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About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh

Thesis Title: Efforts Of Dr. Abdelkrim Zidan In The Policy Of Legitimacy

University, College And Department: Republic Of Yemen/ Andalusia University For Science And Technology/ College Of Arts And Humanities/ Department Of Islamic Studies

Study Level: Master's Degree

Specialization:  Legal Policy

Researcher Name: Nashwan Ali Abdullah Al-Halayani

The Supervisor Of The Thesis:  Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Maqbool Al-Ahdal

Date Of Discussion Of The Dissertation: 1440 AH / 2019 AD

Members Of The Discussion And Judgment Committee:

   Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Maqbool Al-Ahdal (Chairman Of The Committee)

   Prof. Dr. Abdo Muhammad Yusuf Ali (Member)

   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muti Bin Muhammad Shabala (Member)


Praise be to Allah, no one deserved to be thanked but him. Glory be to Allah, the Most Merciful. Blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his relatives all And who walked on their heads and followed them to the Day of Judgment, and then either:

Each fruit, as it is said has nucleus (core), the core of this research or thesis is this abstract, which crystallized many of the objectives, through the topics within the thesis, which the researcher wanted to achieve, the most important of which are to collect and onclude the efforts of Doctor Abdul Karim Zeidan political efforts scattered in the folds of his books he wrote.

Emphasis on the breadth of flexibility of Islamic Shari'a, in the side of the Sharia provisions, which deal with various aspects of life, through the provisions of Shariah policy.

This thesis contains an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion and recommendations.

The introduction includes the motive behind choosing this topic and its importance, its objectives, the methodology of research, previous studies, and then the research proposal. In the first chapter, I have mentioned a translation of the life of Dr. Abdul Karim Zeidan, and in his personal life and age. The second chapter deals with the subject of the legal policy, the definition of the legal policy in the old and modern ages, and the statement of the concept of Shariah policy by Dr. Abdul-Karim Zaidan and comparing it with the concept of the mentioned people, and then the relationship between the legitimate policy and other sciences, The third chapter deals with the efforts of Dr. Abd al-Karim Zaidan in the Islamic Shariah and the positivist laws. Hence, the researcher has mentioned the relationship between this effort and the legitimate policy, through the characteristics of the Islamic law and its comprehension that deals with the provisions of the Shariah policy, some of which deals with the changing and emerging issues, and the events occurring in accordance with the times and their evolution, as well as their union in the sources. The fourth chapter explains Dr. Abdul-Zaydan's efforts in the systems of Islam, "the moral system, the social system, the system of Fatwa’a, the system Judaism, the governmental and economical system, and the system of crime”, as well as the relationship of these systems with legitimate policy. Finally, the fifth chapter addresses the efforts of Dr. Abdul Karim Zeidan in some contemporary issues such as: "the issue of women, the issue of the Almostameneen (the people who enter a country and feel safe) and Themeyeen (the people of The Christain and Jewish religious), and their political right in the House of Islam, the issue of democracy and the participation of Muslims in the elections", as well as the relationship of such issues to the legitimate policy. The chapter and the thesis have been concluded by the of efforts of Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan in the renewal of Islamic thought, and its relationship to legitimate policy. Some of the most important results are mentioned below:

1) The abundance of the author's knowledge (Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan), that he has dealt with many aspects of religion, such as doctrine, and the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the judiciary, the side of the Koran and its sciences, and many others.

2) The author's interest in Islamic law, most of his books deal with the Islamic Sharri’ah side, comparing it with other laws, and the statement of its laws, and its laws and the provisions of the legitimate policy, which he called the flexible side; to accept change and adapt to changes in time and place.

3) The author often refers to the importance of returning to the provisions of sharia in this era, which was overshadowed by the positive judgments on the provisions of Shariah and Islamic Sharia.

4) The author's defense of religion through discussion of the suspicions raised about its provisions and its adoption in the discussion and response to the Koran and Sunnah, and then dialogue in the language of reason.

5) The author did not spare any effort in clarifying the legal rulings, clarifying them, making them clear, and purifying them of the suspicions and allegations.

6) The author's interest in the ethical aspect of all life issues, which is called for by Islamic law, is in the education of the individual, the family, the society and the state, the degree of perfection for the provisions of Islamic law, and his response to those who leave the government and the state.

7) Taking care of the author, the issue of women and their rights, and the statement of the legitimate ruling in its part, and to indicate its importance as an individual in the community and the fact that it is the building blocks and foundations, as well as through the destruction of societies.

8) Attempts of the author in the renewal of some issues, such as the issue of women, the system, the system of government, the judiciary, and the statement of the method of renewal, and correct methods and sound, and clarify the importance of renewal at the present time.


Published on: 2020-05-26 (3267 Reads)

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