الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh
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About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh

A Frank Dialogue With The Deceased Of Iraq And The Nation, The Scholar Abdul Karim Zidan

A book published by the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq, The Insights Foundation undertook its printing and distribution.

This book was presented by His Excellency Dr. Harith Al Dhari (may God have mercy on him).

The book included a collection of the press interviews with Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan, which the journalist Jassem Al-Shammari conducted with him during the Sheikh's visit to Jordan in different years.

Prepared For Press Publication:  Dr. Jassim Al-Shamri

Introduction To The Book

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Messengers, the Prophet Muhammad, and  him, his friends and companions:

Because the ship of life does not know where it anchors one of us, for we all do not know when we will die. How do we die and where do we die; Also, we all do not know with whom fate will bring us together, perhaps with loved ones, and perhaps with enemies and wicked ones. And the Iraqis - especially the younger generation among them - used to hear of great scholars with their weight and their scientific and knowledge weight inside and outside Iraq, including the late Iraq and the nation, the late Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan, whom we found ourselves in front of on a day in September 2005, and he who always shook us longing to read Some of his books, which were scarce in Iraq, in addition to meeting him, that he is the deceased of the nation, Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan, the fundamentalist scholar, jurist and man, who lived and worked for the sake of his religion and to see Iraq in its best conditions.

Here, we do not want to commend the Sheikh for this introduction. Because what is known is not known, and because there is not enough in the folds of this book to define the biography of the man, and his clear positions, may God have mercy on him, from all the issues that occurred in Iraq after 2003 CE, including occupation, destruction and sabotage.

Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, did not like press interviews, but he finally agreed to that, and a member of the Culture and Information Department and the correspondent of Al-Basaer newspaper in Amman held two meetings, the first in 2005 AD, the second in 2007 AD, and both The two meetings were about the general situation in Iraq and his legal opinion on those events.

Thus, a mountain from the nation's mountains departed, and one of its flags was learned, and the truth is that Dr. Abdel-Karim Zaidan did not go. Rather, he remained alive with us in his books, which are not boring, and they are a source of knowledge, righteousness, and elevation for the Ummah and Muslims.

Here, and the loyalty of the Culture and Information Department of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq to our beloved Sheikh: And since the deceased in Iraq and the nation did not hold a meeting except with the Insights newspaper issued by the Commission, and in the department’s keenness to spread the knowledge of the nation’s lost and its views regarding the Iraqi arena after 2003, we re-publish the two meetings together. May God benefit Muslims in general, and Iraqis in particular, and benefit us With them they are with them on a day that neither money nor children will benefit except those who come with God with a sound heart.

Amman office

Wednesday 11 Rabi Al Thani 1435 AH  Corresponding to 12/ February 2014 AD


Published on: 2018-05-08 (5833 Reads)

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