الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Articles


(Taqdim alduktur eabdalkrim zaydan likitab " qisat alsyrt alnubawiat - sirat wadaeawa")

The book "The Story of the Prophet's Biography - The Biography and Da`wah (The Meccan Testament)" written by Professor Abdul-Karim Dawood Al-Obaidi, who has many books that he published under the name (Dawood Salman Al-Obaidi) due to his lack of love for fame and visibility and the nature of the bad security situation in Iraq at the time, Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan and Dr. Munir Al-Bayati presented This book is an interesting and interesting presentation in it that allows all readers of different cultural levels to understand the noble Prophet’s biography easily and easily and the author’s reliance on the considered original sources, in a sound scientific way that has won the approval of specialists .

Praise be to God, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions as a whole. And after :

One of the greatest benefits of Muslims today is a conscious understanding of the biography of the Holy Prophet a detailed understanding that sends Muslims, individuals and groups, to follow him, may blessings and peace be upon him, and to take root in his fragrant biography .

The Almighty said in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 21 (You have in the Messenger of God a good example for those who hope to God and the last and great day of the Qur’an and remembrance ).

In order to understand the Prophet’s biography, it is necessary to turn to it with eagerness, desire and longing, and what helps in that is its interesting presentation that makes the reader come back to it again and again, so that its events and facts are entrenched in his thought and its meanings interact in his heart, which is a very useful and very useful request .

The book in our hands is blessed with all success in serving this fruitful approach, for the author has succeeded in presenting the Prophet’s biography with an interesting narrative presentation that enables all sects of intellectuals to easily and consciously understand the biography. This is because the biography usually presents information and incidents in a purely scientific presentation that may be boring for the ordinary intellectual , Albeit not boring to specialists .

In this book, the author wanted - for the first time according to what we know - to present the Prophet’s biography in an anecdotal presentation by transforming the Prophet’s biography from the birth of the Chosen One to the end of his emigration - namely: the Meccan period - into a very wonderful story that makes the reader live its events day by day, hour by hour, and sometimes : Moment by moment, and the reader is moved to the atmosphere of that Meccan era uniquely, so that the events live as if he were within them, and he sees the call of the Messenger and the struggle of faith with disbelief, and the revelation of the Qur’an verses according to the events of the biography and their facts ... With interesting and successful endings that make the reader anxiously wait for what comes next. And longing, which enables the reader to finish it easily and easily, and to know the entire Meccan covenant .

The author has adopted the original sources in the biography while quoting them, in a sound scientific manner that is acceptable to specialists and is beneficial to the educated .

The book is characterized by a very interesting story presentation in an easy and enjoyable style, presenting the great high meanings in an easy and beautiful manner, and easy phrases, without complication, and it is a style in which the writer was distinguished, and he excelled in it thanks to God Almighty that we have not seen an analogue of him among the authors of the noble Prophet’s biography .

The author sought to prove the correct and good narrations regarding the accidents and facts proven in the books of the Prophet’s biography, with good selection from them, and good weighting in the conflicting narratives according to their directives. Himself and his soul, and what we have known in him of piety and faith

The author also took great care to take into account the verses being revealed during the life of the Noble Prophet in Mecca, so he combined the events and the verses that were revealed about them with a very beautiful collection, relying on the original sources of interpretation .

God rewarded our brother the writer the best reward for the facilitation he provided to understand the Prophet’s biography in the Meccan era in a unique manner, and an interesting presentation, in the form of a coherent and interconnected story, in which all the elements of the wonderful story on the one hand, and the sober scientific research on the other hand, in which he spent six years of his life Collection, organization and formulation, serving the biography of Habib Al-Mustafa ﷺ.

And our supplication for him to find the reward for that with God doubly, (And there is no good with God for the righteous ).

And Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds ,,,

Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan  and   Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Bayati


Published on: 2020-04-04 (3829 Reads)

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