something new to play that negates the reality of repetition).

Wisdom In The Stories Of The Qur’an

The wisdom of what Allah has told us in His Holy Book appears in many ways, including the following:

First of all,  We spend on what was mentioned in these stories of news, facts, meanings, and patterns of defenses between the people of truth and falsehood, and we consider it, for it is that Allah Almighty narrated to us the news of the prophets and what happened to them and befell their believers in harm for the sake of Allah, then Allah Almighty will support them and make The good consequence for them, and this is a lesson for the believers, Allah Almighty said:

(لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِّأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ)

(We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories).

Secondly  In the stories of the Qur’an an explanation of the Sunnah of Allah in his creation of nations, groups and individuals, and it is Sunnah that occurred on the past and on the later so that the believers would consider them. That is why the Koran stories Koran is not intended by the history of nations listed persons, but little of which places the lesson and words and remembering as he says:

(وَكُلًّا نَّقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ مِنْ أَنبَاءِ الرُّسُلِ مَا نُثَبِّتُ بِهِ فُؤَادَكَ ۚ وَجَاءَكَ فِي هَٰذِهِ الْحَقُّ وَمَوْعِظَةٌ وَذِكْرَىٰ لِلْمُؤْمِنِين)

(And each [story] We relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which We make firm your heart. And there has come to you, in this, the truth and an instruction and a reminder for the believers), and therefore do not remember the facts and incidents in order not investigate.

Third  and in the Koran stories statement curricula prophets in the call to Allah and commitment to them and their patience, and torment them in it, he says, addressing the Prophet Muhammad  And his ummah according to him

(أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ هَدَى اللَّهُ فَبِهُدَاهُمُ اقْتَدِه)

(Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so from their guidance take an example), and imitating their guidance and seeking advice from them is in their methods and methods of calling. not following the example but be pathos by a kiss in the way that pursued in the call to religion and residence. it is evidence of this verse (it may have been you a good example in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: Verily have nothing of you and what you worship without Allah) verse, the Almighty instructed him His faithful servants to support Abraham and those with him, and make them an example for them in their practical life, which was from the guidance of Allah Almighty for them and it is Al-Baraa from the idols of their people and from them as long as they worshiped it).

Fourth  And in the stories of the Qur’an, there are examples of patient believers who are steadfast in the truth and demonstrate their behavior with the infidels, criminals who have opposed them to their belief in Allah and their disbelief in the tyrant, the Almighty said:

(وَمَا نَقَمُوا مِنْهُمْ إِلَّا أَن يُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيد)

(And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy).

Fifthly  In the stories of the Holy Qur’an an explanation of the instincts of man, his mountain and the types of these instincts, and the effect of that on his behavior and actions and on his relationships with others.

Sixthly  In the stories of the Qur’an an explanation of the human condition and tyranny due to money and power. In addition to the other contents of these stories, which took a large part of the Holy Book of Allah.

Seventh  And in the Qur’an stories, scientific facts related to this universe, including its human, animal, plant, earth, stars and sky, which were only known in our modern age, and their knowledge is an increase in knowledge and a strengthening of the meanings of faith that Islam brought.

In The Stories Of The Qur’an There Are Benefits For The Call And Preachers

And all that we have mentioned about the aspects of wisdom in the stories of the Qur’an benefit the da'wah and the preachers, and from this call that it is not permissible for the preachers to forget it is to introduce them to the approaches of the preachers from among the Prophets and their followers in calling to Allah, and to explain the harm that befell them for the sake of Allah and what the infidels met them, so that it is known that what happened to the believers The previous ones who call to Allah also afflict the later believing preachers, and thus the Sunnah of Allah took place in the first as well as in the later ones, but the consequence was and is always for the righteous. The Almighty said: ( وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ) (And the [best] outcome is for the righteous) and in the Qur’an stories we have referred to an explanation of the instincts, inclinations and desires of the human soul.These are very important matters that the preachers benefit from in their advocacy methods, and how they deal with the conditions of the people they call and the conditions of their followers who are supporters and supporters, and it is not permissible for preachers to neglect these matters related to the human soul, and because in their calling they deal with human beings.

And calling people, and placing them on the right path after ridding them of obstacles, and convincing them of the meaning of the call, all of this requires a broad, deep and correct jurisprudence on the human soul, its nature and what it is conceived, and this can be known and the preachers know about it by looking at what Allah told us of the stories of the past believers and immoral And the tramp and the Sultan. What increases the importance of this benefit is that the human soul and what it has been conceived with, its nature, the origins of its instincts and its qualities do not change. It suffices to refer here to the story of the two sons of Adam and how envy led one of the two brothers to kill his brother, and this trait - the quality of envy - is still implanted in the souls of the children of Adam until now.

The Purpose Of Writing The Book

And if the stories of the Qur’an have the benefits that you have mentioned, then I wrote this book to reveal, with the help of Allah his success, some of what can be learned from these stories for the da'wah and preachers, because Allah Almighty does not tell stories in writing the dear except for exhortation, consideration, and benefit. Preachers to Allah?

Research Methodology And Division Of Its Topics

In researching the stories of the Qur’an, I followed the collection of verses in several surahs regarding a single story whenever that combination was necessary. Then I presented a summary of this story through the interpretation of these verses, and then showed what could be learned from the story for the da'wah and preachers in light of what the commentators mentioned in the interpretation These verses and in light of what is revealed to me of the meanings of the story and its goals after contemplating it. And I made the book in (Two chapters) the first in the stories of the Qur’an about the past from the Messengers of Allah and others before the mission of our Prophet Muhammad and with his honorable companions and the hypocrites who were in the Islamic community in the era of the Prophet   In addition, I divided each of these two chapters into chapters, and divided the chapter into topics, the research into demands, and the demand into branches as much as the separation of these divisions needs, and I made each chapter a story, and I began with the stories of the prophets, because the stories of the prophets as the martyr Sayyid Qutb says: represents a procession Faith is on its long and extended path, and it presents the story of the call to Allah and the response of humanity to it generation after generation, as well as the nature of faith in the souls of this excellent elite of people and the nature of their perception of the relationship between them and their Lord who assigned them this great merit, then presented after the stories of the prophets the stories of their followers from The believers, then the stories of other individuals whom Allah told us their news about, because of the lesson in their stories, and this is all the content of the first chapter of the book. Then I followed that by mentioning what Allah had told us about our master Muhammad   His long and justified jihad, and within that what Allah told us about the news of the hypocrites who used to live in that pure Islamic society, and all this is the content of the first chapter of the book. Then I followed that by mentioning what Allah had told us about our master Muhammad and his long and justified jihad, and about the news of the hypocrites who lived in that pure Islamic society, and all this is the content of Chapter Two of this book. But delayed the mention with regard to our Prophet Muhammad   from the Koran stories and made him the second subject of the door, because it   Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, and his law are the remaining window to the Day of Judgment.

Hope And Please

I hope that I have succeeded - with the help of Allah - to the right thing in what I researched, demonstrated, and extracted from the benefits of the stories of the Qur’an for the call and preachers. My brothers who call to Allah and most of the Muslims who recite, may Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family and companions, and peace and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan

Sana'a on Ramadan 23, 1416 AH Corresponding to 12 February 1996 AD


Published on: 2015-02-19 (14478 Reads)

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