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About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh

Thesis Title: Abdul Karim Zidan His Preaching Efforts And Doctrinal Opinions

University, College And Department : Saudi Arabia / Jeddah / King Abdul Aziz University / Faculty Of Arts And Humanities - Department Of Sharia And Islamic Studies

Study Level: Master’s Degree

Specialization:  Doctrine

Researcher Name: Iman Badr Bashammakh

Supervisor Of Thesis: Associate Prof. Dr. Samira Hassan Hamed

Date Of Discussion Of The Dissertation: 1438 AH / 2017 AD

Names Of The Discussion And Arbitration Committee:

   Associate Prof. Dr. Samira Hassan Hamed

   Prof. Dr. Saad Bin Ali Al-Shahrani (External Debater)

   Assistant Prof. Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdul Rahman Habanka Al Maidanani (Internal Debater).


All praise be to Allah, and peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.

The topic of this research is about the efforts of Dr. Abdul-kareem Zidan in the fields of creed and calling to the way of Allah. The research aims at projecting his efforts in establishing the creed of the predecessors and what he has offered in the fields of guiding people to Allah.In this research, I followed the descriptive method when talking about the period in which the doctor lived and about his academic and personal life.I followed the inductive method to compile his scientific heritage. The research consists of an introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion.

The introduction contains the significance of the topic, the reasons for choosing it, the previous studies, the method of the research, and its plan. The first chapter contained the time in which the doctor lived, his academic and personal life, and his writings. The second chapter revolves around the method used by the doctor to call people to the way of Allah and the techniques and devices he used. The third chapter included an exhibition of creed issues determined by him according to the method of our predecessors. The fourth chapter contained his stand on other beliefs and ideologies that contradict Islam. The conclusion contained the most important results and recommendations that I got hold of.

I concluded the research with scientific indexes that clarified the meaning of the Quranic verses, the Hadeeths of the Prophet, an explanation of the life of famous people in Islam, a list of sources and references, and a table of contents.

I implore Allah to give me guidance and help. Peace, greetings, and blessing upon our prophet Muhammad and upon his righteous family and friends.


Published on: 2018-04-16 (4842 Reads)

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