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Archive --> Selected Fatwas

Fatwa Regarding Continuing To Participate In The Iraqi Governing Council

A few months after the occupation of Iraq, the Governing Council was formed on 12 Jumada al-Awwal 1424 AH corresponding to July 12, 2003 AD... Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan issued a fatwa that it is not permissible to join this council.

In view of the issuance of some abnormal fatwas regarding the permissibility of participation and the reliance of some on it, the Sheikh was asked again about the legal ruling on continuing this participation in this assembly. Below is the text of the fatwa related to the legal ruling to continue this participation.

Question What is your eminence’s response to someone who issued a fatwa permitting them to join the Iraqi Governing Council and to continue participating in it?

Answer Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and all his family and companions, and after

First : When the infidel occupies an Islamic country, the only duty is to seriously strive to resist him and expel him.

Second: When the occupying infidel is able to control the Muslim country and the Muslims are unable to resist it, then in this case it is possible to consider what can be done and accept it by making peace with him or being content with what he offers, as if he appointed some Muslims in some public office such as the judiciary, for example, and the jurists have stated that it is permissible to accept the appointment Jurisdiction of the judiciary is from the occupier infidel, but they stipulated for this acceptance that it enables him to rule according to Islamic law. It was with complete authority on the part of Joseph, peace be upon him, in what he delegated, and it was mentioned in the Qur’an ( وَكَذَٰلِكَ مَكَّنَّا لِيُوسُفَ فِي الْأَرْضِ ) (and thus We empowered Joseph on earth).

Third: Participation with the occupying infidel in the states he presents to him in some affairs of the country is not permissible unless in accepting them there is a preponderant interest that can be achieved, or likely to happen, or it is likely to ward off corruption on behalf of the Muslims. This rule is that participation in the membership of the Governing Council, whose members the occupying infidel has appointed, does not achieve the preponderant interest or ward off corruption. The lack of interest or the prevention of corruption has been achieved in this participation. Rather, the corruption has been realized represented in the loss of confidence of Muslims in the leaders of the Islamic work and the Islamic party, and this is a very great corruption. And no tangible interest was achieved from this participation. Rather, it achieved what the occupying infidel wanted, or what the other members, who were heretics, Shiites, secularists and Kurds, by virtue of their being the majority, were not affected by the objections of the Islamic elements in the council, which has no more than to express its opinion or make suggestions if it was. He has the courage to express his opinion in a clear and clear way, and this is what we did not feel, although this amount of opinion that a member of the Governing Council has can be said and declared by individual people in Iraq, as well as Their parties, whether it is expressing this opinion in newspapers whose number exceeds one hundred newspapers or on the pulpits, and this method may be more beneficial than what a Muslim member of the Governing Council does in expressing his opinion or presenting his proposal without being heard by the masses of the people.

Fourth: Accordingly, the lack of interest and the prevention of corruption deprives the Muslim’s participation in the membership of this council from any legitimacy, so withdrawing from this membership is the most likely if it is not the duty, in order to preserve the confidence of the people in those working for Islam and until the Governing Council remains in its true form of secular, Shiite and Kurdish nationalism without That mixed papers in the eyes of people.

And may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions all, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Dr.. Abdul Karim Zidan


Published on: 2015-02-16 (5948 Reads)

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