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About Sheikh --> They Said About The Sheikh

The World We Lost Abdul Karim Zidan Slandered Alive And Dead

Written By / Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani

  Since the last visit of dr. Abdel karim zaidan to the united states, where he honored me by spending two days with me in my house, when he came on a medical trip to treat his eyes, i did not see him after that, he is in yemen and i am between cairo and the united states, but his greetings and his beautiful compliments were telling me where i am through some mutual friends, including my brother, dr. Mustafa jaber al-alwani .

Abd al-karim zidan i knew him when i was in baghdad in 1953 ad and thereafter, as the director of a religious high school called al-najibiyya, which was located in the saray area of ​​baghdad. ; in order to borrow some books from me on principles and fiqh in particular, i knew that he was considered the brotherhood’s official after the departure of sheikh al-sawaf and his departure from iraq to saudi arabia .

  He was one of the most enthusiastic students of knowledge for ibn taymiyyah and his school, he said that he does not cite anything from the words of the sheikh of islam or his students in any council he sits, and on any issue that arises before him, and if i was asked at that time who are the elders of abdul karim zidan, i will say: abdul karim zidan has two sheikhs: one of them is the son of taymiyyah and his school, and the second is our sheikh and the imam of our generation, sheikh amjad ibn muhammad saeed al-zahawi. Perhaps he was the only hanafi jurist whom abd al-karim respected, admired his jurisprudence, turned to him, and was proud of his discipleship .

Events in iraq fluctuated and took us right and left, and some of his brothers disagreed with him and i spoke to him about that difference. Killing the group at that stage, and weakening it; therefore, i failed, as did others, to find a settlement between him and his students and brothers at the time, and after sixty years it seemed to him to obtain a doctorate, and i encouraged him, and i was his host in egypt, where i was also studying, until he wanted to live in another residence; to devote himself fully to preparing his very distinguished message “the rulings of the dhimmis and the trustees in the house of islam,” so i rented a house for him with a foreign family in the center of the country, and i went to him once or twice every week; to meet what he might need, he graduated with a doctorate, and returned to iraq as a professor at the faculty of law .

The man was an example of a scholarly jurist and a doctrine at the same time, and when his mentality leads him to ijtihad, he goes to it, but he works to find a link between him and the doctrinal jurisprudence, and this is a point we learned from our sheikh al-zahawi, who taught all his students how to respect the previous imams, and stay away from everything that it would detract from their scientific and personal status .

Abd al-karim entered politics through the muslim brotherhood’s portal, and he was chosen by ibrahim al-daoud, who was studying law at his hands, an officer of the iraqi army. Martyr abdel aziz al-badri - may god have mercy on him - went to him and reprimanded him strongly, saying: how do you allow yourself to be a minister in a ministry whose intellectual head and philosopher is michel aflaq? Myself in what is permissible for her and what is forbidden for her; sheikh al-badri remained silent and left in anger. He only lasted for less than thirteen days in the ministry, then he was dismissed, as did al-daoud and al-nayef, and replaced al-bakr and saddam with the leadership of the party and the state .

Abd al-karim went on to write and authored a set of valuable books of encyclopedic quality, including “the detailed fi rulings on women and the muslim’s house in islamic law,” which is in 11 volumes. He wrote other books, including :

Introduction to the study of islamic law .

Bail and assignment in comparative jurisprudence .

The origins of the aldaewa .

The individual and the state in sharia .

Al-wajeez in explaining the jurisprudence rules in islamic law .

The iraqi explanation of the twenty assets .

The effect of intent on actions and contracts .

The shot and its provisions in islamic law .

The provisions of foundling in islamic law .

The state of necessity in islamic law .

Islamic sharia and public international law .

Difference in islamic law .

The doctrine of fate and destiny and its impact on the behavior of the individual .

Punishment in islamic law .

The rights of individuals in the house of islam .

Judicial system in islamic law .

The position of islamic law on slavery .

Abstract intention in islamic law

Breastfeeding issues in islamic law .

And his books are still references for preachers, jurists, and students of knowledge, he disagreed with his brothers and agreed many times, but you always find in him the solid man who said that he was soft only if it became clear to him what he is wrong, and what he is wrong, and like him it is said :

  You have traveled for us to your master, as i have never seen the people’s climate or mud

  You saw us in darkness, not followed by morning, so i rolled up my tails to travel

  I hated the long standing between our backs, so that we could see the truth in disgrace

  To thank you, o servant, for the rest of my life, and to weep you first and foremost

  When a scholar in the weight of abd al-karim leaves our world, he leaves a gap that has no one to fill, and leaves a void that desperately needs someone to fill it. We are saddened by your parting, o abu muhammad, and we will return, god willing, to your path .


Published on: 2021-12-10 (1870 Reads)

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