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ARTICLE TERRIBLE LAW (Alqanun Alrahib) An article written by Sheikh Abd al-Karim Zidan in 1383 AH - 1963 CE and he was a teacher at the Faculty of Law at the University of Baghdad, and it was published in the Islamic Education Magazine in its sixth issue of the same year . Note: The translation below may need revision... We welcome any correction by emailing us Written by: Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan People often say that such-and-such thing happened by chance, and this word passes over the ears as if it was a correct pronunciation..and the reality is that this term is incorrect, and it does not have the meaning that comes to there is no place in the universe (for chance), but there are causes, causes and consequences. Preceded by introductions .. And what is called a coincidence is, in fact, an event whose causes are unknown to people .. But ignorance of a thing does not mean the absence of that thing .. And the clarification of this sentence is that this vast, wondrous and amazing universe that God Almighty created: (Which is the best of all things He created him And he began creating man from clay), which is carried out according to reasons and causes A general law was formed that is very precise, precise and comprehensive, so that nothing escapes from it and no creature escapes from it .. Everything in existence is governed without exception, from the smallest atom to the largest offense, and from inanimate objects to the soul of all kinds, and from the movement of the atom in its matter Which we do not feel is due to the movement of the stormy wind that uproots trees and destroys homes .. Everyone is subject to a submissive from which he cannot escape nor salvation. This complete submission from all things is, in fact, submission to the powerful and mighty king who set this law and the creator of this universe, and on this the meaning of the Noble Qur’an. Surat Al Imran: (And to Him is the safest of those in the heavens and the earth voluntarily and involuntarily, and to Him shall they return ). This general divine law called in the Qur’an (the Sunnah of God) does not accept alteration or change. The Lord of the servants said: (So the law of God will not find a substitution ۖand the law of God will not find a transfer ). The "Sunnah of God" and that it does not change, has been mentioned in the Holy Quran in many places until this meaning is firmly established in the souls and delusions recede from the minds. (And the Sunnah of God) or this general divine law is based on the causes and causes and linking the results to the introductions in a way that is very accurate, strict and steady..and man is a part of this universe, but is an excellent part in it, subject to this law in all its movements, dwellings and fluctuations in its conditions. It is also subject to the nations in their height and decline, their happiness and misery, their pride and humiliation, their survival and their perdition .. This submission of individuals and nations in all their conditions to this terrible law is exactly equal to the submission of material cosmic events to it, just as the fall of an apple from a tree is an inevitable consequence. For certain reasons that led to this downfall, so the fall of a state or the demise of a nation is considered an inevitable result of certain reasons that led to this downfall, and this is what the general Sunnah of God dictates that does not accept backwardness or substitution. The Almighty said in Surat Al-Fath:(The Sunnah of God, which was previously devoid of before, and the Sunnah of God will not find a substitution), and all the difference between the material cosmic events and the social events is that the causes of the first are clear and accurate, if we realize them, then we can judge precisely their results. Its temperature is such a degree, and it reaches a boil if its temperature reaches such a degree and after such a time, and so on. While the causes of social human events of various kinds, including political, economic, civilizational, urbanism, victory, victory, defeat, letdowns ... etc, the causes are accurate, many, and intertwined, and it may be difficult for many to grasp them in detail. But with this difficulty, the careful observant meditator can know them and surround them with knowledge, and it is also possible to make certain that certain results will be obtained based on certain reasons, and if it is not certain when these results will take place, then we can, for example, judge with certainty and certainty that a judgment has passed if we find it standing On injustice and terrorism,If we cannot precisely and precisely determine the time of its demise, as we define the time of sunset or sunrise .. And for this difference between the material cosmic events and human events, people often neglect the law of God in the human meeting and in the actions of individuals, and they think that Their affairs are not subject to the correlation of causes and causes to the cosmic aspects. This misconception is strengthened in their minds that they see - on the surface - available reasons in two societies or two nations, but their conditions are different, so they say: Where is the general law that you claim? And these one reasons did not lead to the same results in these two societies or these two nations? Their death is that the causes inevitably lead to their causes except for an impediment, and that the introductions inevitably lead to their results except for the occasional, and they did not see the inhibitions and symptoms, and they did not see all the results and the causes, so the error accumulated on them and they no longer see.Because of this difference between the object-oriented cosmic events and the human events, people often neglect the Sunnah of God in the human meeting and in the actions of individuals, and they think that their affairs are not subject to what the cosmic manifestations are subject to in terms of linking causes to causes. This misconception is strengthened in their minds that they see - on the surface - available reasons in two societies or two nations, but their conditions are different, so they say: Where is the general law that you claim? And these one reasons did not lead to the same results in these two societies or these two nations? Their death is that the causes inevitably lead to their causes except for an impediment, and that the introductions inevitably lead to their results except for the occasional, and they did not see the inhibitions and symptoms, and they did not see all the results and the causes, so the error accumulated on them and they no longer see.Because of this difference between the object-oriented cosmic events and the human events, people often neglect the Sunnah of God in the human meeting and in the actions of individuals, and they think that their affairs are not subject to what the cosmic manifestations are subject to in terms of linking causes to causes. This misconception is strengthened in their minds that they see - on the surface - available reasons in two societies or two nations, but their conditions are different, so they say: Where is the general law that you claim? And these one reasons did not lead to the same results in these two societies or these two nations? Their death is that the causes inevitably lead to their causes except for an impediment, and that the introductions inevitably lead to their results except for the occasional, and they did not see the inhibitions and symptoms, and they did not see all the results and the causes, so the error accumulated on them and they no longer see . The Sunnah of God has been demonstrated by many verses in the Holy Qur’an. We find it in the Qur’anic stories, in the biographies of the prophets and what happened to them, in the news of previous nations, and in the struggle of the people of truth with the false. And if we went to count these verses, we would have completed them more than the verses of rulings, so what does this indicate? We firmly believe that this large number of verses of the Qur’an in which the “Sunnah of God” is mentioned and its meaning is a categorical indication of the importance of showing the Sunnah of God in the universe and the necessity of understanding it by Muslims, just as they understand matters of worship, because God Almighty does not concern mention in The Noble Qur’an except what needs to be mentioned and people need to know. Hence, in these verses there is a call for contemplation, exhortation and innovation in the laws of God, as well as an explicit call to the necessity of understanding the laws of God in the human meeting. From the first type, the Almighty said in Surat Yusuf: And from the second type, the Almighty said in Surat Al-Imran:(Sunnahs have been empty before you, so walk through the earth, and see how the consequences of the deniers have been ). That is why we believe that it is absolutely necessary for Muslims in general, those who rule among them, and the ruled to understand the laws of God in the human meeting in order to escape from perdition or to get rid of them if they have fallen into it and have actually fallen into it, and to know that this understanding is a requirement of faith and understanding the rulings of Islam, and not It is absolutely permissible for them to overlook this, or consider this knowledge outside the scope of Islam, or that it is known without the meanings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, just as scholars, preachers, guides and all those concerned with Islamic matters should spread this knowledge to people and elaborate on the Sunnah of God in the universe. If this knowledge is pervasive and is accompanied by a deep faith and directed towards God sincerely, then they undoubtedly are adults of what God has decreed for the Islamic nation in terms of elevation in life, leadership in the world, happiness in the hereafter, and satisfaction from God is greater . In this word, we explain some of the partial laws and the general rules branching out from the general divine law, that is, from the general Sunnah of God in the universe, by way of representation but not limitation. Forked tract, do not do a single article . First: The Law of Lamellas By it, we mean that the peer takes the ruling of his counterpart, and what is happening in the thing takes place in the same way, and it is impossible for the two equal rulers to separate, just as it is impossible for the two to be equal in judgment. And this law applies to its ruling on individuals and nations alike, and in the conditions of this world and the hereafter, and on this the Holy Qur’an indicates, including : A - His words in Surat Al-Hashr, indicating what happened to the Jews among the Banu Nadir in this world because of their disbelief and breaking the covenant, and their plotting of the Messenger . And the believers (who directed those who disbelieve from the People of the Book from their homes for the first Hashr what you thought to get out and thought they Manathm their fortresses of God gave them God, where did not calculate your ejaculation in their hearts terror destroying their homes with their own hands and the hands of the believers And they took my initial eyes), Vcolh The Almighty (consider, O those who are first sighted) is explicit in indicating the law of symmetry, as one of its meaning is: Contemplate the people of sound minds about what happened to them, and beware that what happened to you like what happened to them if you do what they did, because the law of God is the same for everyone, and what is happening On something going on for its counterpart. He clarifies that the consideration does not come at all, and the matter in it is of no use unless the counterpart takes the judgment of its counterpart . B - The Almighty said in Surah Yunus: (I have we spoiled the centuries before you when they wronged , and came to their Messengers with clear proofs and what they were to believe , as well as We recompense the people of criminals), To say God ( as well as We recompense folk criminals) proof that what happened to the criminals , those previous being on criminals subsequent Then the analogue takes the ruling of his counterpart, and that the Sunnah of Allah is the same for all criminals, and God is the helper . C - The Almighty said in Surah Muhammad: (Do they not travel through the earth and see what was the end of those before them , God destroyed them , and the unbelievers fold), and clear evidence that the devastation of the unbelievers stayed behind solve the yard unbelievers subsequent, because they are equal in the description of evil , and stubbornness and disbelief They are equal in consequence . D - The Almighty said in Surat An-Nisa: (It is not in your safety, nor mine, the People of the Book - Whoever does an evil is permissible ). E - the verse in Surat Al - pen: (Ovendjal Muslim criminals * What you how you judge), and the verse in Surat Jaathiyah: (or by those who Ajtrhawwa bad deeds that make them like those who believe and do good deeds , whether Mahaahm and their death worsened the rule), and the verse in Surat PBUH: (Or do we make those who believe and do good works like the corrupt ones on the earth, or do we make those who are righteous like the ungodly ). The Qur’an is a testament to the validity of the law of homogeneity with its two parts, that is, equality in judgment and consequence between the similar and the differentiation between the two . If Muslims understand the significance of these Qur’anic verses that we have mentioned to demonstrate the validity of the law of symmetry and its proverbs from other verses, in which the previous peoples such as Jews and others were blamed for dressing them up with ugly deeds and reprehensible descriptions, then they know that the slander is for these and that the slander will inevitably catch them if they do their deeds, and that the bad consequence is You hit them as you hit them. Not Agarham mere affiliation to Islam without work Ansbag whereby, said Imam Ibn Taymiyah, which explains the verse in Surat repentance: (like those before you were more of you stronger and more money and boys Fastmtawa Bouklagahm Fastmtatm Bouklaqkm also enjoy those before you Bouklagahm and waged like the one fought), he said Ibn Taymiyyah, then his words (and you enjoyed yourself) and (and you were circumcised) news that this happened in the past,And he is blamed for those who do it until the Day of Resurrection, like all what God has told about the deeds and characteristics of the infidels and hypocrites at the origin of his servant and messenger Muhammad  ﷺBecause it is a blame for those whose condition will be as they are until the Day of Resurrection . Second: Justice and Injustice Law   Injustice is putting something out of its place, or damages that are not worthy, or lack of truth and its cheapness, or lack of judgment among people with fairness, and everything that God forbids it is due to injustice, and everything that God has commanded is due to justice, and that is why justice was a must in everything And for everyone, and injustice is forbidden in everything and for everyone, it is not permissible to wrong anyone at all, whether he is a Muslim, an infidel, or an unjust . The Sunnah of God Almighty has ruled that injustice is the cause of the destruction of nations and that justice is a reason for their survival, so that Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said in some of his books, what he means: that a just state remains even if it is an infidel, and that the unjust state perishes even if it is a Muslim . Injustice, then, is an inevitable cause of the destruction of the nation, the fall of the state, and the demise of the rule of the oppressors, and on this the texts of the Holy Qur’an indicate, including : The Almighty said in Surat Al-Kahf: (And these villages destroyed them when they were wronged, and made us a date for their destroyers ). And the Almighty said in Surat An-Naml : And the Almighty said in Surat Yunus: (And the centuries have perished us before you when you did wrong ). These verses and many proverbs in the Qur’an clearly indicate that the prevalence of injustice in the ummah is the cause of its destruction and the demise of the rule of the oppressors . The facts of far and near history, which are many, testify that injustice, if it lasts, has been destroyed and that inevitably it leads to the destruction and annihilation of unjust rule. The facts of history also attest that justice is a reason for the ummah to remain and rule over it even if it is an unbeliever. The Almighty said in Surat Hood: (And your Lord would not destroy the villages with wrongdoing and their people who are reformed), that is, what follows in the interpretation of the Qur’an came: Among them are the abuse of rights, that is, he would not destroy them by disbelief alone until corruption was added to it, just as he destroyed the Shuaib people by low weights and measures, and Lot's people by watts. This is indicated by the fact that sin is closer to the punishment of eradication in this world than polytheism, even though the torment of polytheism in the hereafter is more difficult . Third - the law of collective punishment And from the Sunnah of God Almighty, that if the nation breaks out in evil, and the prohibitions of God are violated, and the rulers, scholars and the public remain silent, and they did not change the evil and replace it, then God Almighty blinds them to cruel trials that pervade everyone and afflict the good, the bad, the corrupt and the reformer, and this is in fact a terrible and frightening law that pushes everyone Knowledge and jurisprudence, and everyone who has wisdom and authority, to hasten and immediately initiate to change the evil, in order to ward off the punishment of all, and God is the helper, and the evidence for what we have said in terms of, including : The Almighty said in Surat Al-Anfal: (And beware of trial that does not befall those who have wronged you, especially - and know that God is severely punished). Ibn Abbas said in this verse: God commanded the believers not to acknowledge the evil among them, and torment them. The meaning of the verse is, and beware of sedition that transcends the oppressor and befalls the good and the bad, as Imam al-Qurtubi said. And in Ibn Katheer’s interpretation, regarding this verse: (God Almighty warns His believers servants of trial, that is, the trial and tribulation that the offender and others pervade, which does not concern the people of sin, nor the one who commits sin, but pervades it). The Prophet’s Sunnah came to confirm and confirm the meaning of this noble verse. In Sahih Al-Bukhari on the authority of the Prophet ﷺ : (Such as the status of the borders of God and the reality in which, like folk Asthmua on a ship, hitting some of the top and bottom of each, which was at the bottom of the water if Astqgua passed on from above them, they said: If I have violated in violation of our share has not harmed above us? If they left them and what they wanted, they perished and all perished, and if they were taken by their hands, they would all be safe.) In this hadith is an indication of the torture of the public with private sins, and it deserves punishment for the whole group when the sins appear, the spread of evil and the lack of change, and that if the evils are not changed and matters are returned to the rule of Sharia, the believers who deny them in their hearts must abandon that country. On the authority of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, he said: (O people, you read this verse (O those who have believed in yourselves, No one who has gone astray will harm you when you are guided) and I hear the Messenger of God . He says that if people see the oppressor and do not take upon his hands, God is about to blind them to him with his punishment .) From this presentation that we presented, the evidence that we cited, and many others, it is necessary for the ummah to change the evil lest it be overwhelmed by torment and destruction, and this necessity is more severe for the rulers because in their hands the authority, the command and the prohibition, (and that God will remove with authority what is not disputed by the Qur’an) so if they reform conditions according to the provisions of Sharia They removed the evil, established justice, and eliminated the causes of sin. God Almighty rewarded them with good reward in this world and good in the hereafter and enabled them on earth, and if they failed to do that, the rule of God applied to them and his year passed on them, and they lost the world and the hereafter, we seek refuge with God from the negligence, and he is the helper . And may God bless our master Muhammad, his family and all his companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds .
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