الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Articles


(Huzal alruwh aeradih wasbabh waeilajih)

An internal letter written by Professor Abdul Karim Zaidan to the Brotherhood in Iraq and distributed to them at the beginning of the sixties of the last century, then reprinted and distributed at the beginning of the eighties by the Arab Muslim Youth League in America .

The message reviews a disease that affects - and infects - many Muslims and provides treatment for it in a practical, concise, clear and focused manner .

Written by / Professor Abdul Karim Zidan

  Dear Muslims ... Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God be upon you .

There is a dangerous phenomenon for some Muslims who contemplates in their conditions that mixes with them who listens to their conversations staring in their faces. This phenomenon is their weakness in the worship side and the wasting of the spiritual side in them, which we consider dangerous and weakening the strength of Muslims, indicating their departure from their approach which they knew, Islam confirms in many verses of the Qur’an On the side of the soul and the meanings of worship and constant contact with God Almighty, evoking his fear, turning to Him, trusting in what he has, and relying on him .

Likewise, the Prophet’s Sunnah emphasized these proverbs in order to bring their meanings closer to minds. To the extent that these meanings are fulfilled by a Muslim, his spirit is strengthened, open, and its energy is activated to carry the burdens of da'wah, carry out its costs, taste the taste of faith, recklessly in this world, covet with what God has, and suffer hardships, and the soul obtains its natural nourishment that has no life without it. With wasting, she fell ill, and if the disease lasted her she would die, God forbid .

The manifestations of emaciation and weakness of the soul are many, and we mention some of them below, for example, and to warn and alert the Muslim to hasten treatment before the disease worsens and the difficulty of healing, and God is the guide to the straight path .

First: Feeling the cruelty of the heart

So that a person feels that his heart has turned into a hard stone from which nothing leaks, is not affected by anything, and is not tender to anything, and our saying this is not exaggeration or exaggeration, as the Qur’an proved that the heart hardens until it becomes like stones. After that, they are like stones, or more severe ).

Second: Impairment of impression and chest tightness

Even as if there is a great weight on the chest that is heavy on it and almost exhausted by it, and being complacent and weary of nothing, feeling anxious and distressing people, and indifference to what afflicts them from misfortunes and misfortunes, and even a feeling of their hatred .

Third: Not to be influenced by the verses of the Qur’an

Nor by his promises and intimidation, nor in his request and in his prohibition, nor in his description of the Day of Resurrection, as he hears the Qur’an as he hears any other words, but he narrows quickly as he narrows down with any other words he hears from others. He cannot recite the Qur’an for a few minutes, and if he hears it, he does not listen to it .

Fourth: Do not be affected by a sermon

He does not see the dead or funerals that he carries by himself, and the body is not covered with his hand in the dirt. He walks between graves as he walks between stones, and does not care about his fate or death .

Fifthly: his passion for worldly pleasures increases

The body's desires are agitated and the mind relaxes in these desires. He feels pain if he sees someone else attaining something from the ranks of this world, such as money, prestige, position, good clothing, and housing, and he considers himself disgusted and ill-advised because he did not attain what others received. And he feels more pain and more constriction if he sees his friend or brother obtain something from these bids, and he may envy him and not like what he owes to persist, or not regret if he misses him .

Sixth: A darkness in his soul reflected on his face

It is seen by the people of the fiducials of faith who see the light of God. And every believer has light according to the extent of his faith, which he sees with him what the eye cannot see, and this darkness may be clearly reflected on his face, and he will see it as the weakest of the people of faith, since it is sufficient to see it with a little light of faith. And this darkness may be weakened, and thus it will be reflected weakly on the face, so that only those who have strong insistence can see it .

Seventh: Being lazy about good deeds

Regarding acts of worship, neglecting them and not paying attention to them, the prayer is performed by mere movements, readings, standing and sitting, and it has no effect at all, rather it is narrowed as if he is in a prison that he wants to make up quickly. In the book of God in the descriptions of the hypocrites (and if they have to pray , they stand), and is hypocrisy only emaciation severe in the spirit , if not death to her, while the owner of the active spirit savoring the sweetness of prayer and resting out of the troubles of life, and in the words of the Apostle Bilal ( Arise , O Bilal So give us rest in prayer ) that suffices to demonstrate the validity of what we say .

Eighth: a colossal neglect of God Almighty

He does not mention him with his tongue nor does he mention him when he sees his creatures. Rather, the mere remembrance of God may be burdensome for him and the mere supplication of God may burden him and not pray. If he raises his hand, he quickly clenches his hand and goes on his way .

These are some of the symptoms of soul wasting, weakness, and then death ... What is the remedy ?!

The treatment

First: the persistence of the remembrance of God

By remembrance of God we mean, among other things, reminding him in the tongue with the mediocrity of the heart to mention the tongue, contemplating the creatures of God, and inferring by them on the greatness of his ability, the precision of his wisdom, the generalness of his mercy, the persistence of lack and the need for him, and the evocation of his complete control and dominance over man and the necessity of modesty from him. Easily and easily for a weak soul, so it is necessary to be patient, determined, not to be bored, and to start collecting it little by little. And whenever something gets from these meanings, his spirit becomes stronger, and his emaciation becomes less until the symptoms of the disease disappear and he enters into the role of convalescence and then healing, and then at that he will feel the pleasure of these meanings and his demand for them increases .. It is like A sick body does not crave good food and cannot eat much of it because he is sick, but as days pass and as long as he consumes little foods a little, his body becomes stronger and the symptoms disappear, then he heals, then becomes healthy in the body, he accepts good food with desire and longing .

Second: Bringing together the meanings of the Hereafter and the horrors that happen in it

A person would like that if he was able to return to this world and spend his whole life to escape from it, he would have done, and he would not have been wrong. Let the Muslim think that the first place in the Hereafter is the grave, so let the Muslim stare at it and print his dark image in his mind, and evoke his rest in it alone, and he has no pleasure except his work, if his work is righteous. His heart expands in it, then he reads the Almighty’s saying in Surat al-Mu'minun: (The Lord said you will return * May I do righteousness from what I have left) Then he says that the righteous servant: O soul, behold, you have returned to the life of this world and do righteousness .

Third: So that the Muslim should remember that death is closer to him than the traps of his sole

He is not deceived by youth, nor deceived by his strength and wellness, for death if it comes down does not know youth, nor is it prevented by strength or prevented by wellness, and it is the wisdom of God to show us with our own eyes how death comes down to the child, the boy, the man, the elderly, the old, and the sick, so that a person remembers that he is liable to death at every moment, so his caution increases, and prepares to leave The world. And death, O Muslim, and you are not aware of its horrors and misfortunes .

Satan collects all his strength, malice and cunning in those moments that he says to himself: If this person escapes from me, I will not be able to him at all. On disbelief, we seek refuge in God from disappointment. It was narrated on the authority of some knowledgeable that his companions came to him during his death sickness, and they saw him weeping, and they began to remind him of the beautiful and effective and the greatness of God’s mercy. Clarifying this truth is not here to detail it, and it suffices to say to the Muslim that evoking death and not forgetting it, will make him fully feel his strangeness in this world and taste with us the words of our honorable Messenger: (Be in this world as if you are a stranger or a passerby who promised yourself among the people of the graves ).

This feeling of estrangement has strange effects, including :

 - The Muslim is underestimating the misfortunes and adversities he encounters in his life, because the matter is easy and the place is few and the departure is near .

  Mild pain and heartbreak from the blameworthy joy and dryness from the abode of vanity .

  The Muslim’s view extends to his original home: the abode of the Hereafter and not being assured of the worldly life , nor relying on it. The stranger does not see his place in the home of alienation except temporarily, and his heart always turns to there ... to the house that is difficult to annihilation to that house that he will inevitably descend and there is nothing but Bliss or misery ... except nearness to God and the pleasure of looking at Him, or being far away and veiling from Him .

The Almighty said in Surat Al-Qiyamah: (The faces of the day are bright * to their Lord, looking at them ).

And if a Muslim remembers the misery of the Hereafter, his heart trembles and his heart becomes yellow, and his face reigns over all of his soul, and the fearful must flee from fear and seek deliverance, and there is no escape except by fleeing to God (so flee to God ۖFor you are the one who is blissful of him) Hope and hope, and with true hope, exert the right effort for the hoped .

  Complete preservation of the means to purify the soul, revitalize it, and provide it with strength and life that the street has shown. Because the spirit soiled would need to be washed, and unflagging would need to be activity, sick Vtanaj healing, and weaken would need to be what strengthens not only acts of worship and always it , on top of prayer, and not in vain to be another recommended by the Prophet ﷺ:prayer .

This beloved worship that cleanses the soul from its chagrin and connects the servant with his Lord, which the truthful and reliable Messengerlikened to the river in front of the Muslim's house, he washes from it five times a day. Just as this washing does not leave anything from the tubercle of the body, so prayer does not leave anything from the tubercle of the soul .

  Muslims must fully and completely adhere to performing the prayer on time, especially the Fajr prayer. So they must perform the Fajr prayer in congregation with their brothers in the mosque of their locality or area. So let Muslims be keen on this matter , because going out of their homes to the Fajr prayer in the mosque are very great benefits that they will touch with their hands. It increases their activity and motivation to work for the call, and they will feel the lightness and strength of their souls, and they will taste some savors of faith, and their hearts will radiate a variety of lights and describe the splendor of their faces to other divine floods that will pour out upon them, God willing .

 - The Muslim has to recite a portion of the Qur’an before or after the dawn prayer, then recite the remembrance of the dhikr, supplication, thanksgiving and praise after the prayer, then he must visit the graves once a week after completing that, and to achieve early rise for the dawn prayer, Muslims must not stay awake without necessity and seek the help of hours. Stimulant .

Brothers .. O who we love as the love of ourselves and count this love with God, and we hope that he will unite us on truth and jihad in this world and in the gardens of bliss in the hereafter .

What we have mentioned to you in these papers is not words for the diversion of emptiness and pleasure of thought and revitalization of souls for moments, then it is not after this thing .. Rather, it is an approach that you must adhere to, as it is part of the approach of Islam, by which you can, by God’s permission, carry the call and jihad for the sake of God. Implementation and accountability of souls and believe God believes you.


Published on: 2015-02-17 (8387 Reads)

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