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THE SHEIKH'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THOSE IN A POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY IN IRAQ AFTER THE OCCUPATION (Tawsiat alshaykh liman hum fi mawqie almaswuwliat fi aleiraq baed alaihtilal) After the occupation of Iraq, Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan had correspondence with various official and unofficial personalities, with different orientations, advising, directing and correcting them. In one of these letters, he gave valuable advice to those who are in a position of responsibility at the time, and the site’s administration believes that it is useful to publish it to document his positions, may God have mercy on him, and to generalize them to those who are now in such positions, in addition to being valid for everyone who assumes responsibility in the future in similar circumstances . Message text : Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you : People at the present time are in dire need to acquaint them with the rulings of Islam and what they are required to do in times of distress by steadfastness on the meanings of religion and not deviating from it, and to help those who can affirm these meanings in times of prosperity and distress, and to make those who do this matter the subject of your constant care and pure permanent support for the sake of God Almighty even if they do not work under Declared name and published address, but they are known for the original Islamic approach, which proved to be true despite the strife that afflicted those in charge of Islamic work in recent years. I inform you, my brother, that they always ask about the Islamic ruling in all matters that concern Muslims in our country and what must be done on each one of them while they are in constant communication in my referendum regarding matters and events that we hope will be them and those who sponsor and help them from among those who are included in the words of the Messenger of God ﷺ (There is still a nation of my own nation standing by the command of God, it will not harm them who failed them or those who disagree with them, until the command of God comes to them while they are on that) Narrated by Al-Bukhari I also advise you, my brother, to make every effort to release the detainees and return them to their families safely, and to start this commendable effort, especially the release of women and children. This matter is one of the priorities that must be taken care of and continued through the position that you occupy . Among the other things that I would like to remind you of is the issue of the displaced inside or outside Iraq and the need to return them to their homes safely and remove the obstacles that hinder their return, and that the solution to their problem does not consider what you offer them in material aid in the countries to which they were displaced, and if this aid is necessary, but the solution is The continuous, relentless and serious pursuit of returning them to their homes safely, whether they are displaced inside or outside Iraq . I know, my brother, that it is not permissible under any circumstances and under any circumstances to support the so-called federalism or the organization of regions, neither in word nor deed, because it is not permissible according to Sharia and what is not permissible by the Sharia does not have a Muslim solution. As for what is said of justification for calling for what is called federalism or regions That this is what is stipulated in the constitution, the constitution and others do not have the ability to analyze what the Sharia does not permit, in addition to that this project is an introduction with well-known results, on top of which is the complete division of Iraq and the consequences of this division in terms of weakness and weakness, and the tensions and competition for positions within the region, which leads to hostility The quarrels between the members of the same region, and we have what happened in the division of the one state in the Islamic history, near and far, from the consequences that led to their destruction and the takeover of them by the enemy. Therefore, you must not cooperate with those calling for it or seeking to achieve it and using your political acumen to obstruct this issue and divert them from it . And I advise you, my brother, that whoever occupies a position like yours will be subject to monitoring and examination of everything he says or does, or he is in a position of what the idolaters exploit by making them what we have mentioned presupposing that what you do is something that disgraces you and does not adorn you, and the Muslim is required to avoid suspicions that can be exploited Falsehood, even in ordinary matters, such as persistence in smiling with your enemies, flirting with them, and persisting in showing affection for them, which is usually only between loved ones . And I remind you, my brother, that it is a matter for the Muslim to know the legal ruling of what he wants to do in all his affairs, not to do it, then to ask about his legal ruling if it is lawful and not to refer to the anomalous sayings that are attributed to some people of knowledge. God and His Messenger have the right to please him and the satisfaction of God and His Messenger can only be By arbitration of clear Islam .   And God I ask to see you with right and right and guide you to them and help you over them. God is the guardian of the believers. May God’s prayers be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and all his companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds . Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan 5 Rabi` Awal 1432 AH corresponding to 02/08/2011 AD
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