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SCALE OF THE MUSLIM Mizan Almuslim One of the oldest articles written by Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan in the 1960s and published in the Iraqi Islamic Education Journal in its tenth issue, issued in Jumada Al-Ula 1381 AH / October 1961 AD Written by / Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan From Jableh The person whom God has instilled in him is that he approves and abhors, loves and hates. He is loyal and distant, and makes mistakes and turns to other than that which is seen and felt by the human beings, which does not need evidence and proof ... But are these trends emanating from the person without order or law, or are there controls for them and foundations based on them? What we are about to conclude about is that there is a law to which these matters are subject, for they do not issue random banging and how it is not agreed, because the universe, what is in it and whoever in it are subject to the Sunnah of God Almighty and Majesty known by those who knew it and her ignorance of her ignorance, and ignorance about it in any case does not mean the absence does not mean the absence This is the cosmic year, nor the non-submission of creatures to it .. Man goes out to this world and knows nothing.Almighty (God brought you out of the bellies of your mothers do not know anything said, and make you hearing and sight and hearts of the meaning), but the passage of days and include it in the stages of life acquires knowledge, meanings and rules of conduct in life by what they hear and Ibzareth and keep this in mind with his heart than being taught from the beliefs and ideas and traditions .. even In him, certain meanings and values ​​of things are crystallized in it by weighing things, people, and actions, and thus he makes his judgment on them with good and ugliness, or with love and hate, or with inclination to it, or away from it, and by taking care of it or fleeing from it .. And this process - the process of weighing - takes place in himself at a wonderful speed that he does not feel in Most of the time, and in a rare little, the weighing process lengthens, but nevertheless the person does not realize that he performs the weighing process with his own balance..Each person, without exception, has a specific scale with which he weighs everything he sees and hears.This balance is based on the values ​​and meanings of the things that he acquired, created and satisfied for himself over the long years from what he heard and saw and was affected by it .. and people differ in these meanings and therefore they differ in their judgments about things because their scales are different and their standards differ due to the different meanings and values ​​that we do on them .. So if we see A person desires what we despise, magnifies what we belittle and despises, loves what we hate and makes mistakes what we see right and correct what we see as wrong and false, so we have to know with certainty that the reason for the disagreement is our difference in meanings and values ​​that led to our difference in the weight of things and judging them .. And the Muslim is like any person for him His own balance with which he weighs things, but his scale is based on the meanings that Islam came with and not on others, regardless of who he is, and by the extent to which he assimilates these meanings and is present in his mind and guided by them, his balance is straight and his weight is sound .. either if he is ignorant of these meanings or knows them, but His preponderance is the whim of the soul, because his balance is disturbed, and his judgments become incorrect.In this case, he must evaluate what is distorted in his balance by acquiring the meanings of Islam if he is naked from it, and purifying it from the impurities of passion and purifying it from other things .. This process - the process of acquiring and purifying the meanings of Islam - is not an easy process, but it is the only way to make a person a Muslim and cast it in the form of Islam. And placing it on the straight path .. and this is what Islam commanded and sought by our noble Messenger ﷺand achieved by the honorable Companions, as he formulated lofty Islamic models filled with pure meanings of Islam and knows nothing but his balance, so this Suhaib al-Rumi confines him to the infidels of the Quraysh and prevents him from emigrating to Medina and joining the Prophet and he is sad This matter concerns him and makes him sleep, but after an effort the Quraysh left him to emigrate, on the condition that he leave his money in Makkah, so he becomes happy with this solution and the noble Messenger says about it: (Rabah Sahib,Suhaib won) So what profit did Suhaib get when he left his money and got himself poor? It is undoubtedly a profit, because in the emigration the acquisition of good deeds and people near the Messenger ﷺand this is a great profit in the balance of Islam, even if there is a loss of money, which is a huge loss in the account of the material and the balance of merchants . And Omar bin Al-Khattab, with the permission of Bilal Al-Habashi, to enter him before Abu Sufyan, and there is a difference between the two in calculation and genealogy . . And the Muslim delegation enters a fraction of a broken iwan in its iwan to convey to it the message of their leader, which are three words: Aslam, you will not have what the Muslims have, and you have to do what they owe. If I refuse, the tribute is, if I refuse to fight ... and Khusra had gathered in his iwan a heavily armed soldier and spread the ground with expensive rugs, and he dressed The most glorious defect, and he sat on his bed in the middle of the iwan, all of that to cast terror in the hearts of the delegation, then he allowed the delegation to enter .. What he did not watch over and did not intimidate them what they saw, and they threw the message of their leader to Khusra's hearing, which is: Islam, otherwise the tribute, otherwise fighting) They told him these words Without feeling fear of him or reverence for him, because they weighed him with the balance of Islam ... they put him on this scale with his fat, flesh, crown, clothing and ewan, so if in the account of this divine balance he is a vile, vile, stubborn criminal and a great misguard who needs discipline, correction, and modification, not fear and reverence ... And this Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, a great companion, has extended his blessed life until he witnessed the rise of the illiterate state and its first successor. And he is next to the noble Messenger because he loves what the Messenger loves, not what he himself loves, and this is the test of pure, sincere love. ... and his consequence was that he died there far from his family and children and was buried under the walls of Constantinople, and this is what he wanted and went out for his sake, while he was very satisfied and introspective, because jihad in the balance of Islam calls for this satisfaction and this hope.Almighty (God bought from the believers themselves and their money that they Paradise fighting in the way of Allah and kill and kill and except it really in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, and fulfilled his promise of God Fastbcroa Bouapekm who Baiatm it said it is a great victory) and the Almighty said (O ye who believe! Shall I guide you on a trade that will save you from a painful torment * believe in Allah and His Messenger and Tjahidon in the way of Allah with your wealth and yourselves is better for you if you know) I have the jurisprudence of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari of these meanings attached to the standards of his balance and the weight of the Jihad Seeing then is (Azbm win) and (Profitable trade), (farmer) and (charitable) and all of this calls for hope, not depression, even if it includes the loss of the diaspora and the separation of family and familyThis is the core of jurisprudence, the purpose of understanding, the truth of faith, and the fruit of balance .. the balance of Islam, not the balance of the people of this world who are keen on it, those who are assured of eternal life to the earth, for whom God told us some of what they said. They were comprehending ) . And after ... the talk about the balance of Islam is a long hadith, and I mentioned what God Almighty pleased with it and helps to remind people, sensitize the inattentive, and overcome the temptations and pitfalls, especially in our time, where suspicions are magnified, falsehood intensified, the light of truth became weak, the doctor became bored, and the evidence lost . So, my Muslim brother, hold fast to this balance - the balance of Islam - weighing everything from the thoughts, principles, actions, people and actions of it, for it is the true balance and no right to anyone else. It was, the Almighty said: (Does he not know that the true scribe was sent down to you from your Lord, as if he is blind ۚBut the great Oulo remembers it with the grace of the people . It is the right of the blind to be led, not to lead, and to be guided, not to be guided, and to learn, not to teach, did you understand what I say ? And may God bless our master Muhammad, his family and all his companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds . And this noble verse refers to a great base of the rules of the Islamic balance, so every action a Muslim is obliged to do so he stays on his behalf because of laziness or fear of a consequence or fear of those who follow him, so he must remember this noble verse and say to himself and the torment of the hereafter is more severe
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