الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Ruling On Using Qur’anic Verses Inappropriately In Newspaper Articles


One of the newspapers published in an article that reads: (Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the whites... Did He not make their plots to undermine them, and He sent upon them the hawks of monotheism, and the staunch leopards, and made them in exile, scattered and scattered), what do you say about such words ?


Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, our master Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions. As for what follows:

This speech that is responsible for its ruling in the Sharia is revealed in the circle of  imitation of the Qur’an in something other than what was revealed in it , and it is greater and greater than being revealed in this house in which it is insulting and distortion in it, and whoever does that is punished by a disciplinary punishment that deters him and deters his likes by which the judge rules in a lawsuit filed mechanism.

The jurists - may God Almighty have mercy on them- have stated that it is not permissible to use Qur’anic verses and to download them in cases in which they were not revealed, such as the saying of the one who is addressing someone who is coming to him (Then you came according to destiny, O Moses), and they considered this as an denial of the saying that it is not permissible to use it or apply it in anything other than what was revealed in it. The Quran.

This is other than citing the Qur’anic verses that came down against the wrongdoers, unbelievers or apostates.

As for the speech responsible for it, it falls under the section of distorting the verses of the Qur’an by replacing some of its words with others. This is what appears to us, and God knows best.

On this occasion We remind the owners of newspapers and those who write in them to weigh their words with the scale of Sharia, so that they write only the truth and the truth, and to know that they are held accountable for what they say, and perhaps a word that plunges its owner into the fire of Hell for seventy autumns, as the honorable hadith came, and to always be far away from what causes them to fall into a circle of distortion. Quran or mocking it without realizing it.

I say this, because the religion is sincerity as it came in the honorable hadith of the Prophet, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and all his family and companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan

Date: 11/2/1431 AH  Corresponding to 27/1/2010 AD


Published on: 2015-02-16 (5308 Reads)

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