الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh --> They Said About The Sheikh

Dr. Abdel Karim Zidan Leaves The Mortal For The Rest

Written by: Dr. Ali Al-Atoum

I heard about him before I saw him more than twenty arguments ago, when we used to take from his famous book “Usul al-Da`wah” as one of our references in the Muslim Brotherhood education curriculum. deep .

Even if circumstances were right and I visited Yemen several years ago to attend the Jerusalem conference that was held in Sana'a on (7/12/2005), some brothers on the sidelines of the conference provided us with the opportunity to visit it at its headquarters there, may God have mercy on him .

And our generous visit in this meeting was to sit down to this venerable world, but a well-known scholar in the fields of science and knowledge, study and teaching, authorship and classification. At that time, the man seemed to us to be old. He was over the age of eighty-five at the time, but despite that, he seemed vital in his warm reception, generous welcome, good speech, and his correct views on political events, especially what was taking place at that time in beloved Iraq.

I saw him again nearly seven years ago in the hospitality of our Syrian brother-in-law, Dr. Yassin Al-Ghadhban, Abu Najeeb, at his home in Amman / Nazal neighborhood, as there was great friendship between him and Dr. Yassin, and I often heard from Dr. Yassin a fragrant praise for him through his accompaniment to him in Yemen for a long time. At the time, I reminded him of our meeting in Sanaa, which I referred to a short while ago, and I found him remembered. He was the one who took the initiative and informed our son-in-law about the assault on me, which took place on 28/8/2007 AD, and at that time he was staying at his home in Amman, and perhaps he read the news in one of our local newspapers .

It is known that Dr. Abdul Karim, may God have mercy on him, was the second general observer of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq, as he assumed this responsibility after the departure of the first observer, Sheikh Muhammad Mahmoud al-Sawaf, to the Gulf countries. Because of the difficult political conditions that Iraq was going through in the late fifties of the last century. He walked the group there with a good and efficient biography, as Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi mentions in his book “Pages from the History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq,” saying: “The choice of Dr. Abdul-Karim Zaidan as a general observer of the Brotherhood after Professor Al-Sawwaf was correct, so he is qualified for that. Rather, at the level of the Islamic world, and with experience, and great ability to look and manage matters, and an encyclopedic mentality, and with his sophistication and depth of thinking, he was able to lead the Brotherhood’s ship in a turbulent atmosphere, and avoid it cracks and setbacks, and he remained in control of the Brotherhood until 1971 AD .

Dr. Abdul Karim, may God have mercy on him, was born in Baghdad in the year 1917 AD. He is from the town of Anah in Anbar Province. He learned to read, write and read the Qur’an in one of the katib al-Karkh (one side of Baghdad). He joined the College of Law in Baghdad, and then obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Sharia at the College of Law at Cairo University in 1962 with the first honor degree for his thesis “Rulings of the Dhimmis and Trustees in the House of Islam”. The supervisor of his message was Dr. Salama Madkour. He was awarded the King Faisal Al Saud Prize in 1997; In recognition of his scholarly efforts, in his book "Al-Mufassal fi Ahkam al-Watan wa al-Muslimiyya ".

Dr. Zaidan, may God have mercy on him, has a number of fifteen books on topics of Islamic law. Among them are: Al-Wajeez in the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the fundamentals of the call, the individual and the state in Islamic law, the judicial system in Islamic law, retribution and blood money in Islamic law, a summary of religions in the Qur’an, reviews of Islamic law, positive laws, learned from the stories of the Qur’an for the call and preachers, and several researches It also amounted to eleven papers, including: advocacy in the present age, the rulings of a foundling in Islamic law, Islamic law and general international law, slavery in Islam, democracy and Muslim participation in its elections. He supervised a large number of master's and doctoral dissertations at the universities of Sana'a and Al-Iman Al-Ahlia .

The man passed away in Sana'a on Monday (27/1/2014). The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan called him in Al-Sabeel newspaper on Tuesday morning on the date (28/1/2014 AD) under the title “obituary of a scholar,” and with these words - issued in the noble verse: (O reassured soul, go back to your Lord with a satisfactory, satisfied And enter my paradise) -: “The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is considered by the Mighty and Majestic, the scholar Dr. Abd al-Karim Zidan, may God have mercy on him, who moved next to his Lord after a long life and great generosity, and continuous work in service of his religion and nation, and the fulfillment of duty towards Muslim generations who were disciples And on his scientific output in Iraqi and Arab universities, the most recent of which is Al-Iman University in Yemen. As we miss in him an outstanding Islamic leader, a glorious scholar, and a great sheikh from among the great references of Islam, let us turn to his brothers, his family and his family with the warmest consolation, and we only say that which pleases our Lord .

Among the words of the late in the call, he said - may God reward him on our behalf and on behalf of the Muslims the best reward -: “Those who call people to God must teach people the rulings of Islam and introduce them to the limits of God, and not be satisfied with kind affection and repeating some true words, and that Islam is valid for every time and place. Generalities are not sufficient, rather it is necessary to know the details of Islam as much as possible. Spreading the concepts of Islam is a duty for every Muslim, so whoever has knowledge, it is not permissible to conceal it, especially when ignorance is widespread and heresy appear .

May God have mercy on you, our great brother, and our great professor, Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan. Our grief over you is great, and our grief over you is great, but it is the destiny of God, who we can only have for our foreheads, and our hearts acknowledge it, and there is no strength or power except with God. You have assumed the leadership of the da'wah, led well, and advanced in the ranks, lost knees for the good and the good of the nation, and brought him to a shore of safety. You have taught, guided, advised, written and published. You were a reference for your brothers in Iraq and for the great majority of the people of the Da`wah everywhere. I ask God that you will be one of the winners of satisfaction in the shadows of the Most Merciful, and of those who dwell in Paradise, and those who come to the basin of the Prophet Al Adnan. And I see you - God willing - the saying of the one who said :

  The questioning of the stirrups was telling me

  On the authority of Ahmad ibn Dawad, the greatest news

  Until we met, by God, I did not hear

  My ears are better than my eyesight has seen

We count you like this and we do not recommend you to God, but it is confidence in the believing leadership, the reverence for its owners, the glorification of the knowledge that they carry, and the glorification of the call of Islam, which is nothing below .

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 AD


Published on: 2019-06-22 (3783 Reads)

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