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About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh

Faqih Of Preachers, Scholar Abdel Karim Zidan

A book written by Dr. Hussein Al-Dulaimi, consisting of 248 pages, which was printed and distributed by the Resala Foundation in the year 1437 AH / 2016AD.

Introduction To The Author, Dr. Hussein Al-Dulaimi

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet (Muhammad), the master of the preachers, the imam of the reformers, his family and companions, and those who followed him and followed his path and his call to the Day of Judgment.

Indeed, Allah Almighty has honored the Islamic nation with an eternal law and a straightforward approach, which our Chosen Prophet brought him, and Allah Blessed and Almighty ordered him to convey him to all creation, attesting to what the Almighty said:

(وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا كَافَّةً لِلنَّاسِ بَشِيراً وَنَذِيراً...)

(And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner ...). And he fulfilled the duty of reporting the best of standing, and after moving to the supreme comrade his honorable companions followed him, and after them among the followers, and he followed the followers, then those who followed them ... and so on and so forth, the list of divine scholars and sincere preachers who fulfilled the duty of da'wah, and the ummah’s fiqh and education, continues.

Sincere preachers and educated leaders have emerged in our time, and among these are the great preacher and jurist (Dr. Abdel Karim Zaidan).

And the truth: Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan was an imam in calling to Allah and a jurist among the nation’s jurists, and his life was spent, his eyes were blind, his back was bent, and his hand trembled, for the sake of the Islamic call and its service, and he was one who used to pray to Allah with insight. (on Allah `s will).

Our interest in the scholar Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan is a matter of introducing the nation’s generations to the efforts of this important scientist, and in fulfillment of that thought and that message that he carried, and our action is like honoring science and scholars. In recognition of their thanks, and to spread their thought and dedication.

I chose Dr. Abdel Karim Zidan to write his legacy and his biography. Because I know that his heritage represents, as a whole, the features of an integrated scientific project, and it is in fact a choppy sea. But with all this one should not lose sight of the wonderful rule that says: (Every person is taken from his words and responds, except for the Messenger of Allah).

The interest in such models of scholars is evidence that the Islamic Ummah is capable of giving in different eras and ages, regardless of the circumstances, challenges, crises and obstacles.

Important Note

I relied on Allah and started writing these pages, mostly through a documentary and descriptive approach. As I transmit in this book the information that the deceased sent me regarding his personal and scientific life, and what I knew or transmitted to me from his students and peers, as well as what I saw published on the web pages, or from the data that the deceased issued.

I am not here in the show of support, nor am I in the homeland of the scholar of his opinions. Because the opinions mentioned in this book are those of its late owner, Dr. Abd al-Karim Zaidan (may Allah have mercy on him) pertaining to him, and my transfer of them does not mean that I either support or oppose them. Because support or opposition is based on study, examination and criticism, and this is not a matter of my work, but my work is documentation and transmission according to what I found.

Also, the material on these pages talks about a scholarly and doctrinal propaganda figure, devoid of all affiliations and other considerations, and I do not claim here to be aware and comprehensible by recording all the details of his life, but I claim that it addressed the most prominent aspects of it.

I have made it my only choice to benefit from Dr. Abdel Karim Zaidan himself, and I make him document for me at least the details of his life. So I dispensed with my meeting with him, through the use of modern technology devices, from the mobile phone and the Internet, as I used to speak or write to Brother Muhammad (the eldest son of Dr. Abdel Karim Zaidan) and he in turn conveyed to his father what I asked, or asked about, Then he answered me, and he provided me with two answer letters, at two different times, in which I asked him about many questions that I was stopping by, regarding the details of his personal life.

Initial Writing About The Character Of Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan

Dr. Abd al-Karim Zaidan is considered one of the most prominent scholars in Iraq in the present era, and his scholars may be at all. However, I did not find anyone who wrote about this character, in any aspect of his life, or studied his efforts in any of the sciences.

This undoubtedly made me the first to knock on the door of this science city, which enjoys the encompassing and encompassing most types of sciences. He is the jurist, the fundamentalist, the jurist, the preacher, the one interested in interpretation, and the science of religion. Therefore, I saw great difficulty in gathering the scattered information regarding his scientific and personal life. It was exacerbated by my distance from the man, and I was unable to meet him.

This book contains a large number of details of Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan's life, through dealing with his personal life, his upbringing, his request for knowledge and the types of sciences he received, as well as an explanation of the sheikhs who benefited from them or met them, and the students who benefited from it.

The pages of the book also contained a statement of the scientific standing of Dr. Abdel-Karim Zaidan, a statement of his various functions, and features of his time in which he lived, as well as an explanation of his contemporary positions, as well as a detail of his scientific and moral characteristics, with a detail of his scientific implications and writings, then mentioned some examples from the fatwas of Dr. Abd Karim Zidane. Finally, I mentioned what was related to his death (may Allah have mercy on him), with reference to the seminars and forums that were held in his memorial.

I have included the book some appendices that I saw appropriate in the end of the book, along with a number of documentary photographs documenting pages from his life (may Allah have mercy on him).

In conclusion, I record my great and beautiful thanks to Brother Muhammad Abdul Karim Zidan for his good dealings and generosity, and my thanks are also connected to the Al-Resalah Foundation, its publishers, and its blessed management for their generosity in printing this book in its first edition, in this beautiful suit, so may Allah reward them well, and reward them for the deceased.

This is the effort of al-Muqallal, and it is the first solution in this regard, and perhaps it will be a good opening for those who want to present more in the busy biography, and the blessed life that is given to the nation’s deceased (scholar Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan), as it is a sea of ​​choppy waves.

What was right in my effort, it is from the generosity and success of Allah Almighty, and what was in it of flaws and imbalances and shortcomings, I ask forgiveness of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted be He, and my last prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Dr. Hussein Al-Dulaimi

Iraq / Anbar 2016


Published on: 2018-05-08 (6204 Reads)

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