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Al-Wajeez In Explaining The Maxims Of Islamic Law
Al-Wajeez In Explaining The Maxims Of Islamic Law (Alwajiz Fi Sharah Alqawaeid Alfaqhia) The book “The Sheikh's authored by in the year 1418 AH - 1997 AD, in which he explained an explanation of one hundred jurisprudential maxims, explaining the meaning of each maxim, its origins, and the legal evidence for it, with adequate and applied examples. The book is 248 pages long and has been printed by the Resala Foundation, Publishers, many times. The 100 Maxims Dealt With In The Book : First Maxim الأمور بمقاصدها Matters are determined according to intention The Second Maxim العبرة في العقود للمقاصد والمعاني لا للألفاظ والمباني Contract is the Intention and Meanings, and Not the Words and Phrases The Third Maxim الأصل في الكلام الحقيقة The origin of the word is the truth Fourth Maxim إذا تعذرت الحقيقة يُصار إلى المجاز If the truth is not possible, it becomes a metaphor Fifth Maxim إعمال الكلام أولى من إهماله Giving effect to a word has priority over neglecting it Sixth Maxim لا يُنسب إلى ساكتٍ قول ولكن السكوت في معرض الحاجة بيان No utterance shall be imputed to a silent person ,but silence in case of necessity is pronouncement. The Seventh Maxim لا عبرة بالدلالة في مقابلة التصريح Indication shall not be taken into considerationin collation with explicitness Eighth Maxim ذكر بعض ما لا يتجزأ كذكر كله Mention of psrt of an indivisible thtng is as mention of the whole. Ninth Maxim المطلق يجري على إطلاقه ما لم يقم دليل التقييد نصاً أو دلالة What is absolute shall be deemed as such unless there is a restricting proof by text or deduced argument The Tenth Maxim لا مساغ للاجتهاد في مورد النَّص There is no room for ijtihad where there is a (decisive) text The Eleventh Maxim الاجتهاد لا ينقض بمثله The ijtihad shall not be revoked by a similitude Twelfth Maxim اليقين لا يزول بالشك Certainty shall not be warded off by doubt. Thirteenth Maxim الأصل براءة الذمة The basic principle is freedom from liability Fourteenth Maxim الأصل بقاء ما كان على ما كان The basic principle is what has once existed is (deemed) as persisted. The Fifteenth Maxim ما ثبت بزمان يحكم ببقائه ما لم يقم الدليل على خلافه What is proven at one time shall continue unless there is a contrary clue Sixteenth Maxim الأصل في الصفات العارضة العدم The original state of accidental attributes is non-existence The Seventeenth Maxim الأصل إضافة الحادث إلى أقرب أوقاته The basic principle is to ascribe the event to the nearest time of occurrence Eighteenth Maxim القديم يترك على قدمه The old shall be deemed old Nineteenth Maxim الضرر لا يكون قديماً Harm is not justified by being old The Twenty Maxim المشقة تجلب التيسير Hardship begets ease. The Twenty First Maxim إذا ضاق الأمر اتسع If the matter narrowed, it expanded The Twenty-Second Maxim الضرورات تبيح المحظورات Necessities render prohibited things permissible The Twenty-Third Maxim الضرورات تقدر بقدرها Necessities are estimated by the extent thereof The Twenty-Fourth Maxim الحاجة تنزل منزلة الضرورة عامة أو خاصة Need is ranked as necessity, be it public or private The Twenty-Fifth Maxim ما جاز لعذر بطل بزواله What is permitted for a reason is annulled once that reason is non–existent The Twenty-Sixth Maxim إذا زال المانع عاد الممنوع When what forbids no longer exists , What is forbidden shall return The Twenty Seventh Maxim الإضطرار لا يبطل حق الغير Pressing necessity shall not annul the right of another The Twenty-Eighth Maxim ما حرم أخذه حرم إعطاؤه What is prohibited to take, is prohibited to give The Twenty-Ninth Maxim ما حرم فعله حرم طلبه What is prohibited to do is prohibited to demand The Thirty Maxim لا ضرر ولا ضرار No harm shall be met by harm The Thirty-First Maxim الضرر يزال Harm shall be warded off The Thirty-Second Maxim الضرر لايزال بمثله Harm shall not be warded off by similitude harm   The Thirty Three Maxim الضرر يدفع بقدر الإمكان Harm shall be warded off as much as possible The Thirty Fourth Maxim يتحمل الضرر الخاص لدفع الضرر العام Private harm shall be tolerated to dispel public harm The Thirty-Fifth Maxim الضرر الأشد يزال بالضرر الأخف A severe harm shall be removed by a lesser harm The Thirty-Sixth Maxim إذا تعارضت مفسدتان روعي أعظمها ضرراً بارتكاب أخفهما When greater and lesser banes are in incompatibility , the lesser shall be committed The Thirty Seven Maxim يُختار أهون الشرين The lesser of two evils shall be chosen The Thirty-Eighth Maxim درء المفاسد أولى من جلب المصالح Repelling banes is better than securing benefits The Thirty Ninth Maxim العادة محكمة Custom is an Arbitrator Forty Maxim لا ينكر تغير الأحكام بتغير الأزمان Change of judgements shall not be denied by change of times The Forty-First Maxim الممتنع عادة كالممتنع حقيقة What is impossible by custom is impossible in truth Forty-Second Maxim العبرة للغالب الشائع لا للنادر Consideration is given to the commonly predominant, not to the rare The Forty-Third Maxim إذا تعارض المانع والمقتضي يقدم المانع When the preclusive and the necessitated conflict ,preference shall be given to the preclusive Forty-Fourth Maxim التابع تابع The appurtenant is deemed appurtenant The Forty-Fifth Maxim التابع لا يفرد بالحكم What follows shall not be judged separately The Forty Sixth Maxim يقبل قول المترجم مطلقاً The interpreter’s words shall be absolutely acceptable The Forty Seven Maxim من ملك شيئاً ملك ما هو من ضروراته The owner of a thing shall be the owner of what The Forty-Eighth Maxim إذا سقط الأصل سقط الفرع When the origin is invalid, the derivative shall be invalid too The Forty-Ninth Maxim قد يثبت الفرع مع عدم ثبوت الأصل The derivative may be validated though the origin is invalidated The Fifty Maxim السَّاقط لا يعود كما أن المعدوم لا يعود What is waived cannot be restored, nor can a non-existent The Fifty-First Maxim إذا بطل الشيء بطل ما في ضمنه When something is void that which is implied within shall be void The Fifty-Second Maxim إذا بطل الأصل يُصار إلى البدل When the root becomes void, a substitue shall be sought The Fifty-Third Maxim التصرف على الرعية منوط بالمصلحة Disposition of people is contingent upon interest The Fifty-Fourth Maxim الولاية الخاصة أقوى من الولاية العامة Exclusive jurisdiction is of greater strength than public jurisdiction The Fifty-Fifth Maxim دليل الشيء في الأمور الباطنة يقوم مقامه In indiscernible matters, evidence of the thing stands in for it. The Fifty Sixth Maxim لا عبرة بالظن البيّن خطؤه The apparently erroneous suspposition is not to be taken into consideration The Fifty-Seventh Maxim لا حجة مع الاحتمال الناشئ عن دليل There is no convincing argument with a possibility based on evidence The Fifty-Eighth Maxim لا عبرة للتوهم Delusion is of no consideration The Fifty-Ninth Maxim الثابت بالبرهان كالثابت بالعيان What is established by evidence is like that established by seeing Sixty Maxim البينة على المدعي واليمين على من أنكر Evidence is for him who claims, the oath is for him who denies Sixty-First Maxim البينة لإثبات خلاف الظاهر واليمين لإبقاء الأصل Evidence is to prove what is not evident and an oath to affirm the original state Sixty-Second Maxim البينة حجة متعدية والإقرار حجة قاصرة Evidence is an adequate proof and admission is an inadequate proof Sixty-Third Maxim لا حجة مع التناقض, ولكن لا يختل معه حكم الحاكم There is no convincing argument in case of contradiction ,but the ruling of the judge shall not be undermined Sixty-Fourth Maxim الخراج بالضمان Yield is guaranteed The Sixty-Fifth Maxim الأجر والضمان لا يجتمعان Payment of hire and liability to compensation are mutually exclusive Sixty-Sixth Maxim الجواز الشرعي ينافي الضمان Religious permissibility excludes liability for compensation The Sixty-Seventh Maxim الغرم بالغنم Gain entails loss The Sixty-Eighth Maxim إذا اجتمع المباشر والمتسبب يضاف الحكم إلى المباشر When a perpetrator and a causer (person involved as an indirect cause) coincide, the judgment shall fall on the perpetrator The Sixty-Ninth Maxim المباشر ضامن وإن لم يتعمد The perpetrator is liable albeit no premediation The Seventy Maxim المتسبب لا يضمن إلا بالتعمد The perpetrator is liable albeit no premediation The Seventy-First Maxim يضاف الفعل إلى الفاعل لا إلى الآمر ما لم يكن مجبراً An action shall be ascribed to its 'actant 'not to the commander unless coerced The Seventy-Second Maxim لا يجوز لأحد أن يتصرف في ملك الغير بلا إذنه No one may dispose of the property of another without the latter’s permission The Seventy-Third Maxim الأمر بالتصرف في ملك الغير باطل Order to dispose of the property of another is null and void The Seventy-Fourth Maxim تبدل سبب الملك قائماً مقام تبدل الذات A change in the cause of ownership of a thing entails a change of that thing The Seventy-Fifth Maxim جناية العجماء جبار The beast’s harm is squander The Seventy-Sixth Maxim من استعجل الشيء قبل أوانه عوقب بحرمانه Whoever hastily acquires a thing before its due time is penalized by being proscribed of it The Seventy-Seventh Maxim من سعى في نقض ما تم من جهته فسعيه مردود عليه Whoever endeavors to invalidate what has been enacted at his instigation, his endeavor shall recoil on him The Seventy-Eighth Maxim الحدود تُدرأ بالشبهات Punishments are averted by doubtful matters The Seventy-Ninth Maxim إذا اجتمع الحلال والحرام غلب الحرام When the religiously lawful and the prohibited coincide ,the prohibited shall be dominant The Eighty Maxim الأصل في الإبضاع التحريم Pudenda is essentially prohibited The Eighty-First Maxim الأصل في الأشياء الإباحة Permissibility is the original state The Eighty-Second Maxim ما لا يتم الواجب إلا به فهو واجب Anything fulfilling an obligation is an obligation The Eighty-Third Maxim الخروج من الخلاف مستحب Settlement of discord is desirable The Eighty-Fourth Maxim الميسور لا يسقط بالمعسور The easy thing shall not be waived by the difficult thing The Eighty-Fifth Maxim لا يجوز لأحد أن يأخذ مال أحد إلا بسبب شرعي No one shall be permitted to take another's property without a lawful reason The Eighty Sixth Maxim ليس لعرق ظالم حق No unjust planter has right The Eighty-Seventh Maxim على اليد ما أخذت حتى تؤديه What has been taken must be handed The Eighty-Eighth Maxim الإسلام يَجبُّ ما قبله Islam obliterates all (wrong doings) prior to it The Eighty-Nine Maxim الأصل في المضار التحريم The Basic Principle: whatever is harmful is prohibited Ninety Maxim الإيثار في القُرَب مكروه وفي غيرها محبوب Altruism in pious deeds (or worship) is undesirable ,elsewhere desirable The Ninety-First Maxim إذا اجتمع أمران من جنس واحد ولم يختلف مقصودهما دخل أحدهما في الآخر When two matters of one sort and with similar intents coincide, on suffices The Ninety-Second Maxim يغتفر في البقاء ما لا يغتفر في الإبتداء What shall be absolved in continuance shall not be absolved in commencement The Ninety-Third Maxim لا يتم التبرع إلا بالقبض No donation unless received The Ninety-Fourth Maxim السؤال معاد في الجواب The question is reiterated in the reply The Ninety-Fifth Maxim الإشارة المعهودة للأخرس كالبيان باللسان The known sign of a dumb person is tantamount to verbal utterance The Ninety-Sixth Maxim المرء مؤاخذ بإقراره One is judged by his acknowledgement The Ninety-Seventh Maxim المواعيد بصور التعليق تكون لازمة When promises take a conditional form, they shall be binding The Ninety-Eighth Maxim الوصف في الحاضر لغو Description in presence (of a visible thing) is vain The Ninety-Ninth Maxim للأكثر حكم الكل The most is (ranked) as the whole The 100th Maxim المجهول في الشريعة كالمعدوم والمعجوز عنه . The unknown in Islamic law is as the Non-existent and the impossible to know
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