About Sheikh --> Studies On The Sheikh
[Master’s Thesis] Issues Of The Doctrine At Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan / Researcher Muhammad Zagreb {Palestine}
Thesis Title:  Creed Issues For Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan - Review And Study Specialization:  Islamic Faith University, College And Department : State of Palestine / Gaza / Islamic University/ Faculty of Osoul Eddin Study Level: Master's Degree Researcher Name:  Mohammed Khamis Musa Zu'rob Supervisor Of The Thesis:  Prof. Dr. Yahya Ali Al-Dajani Date Of Discussion Of The Thesi:  14 Safar, 1438 AH corresponding to 14-11-2016 AD Members Of The Discussion And Judgment Committee:    Prof. Dr. Yahya Ali Al-Dajani    Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yousef Al-Shobaki    Prof. Dr. Ahmed Youssef Abu Halabiya The aim of the study The study aimed to investigate the doctrine of one of the most famous scholars who have had a significant impact in the creed in the modern era, and defending the doctrine of this scholar concerning the appeals he faced, and working on providing the Islamic library with a specializing research that benefits the students of science. The sample of the study The researcher dealt with matters of faith addressed by Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan in his writings. The approach of the Study The researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach, where he showed the doctrine of Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan in the issues that he dealt, and then over the approval of the doctrine of the Sunnis. The most important results of the study 1) Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan wrote distinctive writings in various fields, from jurisprudence, comparative jurisprudence, the rules of jurisprudence, advocacy. creed, Sharia and law, interpretation, and the origins of the Hadith. These writings were characterized by the depth of the idea and the ease of the words. 2) Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan followed in explaining the Islamic creed the constructive approach and not the responses approach. 3) Dr Abed Elkarim Zedan agreed the Sunnis in creed, and he did not disagree on any matter mentioned in his writings. Recommendations 1) Collecting all what was written by Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan of books, research articles and introductions to the others' writings in a big encyclopedia. 2) Writing more scientific and referred researches and theses about the fields in which Dr. Abed Elkarim Zedan excelled.
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