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The Legal Ruling On The Teaching Of Female Students By Men And Teaching Students By Broadcasting


What is the ruling on teaching female students by broadcasting ?


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the servant of Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad, and his family and companions, as for what follows:

First The referendum deals with several related points.

Is it permissible for female students to be taught by men ?

The answer: On this point we can benefit from what was mentioned in the honorable Sunnah. It came in Sahih Al-Bukhari on the authority of Abu Saad Al-Khudri: (A woman came to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, men have taken the biggest share of your company. So, kindly allocate a day to us to come to you so you would teach us from what Allah has taught you." He said: "Assemble on such-and-such day." They assembled and the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) came to them and taught them from what Allah had taught him.....), the talk. And it came in the explanation of this hadith: His saying: (men have taken the biggest share of your company) means: that men accompany you every day and hear from you knowledge and matters of religion, and we are weak women who are not able to compete with them, so make us one of the days to hear and learn about matters of religion. It is understood from this hadith that it is permissible to ask women about matters of their religion, and it is permissible for them to talk to men about that and what they need. The commentators said in this prophetic hadith: Men teach women, exhort and teach them about matters of religion directly because the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not deny this request from them, but rather fulfilled their desire and approved them.

And it came in another hadith with Al-Bukhari and in it: (Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) stood up leaning on Bilal, then walked until he reached the women, and he preached to them, admonished them, and then said to them: "Give charity), And in Imam al-Aini’s explanation of this hadith, he said: That is, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,and Bilal went out from the men’s ranks to the women’s rows, thinking that he, And it came in the explanation of the hadith by Imam Al-Nawawi: And it is permissible for the imam or his representative to stand in preaching to women and teaching them about religious matters, and this is if it does not result in corruption or does not fear sedition.

It is understood from the text of the hadith and what was stated in its explanation by Imam Al-Ayni and Imam Al-Nawawi that it is permissible for a man to say that he preaches to women and teaches them about religious matters directly, and this does not include the forbidden seclusion that is prohibited by Sharia.

However, Imam al-Nawawi’s statement that this permissibility is restricted by the fact that corruption will not result in him or that sedition will not occur with this permissibility is a legitimate restriction.

After that, it remains to define the restricted permissibility of not fearing the fitnah that may be provoked by the fact that the man who teaches is an old man who is not afraid of the fitnah of lust or anything related to it. The great scholar of knowledge by teaching female students directly, for this falls under the category of permissibility, Allah willing, based on what was mentioned in the noble hadith and what Imam al-Nawawi mentioned in his explanation and restriction that he mentioned in taking the hadith. It is in the hadith, because the legal rulings are not applied unless certain conditions for implementation are fulfilled and certain impediments are met, whether the legal ruling is permissible, obligatory or prohibited.

Among the legal rulings that may not be taken into account unless the obstacles are in agreement, the hand of the thief is to be cut off, so it is forbidden to implement this ruling, which must be in the land of the modern enemy An example of this is also: the stoning of a married woman who is a pregnant adulteress is not stoned until after she gives birth, although this condition was not mentioned when mentioning the punishment of the adulteress. The same applies to what we are about, the permissibility of a man teaching women without mentioning the restriction on this permissibility, so this restriction is understood in the light of what is known in Sharia regarding the conditions for applying the ruling.

Among the existing sedition that prevents a man from teaching a woman what is related to him in terms of age and being young, and youth suspects the sedition of lust, but with old age, sedition, i.e., sedition of lust is excluded due to old age when the old sheikh teaches female students, and this reason is considered a legitimate reason.

Among this is what the Hanafi jurists mentioned in their permissibility of allowing women to pray in the mosque not to be a young woman but an old woman, as well as their saying in the visits to graves that he should not be a young woman, and above all the Almighty’s saying:

(ولَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا لِبُعُولَتِهِنَّ ...... أَوِ التَّابِعِينَ غَيْرِ أُولِي الْإِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ)

(and not expose their adornment except to their husbands.... or those male attendants having no physical desire) Among what they include in the terminology of the bondmaid are those who have no need for women, such as the old sheikh due to their advanced age, and consequently it is rare for them to get the fitna of lust, and the rare is like non-existent.

I found the need for the sheikh to teach female students directly from the men, so this teaching is permissible for an old sheikh in addition to what is known about him of good conduct and manners.

Secondly If there is no senior sheikh to teach female students and he finds a competent young man, in this case the condition of selecting the sedition referred to by Al-Nawawi in his explanation of the hadith is not fulfilled. And with the need for such teaching by this young man or man who is not old, he must replace his teaching verbally with his teaching via broadcast. It gets what is meant by transferring the knowledge of the particular youth to the female students.

Third The necessity of preparing female students to be teachers and to teach female students at their different levels, because it is the woman’s right to possess the virtue of charity promised to him who obtains understanding in the religion and teaches it to others, It came in a hadith on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace (The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others) and in another hadith, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said (Whoever Allah wills to do good to, He makes him comprehend the religion) It is not permissible to prevent a woman from teaching other women, and in our issue it is not permissible to prevent her from teaching female students, but for this teaching it is required to achieve competence in them, i.e. in teaching, for those who want to be appointed for this profession, and until this empowerment is done for those who are intended to be appointed as teachers for other students, the use of broadcasting must be sought By sheikhs or other young scholars.

We come now to the topic of teaching through broadcasting, and we say the following:

   First: It is desirable for women to educate female students at various levels and in various faculties, including the colleges of the University of Faith, provided that they are qualified and that they are taught to do the required education.

   Secondly: When there is a need for men to teach female students directly by men, it is stipulated that men teach women that there is no possibility of sedition, that the teacher be an old man with whom the description or those who are not tied to the neck among men are approved by the description ( أَوِ التَّابِعِينَ غَيْرِ أُولِي الْإِرْبَةِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ) (or those male attendants having no physical desire) as we have explained above.

   Third: Until the women are able to teach the students, qualified men will be helped by broadcasting to the students.

   Fourth: Every effort must be made, with all seriousness, and as quickly as possible to prepare qualified female students to teach female students at various levels according to a studied curriculum that can be applied under the supervision of the university. Among the proposed approach to preparing female students to teach is to follow the gradual method in achieving their preparation for teaching female students, such as starting by teaching them in special courses for a period of time. Certain subjects may be prolonged or limited due to the condition and ability of the female students to be prepared to teach.

   Fifth: And to increase the clarification that teaching female students through broadcasting is a matter that is legally unfair to all, that is, to the elderly and the young.

And may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions, and our last prayer is that praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Dr. Abdel Karim Zeidan


Published on: 2018-06-11 (4362 Reads)

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