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Statement About The Attack On The Headquarters Of The Association Of Muslim Scholars In Baghdad, 2007
Statement About The Attack On The Headquarters Of The Association Of Muslim Scholars In Baghdad, 2007 The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq is a group of Sunni scholars who met to address what happened after the invasion of Iraq. It arose on Sunday Safar 11 1424 AH corresponding to April 13, 2003 CE with the emergence of the idea of ​​gathering the word and closing the ranks among Muslims, in response to the street’s request to act as one line and cooperate On the completion of work, and its members took the method of consultation to address the calamities and issues of the nation’s fateful scientific treatment that would lead the nation to adulthood. On Wednesday 4 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1428 AH corresponding to 11/14/2007 AD, the general headquarters in Baghdad of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq was attacked, as government forces entered the headquarters of the Commission by force, and notified the Commission’s employees to close the Commission’s headquarters and stop broadcasting Umm al-Qura Radio, and evacuate the building from His furniture and belongings, asking the Authority's employees to vacate the place. Whereas Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan was one of the blessed supporters of the work of the Commission since its establishment, he and a group of his brothers in Islamic work issued a statement denouncing and condemning this act, and the following is the text of the statement: Praise be to Allah , Lord of the Worlds, and the best prayer and delivery to the Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions , and after: The Association of Muslim Scholars is a legitimate body, which stands out from the events taking place in Iraq the position that religion requires from it, which is the endorsement of the legitimacy of resisting the occupier by the available methods, and it is no longer just a seat, but rather an expression of the religious conscience of the nation. Hence, the attack on its headquarters  is a wrong and reprehensible matter that  calls for an apology, especially if the attack came from a party entrusted with the care of scholars and serving their affairs. The attack on the headquarters of the Muslim Scholars Association is totally unjustified, and reversing a mistake is a virtue, and it is hoped that all parties behind this mistake will take the initiative to correct their mistake and be a reason for the reunification, because any persistence in it that leads to unpleasant consequences will not benefit In the end, only the enemies of the homeland, which is passing through critical stages, call for responsible stances that will preserve its unity and provide assistance to its children to overcome their ordeal and cross them to the shore of safety. Let everyone know that men are stances, so let each of us stand for the position that befits him for himself, and relieves him of his responsibility before God AlmightyAll. All praise is to Allah, the Lord of universe Prof. Dr. Abdel Karim Zidan Professor of Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence 12 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1428 AH corresponding to 11/22/2007 AD Signatories : Prof. Saadi Al-Hashemi /  Professor of Quran Sciences Prof. Dr. Abdul-Malik Abdul Rahman Al-Saadi /  Professor of Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence Dr . Abdul-Ghani Hamid Al-Kubaisi /  PhD in Hadith and its Sciences Prof. Dr. Hashem Jamil Abdullah /   Professor of Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence Dr. Kazem Tlaib Al-Nuaimi  /PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence Prof. Musaed Muslim Al Jaafar /   Professor of Interpretation and Sciences of the Qur’an Dr. Ismail Kazem Al-Essawi   /PhD in International Law Prof. Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Al-Jubouri   /   Professor of Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence Dr. Ahmad Awwad Jumaa / PhD in the Noble Prophetic Hadith Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim Abdul Rahman Al-Saadi /   Professor of Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence Dr . Omar Hamdan Ruija   /   PhD in exegesis and sciences of the Qur’an Prof. Ayoub Al-Kubaisi Clinic  /Professor of Interpretation and Sciences of the Qur’an Dr . Omar Abdulaziz Al-Ani  /   PhD in Islamic Economics Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Bayati   /   Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence Prof. Hussam Saeed Al-Nuaimi   /   Professor of Arabic Language Dr. Hussein Khalaf Al-Jubouri   /   Professor of Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence Prof. Dr. Abdel-Qader Abdel-Rahman Al-Saadi   /  Professor of Arabic Language Dr .. Mowaffaq Abdul Razzaq Al-Dulaimi   / PhD in interpretation and history Dr .. Abdul Sami Al-Anees / PhD in the Noble Prophetic Hadith Dr .. Abdul Hamid Majeed Al-Ani  /   PhD in the Noble Prophetic Hadith Sheikh Qassim Faisal Al-Ibrahimi   /  MA in Interpretation and Sciences of the Qur’an
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