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About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh

Dissertation Title:  Contemporary issues from the book Al-Mofassal by Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan "may God have mercy on him" - a comparative jurisprudential study

Specialization:  Fundamentals Of Jurisprudence

University, College And Department: Republic Of Iraq / University Of Tikrit / College Of Islamic Sciences / Department Of Jurisprudence And Its Foundations

Study Level:  PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)

Researcher Name: Abdul Jabbar Adri Muhammad Shalash

The Supervisor Of The Dissertation:  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin Khalaf

Date Of Discussion Of The Dissertation:  Shawwal 25, 1441 AH, Corresponding to 16/6/2020 AD

Members Of The Discussion And Judgment Committee:

   Prof. Dr. Muzahim Mahdi Ibrahim (Chairman Of The Committee)

   Prof. Dr. Hatem Ahmed Abbas (Member)

   Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yaqoub Dawdah (Member)

   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Qusai Saeed Ahmed (Member)

   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Othman Khudair Mezaal (Member)

   Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin Khalaf (Member and Supervisor)

* The Dissertation Consists Of An Introduction, Twelve Chapters, And A Conclusion.


Published on: 2020-06-22 (3470 Reads)

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