الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh
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About Sheikh --> They Said About The Sheikh

The Notables' Gambling In Calculating The Mark Zidan, May God Almighty Have Mercy On Him

Written by / Dr. Bilal Faisal Al-Bahar 

Praise be to God that (Do they not see I bring the earth Nnqsa of the parties and God governs not pursuer of his rule, which account fast) (prophets 44) was the object of incompleteness death scholars, Allah bless him and bless the seal of the prophets, and the Imam of the pious, and an example of the Patriarchs, told us that God seizes knowledge by taking possession of scholars, and upon his gentlemen, noble family, and his wise, wise companions ... And after :

We in Egypt heard the news of the death of our professor and Sheikh of our sheikhs, the scholar and fundamentalist jurist Dr. Abu Muhammad Abd al-Karim Zidan al-Ani al-Baghdadi on Monday 26 Rabi al-Awwal 1435 AH, so our hearts rose up except with certainty of our tongues, and our eyes drowned in tears, and returned to Sana'a We were blessed with memories, and a spectrum of imagination roamed us from the notes of Yemeni women :

  If it is said that the distancing is relieved of its memory, then the pain of an umma can help

  Whoever blames me for being overburdened by mentioning it will assign to the grandfather what I am assigned to do with it

About a month before his death, I saw what the sleeper saw at dawn, may God have mercy on him, inviting me to greet the scholar Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, and he was in his company. My father, may God have mercy on him, said with a blessing: He is going with me! So the death of the scholar Zaidan and his burial in Baghdad with the presumption of the existence of my father, may God have mercy on them, while he was buried Baghdad, may God protect it, and the rest of the countries of Islam .

And we had in Sana'a with the scholar Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, councils full of benefits, and times full of the most beneficial returns, and my pledge of his virtue since the year 1416 AH when I came to Yemen, so I visited him to greet him and informed him of the peace of my father, may God have mercy on him and my uncle, and their guardianship to him with my pledge .

And he spoke to him just before I came to him, the Honorable Professor Dr. Muhammad Redha Abdul-Jabbar Al-Ani, may God have mercy on him, who was buried in Sana'a and was a professor at its university, and a member of the Fiqh Academy of the Muslim World League. He welcomed me very much, and he opened to me what was closed to others, not just for mediation. Rather, as he informed me of this after Dr. Rida, may God have mercy on him, that he is happy with the problems and issues that I have thrown upon him, for knowledge not for exams or fame .

And those who know the scholar Zaidan knew that he was of his generosity and generosity, exhausted with his time, spending his days busy and working, with few beneficiaries from him by asking, so that he would complain in the mouthpiece of what Ibrahim al-Nakha'i and other predecessors complained about in the language of the article: (I find no one asking me) i.e. Beneficial issues or with the intention of benefiting, or as Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: (Whoever asked me obstinately and examined, I blurred him and remain with him until he was cut off, and whoever asked me a benefactor, I would have the answer ).

Therefore, you find them turning away from many students, as it is mentioned on the authority of Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, Malik, Al-A'mash and others from the predecessors, and many of the scholars were among those we realized in this situation, and if one of them realized the benefit of the questioner, and his good intention, he would explain to him and simplify what he mentioned .

And the scholar Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, used to abstain from teaching in other than universities in order to preserve his time, and because many students today have weakened their motivation, and their resolve has been loosened, and there was little contact with people except for the benefit, and the tongue of his situation in this as Ibn Al-Mubarak, may God have mercy on him :

  We have rested and washed away from tomorrow and spirit

  And a blissful or generous connection

  Poorly, adequately, contentment and goodness

  We made despair a key to success

  Therefore, I was allowed to visit him once a week to present to him the problems of the issues he was facing in the course of research, consideration and reading .

If the scholars refrain from it, the student should not neglect to benefit from them, or allow himself to work under the pretext that the specific world is not taught, as we see in many science students in Al-Azhar and others. Rather, he must extract their knowledge, and he has no choice in getting their benefits, and he is not bored. He does not get bored, especially the elders, even if he suffers from them any harm or ferocity .

And they mentioned that Ali ibn al-Hasan al-Ahmar, who was well-preserved and well-informed in grammar and language, was a soldier of the men of Nuba at Bab al-Rasheed, and was not able to sit with al-Kasaei, so he would monitor him on his way to al-Rashid every day. To reach Al-Kasaei Bab Al-Rasheed, then return Al-Ahmar to his place, and if Al-Kasai came out, he did something like that, even strong and able, and Al-Kasaei chose him without the rest of his companions as polite to Walid Al-Rasheed .!

So, consider how he gained knowledge without studying the course, and this is as it was said to the rabbi of the Ummah, Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him: How did you gain knowledge? He said: (With a responsible tongue and a heart of mind ).

Indeed, some of them do not obtain their benefits until after they are provoked and angry, and we once gathered a council with the scholar Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Al-Shanqeeti, a professor at Al-Iman University. The Malikis do not have a large classification in jurisprudence and usul, in which they can mention the evidence of the doctrine, protest it, and respond to the violators, and most of their books are only concerned with the investigation of the doctrine and its famous statement, only .?

He rose up and dictated a full council in which he recounted an abundant piece of Maliki classifications in this sense and embroidered it with evidence for that, and this is the credibility of the saying of the one who said :

  Among the people is one whose benefit is not sought unless it is harmed

  Like a stick, he does not obey his custom unless it is burned with fire

  The scholar Professor Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, was well-versed in jurisprudence and its fundamentals, piercing understanding, meticulous, sharp-witted, sharp-minded, his knowledge in his chest preserved, memorized and dictated whenever he wanted, especially his works which were all in his eyes, and at the tip of his tongue, he invokes what he wants without the cost, it is the right of those who caught the flag Bakdinm, and miss on those who have not Algah Fiqh their death, and the Almighty: (he said it is clear verses in the chests of those who were given knowledge and deny Our revelations , but the wrong - doers ) (Spider 49) and said :

  There is no knowledge of what contained the rain. What is knowledge except what was contained in the chest

Al-Tawzi said :

  If you are not a conscious conservative then your knowledge at home is of no use

  And you bring ignorance in the council and your knowledge in the books is warehouse

  And whoever wages his age in this way, his old age will return

  Hence, Saeed bin Jubair said when he was told: What is the sign of people's destruction? He said: (If their scholars perish) and by this one realizes the aspect of what the people of Samarkand wrote to Al-Bukhari :

  Muslims are fine as long as you remain for them, and there is no good after you when you are lost

Among the merits of the scholar Zaidan is that he was very venerable for the effects and Sunnahs, and he stood with her and did not override it except with an arising argument, with a great deal of deliberation in the issues, and not to cut through with a judgment before exhausting the examination of the evidence, and careful consideration of the doctrine of the one who said, and if he found a problem for him, he deferred his thought to it, and Adam He thought about it, and the piercer straightened his understanding to him, so he saw a long silence and awe-inspiring, the questioner did not dare to review it until the answer to the problem was opened to him, and his tongue was released with the article, so he proceeded to dissolve the problem, solve the problem and answer the subject of the problem .

I asked him about selling the sword sweetened with gold and silver? Then he contemplated and issued a fatwa that it is permissible if the value of the sword is usual in the market, or it was such that its price is evaluated by knowing the amount of gold and silver in it separately, then it is sold as a whole. : (Not sold until detailed)? He was amazed at the news and paused for a long time, then smiled and said: This is what can be separated, as for what spoils or diminishes its value by separating it, this prohibition is not included in the assessment of its validity, and it was as if the news had not been verified .

A questioner asked him while I was present about the blood money of the eye of the one-eyed? He paused and contemplated about it for a long time, and he did not miss anything about it, and he said: The issue needs to be examined and considered, and he paused about it. The doctrine of Malik and Ahmed is that there is a complete blood money for the caliphs to spend with it without contradicting them from the Companions, and because it is in his right in place of the eyes in its benefits, as evidenced by the permissibility of his dedication. And his testimony, according to Abu Hanifa and al-Shafi’i, it contains half blood money for the apparent meaning of the hadith, and the point of view is that if his one-eyed eye is hidden and concealed so that he is not aware of it, then in his right eye is half blood money, otherwise it includes blood money or half and a government, like the one-eyed sacrifice is acceptable if its eye is not obscured, otherwise it is not. God knows .

I presented to the scholar Zaidan once the issue of assigning the infidels to branches. If we say that they are commissioned, then he is not free if they signed the mandate whether it is valid or not? The first: abstaining because one of his conditions of faith is excluded from them, and the second: absurdity from which the wise street shuns, so what is the benefit of assigning them to it if it is not valid from them ?!

He contemplated and perpetuated the idea until the attendees blamed me without his knowledge of this question, then he answered with a smile about the difference between what the guarantee accepts from the costs and the right of others relates to it. The disagreement is an agreement, and the dispute is something else that is not guaranteed .

And my covenant with the scholar Dr. Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, is like rain, he does not care about which land he went down, and which valley it fell, equal to him praise and slanderer, his condition in this as Ibn Siraj said :

  Al-Sanai 'broadcasts are not filled with their site by those who wish to thank charity or disbelief

  The rain does not care wherever dust or stone spill out of it

The hadith was signed by Sheikh Moqbel Al-Wadaei, may God have mercy on him, forgiving him and his falsehood, and he threw him with something that is not permissible to mention and to mention here, so the mark did not pay him any attention, even though some people had tempted him to sue him .

Some of them had thrown the test of his morals, so he offered in his presence the mention of the one who was submissive and his sign of it, then he rebuked the questioner, and the one who was submissive with what implies that his saying about the wounding and virtue of the people of knowledge and their forgiveness is unacceptable. The questioner advised that he should not work except with what would benefit him from deliberation in knowledge and jurisprudence, and not to accept the words of peers among some of them if it appeared that he had gone out because of enmity and nervousness of the doctrine .

This is part of his dream and his fairness, as he indicated that his speech is himself, by appreciating his presence from him in the depositary also, is unacceptable, if his reason was what was mentioned, not purely criticism and evaluation, even though he was wronged in the event so that it is permissible for him to interrupt him in order to lift his grievance and define his condition, as well as It was said :

  Slander is not absent from the six outgrowers, who know and warn

  And for the manifestation of immorality and the questioner, and whoever requested aid in removing an evil

  His behavior is what the scholars and virtuous should adhere to following the example of the previous predecessors, and it is the equivalent of the behavior of Imam Abu Ubayd al-Qasim bin Salam, may God have mercy on him, for he was told that a man says: Abu Ubaid made a mistake in two hundred letters of (al-Gharib al-Musannaf), so Abu Ubaid, may God have mercy on him, dreamed of Something happens to the man, and he said: In (the compiler) such and such a thousand letters, if I did not make a mistake except in this small amount, what is much, and perhaps our friend if this seemed to us then we looked at him in the two hundred we would find a way out for her .

Our Sheikh Al-Qadi, the scholar Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Amrani, used to praise him and exaggerate in veneration and praise for him with understanding, knowledge and piercings of vision, and admires his long silence, and says that he reminds us of what they mentioned in the translation of the greatest Imam Abu Hanifa, may God have mercy on him, of his long silence, so I said to him: Do you contemplate or study? He said: No, so I said: Why ?! He said: Because he loves silence, and I like to speak .

The judge used to speak a lot about knowledge, anecdotes and benefits. Judge Iyas ibn Muawiya al-Intelligently mentioned that he used to speak a lot, so a man said to him: What is wrong with you other than too much talk! Iyas said: Do I speak right or wrong? The man said: Truly, so Iyas said: To increase the truth is better .

This is the analogy of what happened between the two pious Imams, Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah and Taqi al-Din ibn Daqiq al-Eid, may God have mercy on them, according to what General Ibn Katheer said in his (history) that Ibn Daqiq al-Eid reported on Ibn Taymiyyah’s knowledge and quality of his understanding, and he was told: Did you correspond? He said: No, because he loved talking and liked to be silent .

Abu Al-Atahiah said :

  If you like being silent, then the latter would have liked you

  And if you regretted your silence once, you regretted speaking repeatedly

  Silence is safety, and speech may sow enmity and harm

  It is astonishing that this mountain al-Ani, with its knowledge and virtue which was achieved far and wide, did not have the people of his country from among the Baghdadi people in particular, and the Iraqis in general, much care for him, comparable to what happened to Judge Abd al-Wahhab al-Baghdadi and Abu al-Faraj bin al-Jawzi and other scholars in Dar al-Salam, because they were They complain and complain about Al-Baghdada's great care of strangers coming from the scholars over it, not the scholars of Baghdad, and if we were on our journey we saw the conditions of scholars in Egypt, Yemen and other countries like this, and in this Ibn al-Jawzi says :

  Atheer, from a young man in Iraq, whose hearts turn in dryness

  They see the stranger, the words of the stranger, and the words of the relative, so they are not surprised

  Their gutter, if they bend well to other than their neighbors, is struck

  And their excuse when they reprimanded the singer of the neighborhood does not please

  Judge Abdel-Wahab said :

  How much wisdom would I have with you ?

  There is no shame for me except that I am in your homes and the neighborhood bassers do not sing

  And I see him I mean the scholar Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, as Judge Abd al-Wahhab said in his saying that he left Baghdad with compulsion after it had grown up in Baghdad, as is the custom of the country with its people of virtue, and the rule of days in the goodness of its people, as Ibn Bassam says in (Al-Thakhira ):

  Peace be upon Baghdad in every country,    and it is entitled to a double peace from me

  I swear by God, I did not leave her away from her, and I will separate her sides to know

  But it squeezed all of it on me, and the livelihoods were not enough

  And she was like a young man whose low morals and morals would distance him and disagree

  Then the scholar Zaidan went to Yemen just as the judge went to Egypt, so he carried its banner and filled its land and sky, even though the scholar, may God have mercy on him, was for his virtue and nobility, and he believed the merit in every virtuous person, and appreciates his family from all sects and sects equally, and he was not entrusted with slandering anyone or disparaging in Muin, but his interest was to criticize opinions and evaluate ideas, with knowledge and fairness in the way of advice, guidance and counseling, and he is in this as it was said :

A person does not express the virtue of himself with the same belief that the merit is in every virtuous

If the deficiency is negligible, the boy denies the defamation of him, by diminishing the virtues

  When our friend, investigative professor Iyad Al-Qaisi, may God bless him, asked me to meet the scholar Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, in order to obtain a statement from him regarding the translation of the modern scholar Abdul Karim Al-Sheikhly Al-Baghdadi, nicknamed the Thunderbolt, may God have mercy on him. He mentioned him with all his grace and beauty, with the difference in thought and method between them, and he gave him his thoughts to the memories of the past in the midst of the pain of the present, so he descended, reminding his witnesses who studied the Thunderbolt sign in the Haidarkhana Mosque in Baghdad, and went on to describe the ruins of ancient Baghdad, and renounce its role and its deep alleys. It is as if I were referring to the saying of Ziad al-Ajam :

  I love the country of God, there is no sign of    me, and peace be upon  me, to point its clouds

  A country where the scorpion of youth is my amulet and the first land whose soil touched my skin

  And from what he reported that Al-Sheikhli was dubbed the thunderbolt because of his resistance to the British occupation and his call to people to their jihad in Iraq, and if those working with knowledge followed this nobility with their opponents, there would be no conflict and discord in the nation .

And the mark Zidan, may God have mercy on him, who lived after death! He was among those who were mourned before his death, and the news of that was published and then revealed to be false, and this happened to a group of contemporary virtuous people, including the writer Ahmad Al-Zayat, the Iraqi poet Nazik Al-Malaika, the Al-Maliqa speaker, and others, may God have mercy on them. Some newspapers, so he read it himself, teased him and sang :

  No, I am not dead, but I am dying, so why will the evil be prevented ?

  The obituary lies, and if it is verified, poetry would not be an item, and the kingdom has passed

  Al-Fayhaa was in her grief, and Beirut was in its blackness

  Hey, you are not from the judiciary, with no cradle except for a coffin behind it

  How humiliated a mighty Sultan of the bad, and folded his wings tyrant

  There is no difference between the people in his law. David died, as Jaloot said

  I am a wet, wandering, watering water for souls and sustenance

  I envied him, and an owl called him, upon which pent-up hatred

  They said to her: "Rich, Lord's laughter is better than squandering an ugly silence ."

  I may die tomorrow and let my fortune remain the scent of roses while he dies

  And if he had said (as Goliath decided) place (gone) it would have been better .

  The scholar Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, practically alerted us to a kind of asceticism, perhaps overlooked by many of those who confronted the definition of asceticism, which is sacrifice and sacrifice in order to spread science and knowledge. Then he met these temptations by apologizing for accepting them, and staying in Yemen had an effect, so if he reviewed this, he would say: The need for us in Yemen is greater, and the people and students benefit from us in it more .

The scholar was very longing for Baghdad and Iraq, longing for his homeland and its affliction, and tending longing to his land and its affliction. One day a man visited with me from the city of (Abu Al-Khasib) in Basra Al-Fayhaa, and the scholar welcomed him so much, and he began describing for him the wonderful rivers and orchards The very freshness and old Basra he visited, as he said in the 1950s, when it was called (Venice of the East), so he returned nostalgia for the homeland, and his longing for the family, so his condition was like that of Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi, may God have mercy on him. ) That he might have been nostalgic for Granada, so he said describing his home, broadcasting his longing and misery in it, delegating his institutes and sights there, and mentioning his sources and resources :

  Do you remember the arid houses whose houses were swept with Shatti Chinshal

  And scenes, institutes and views of minors with withered currencies

  Where Riyadh blossomed its flowers, I smelled smarter than the scent of mandal

  And the bird twitches its eloquence over the soft-leaning branches

  It provokes a latent disease for Al-Mushtaq and removes the keeper of his excited tears

Or, as the author, Allama Abu Abdullah Al-Kalthoumi said, and he left Iraq and exiled in Khwarazm, then he said he mentions his longing for his homeland :

  God watered a quarter in Iraq, for it is mine, and if you leave it, it is for a lover

  I yearn for him from Khurasan, despondent, and howl if the shrine is near

  And nostalgia from Khwarazm is a little lost to the end of the land of Iraq is amazing

  And God believed in his love for his homeland, so God believed him, and here he is returning to it, but .. and it is astonishing that he is no other than the fatwa of the sons of Dr. Reda Al-Ani, may God have mercy on him, that the Sunnah is to bury the dead in the country in which he died, so why bury him where he died .

If only the master poet Al-Mujawwad Walid Al-Azami, may God have mercy on him, was alive, he would have embroidered his book full of (History of the notables of Adhamiya) mentioning the scholar Zaidan among the neighbors of al-Nu'man in the al-Bamboo cemetery .

It is a tear of parting on the sign of Iraq, and the sorrow of longing to meet, which prevented the course, according to Bukhari, may God have mercy on him, and he was told: What do you desire? He said: (I desire to come to Iraq, and Ali bin Abdullah is alive, so I sit there.) He wants: Imam Al-Hafiz, the great Ali bin Al-Madini, may God have mercy on him .

And we say in the scholar Dr. Zaidan what Imam Al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Al-Hakim said about his sheikh Al-Hafiz Abi Ali Al-Nisaburi: (I do not say exaggeration because he is my sheikh, but my eyes did not see something like him ).

The eyes tear, the heart grieves, and we only say that which pleases the Lord, and we are at your separation, Zaidan .

Cairo / Wednesday 28 Dhul Qi'dah 1440 AH - July 31, 2019 AD

* The father of the author of the article: Faisal Khalil Al-Bahr was born in 1937 and died in 2011, may God Almighty have mercy on him. He is the cousin and student of Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan. He was a teacher of the Arabic language, and he had taught in Algeria in the sixties during Arabization and the elimination of France, and he worked in the textile trade, and spent the last of his life to memorize the Holy Qur’an in the Qudat neighborhood mosque in Al-Karkh in Baghdad, and he had started to seek knowledge in the past, and he attended a short time with Mullah Taher Al-Waa'iz, may God have mercy on him And his son Bilal read to him the revival of the argument of Islam Al-Ghazali, may God Almighty have mercy on him.


Published on: 2019-07-31 (4827 Reads)

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