الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh

The Preferences Of The Imperative Statements By Prof. Dr. Abdel Karim Zidan "May Allah Have Mercy On Him" In His Book (Al-Wajeez Fi Usul Al-Fiqh)

Written by:

Ass. Prof Dr. Akram U Freh

Ms. Researcher Maysara A Abdul-Jabar

A Refereed Research Published In The "Anbar University Journal Of Islamic Sciences", Which Is A Quarterly Scholarly Journal Issued By The Anbar University Of Islamic Sciences In Iraq. It Began To Be Published In Rabi` Al-Awal 1430 AH Corresponding To March 2009 AD.

The Research Was Written By: Assistant Professor Dr. Akram Obaid Freih And Researcher In Postgraduate Studies / Maysara Abbas Abdul-Jabbar, And Published In Journal No. 34 / Volume Nine, Issued In 2018 AD.


We have to rest after the effort, and we have done what is commendable, if it is good to be favored by Allah and Ihsan, if not otherwise resort to Allah of the devil's instincts, it is not infallible except by his grace, And no peasant except to accept it, which is desired and trust.

These are our most important findings:

1) His name is' Abd al-Karim Zaidan Baij Al-'Awda Al- Jassim Al-Ahmad, Al-Kahli, Al-Muhammadi Al-Ani, was born in the town of Ana in 1921. He is married and has three children. He died 26/ 1/2014 AD in the Yemeni capital Sana'a and the transfer of his body to Baghdad according to his will to bury him and buried in the cemetery Karkh on 29/1/2014A AD.

2) The researchers found that the significance of the order after the prohibition indicates the lifting of the previous ban, and according to the case of the act to what was before the ban, if it was permissible for permission or otherwise, this is less acceptable, as Dr. (may Allah have mercy on him).

3) The researchers suggest that it is not a sign of repetition but rather of the Absolute. Thus, the absolute command indicates a mere request for the rhythm of the ordered action, or it is sufficient to comply with its rhythm once, unless accompanied by evidence of the will to repeat. Dr. (may Allah have mercy on him) favored him.

4) The research proved that it is useful to lax, because the wording of the order does not indicate only the demand in future time in any part of it, but the immediate they get out of the cornea, such as saying water water, it is customary to judge that the request for watering is only when needed and event Thirst is a matter of immediacy in this case for the cornea, which is what Dr. (may Allah have mercy on him) suggested.


Published on: 2018-12-28 (5461 Reads)

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