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The scientist of Iraq (Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan) his life and his effects

Written by / Sheikh Dr. Jamal Talib

Imam of the Islamic Center of Southwestern Ontario - London (Canada )

How sad and broken I was as I was reading the news of the death of the eminent scholar and the noble edifice, the sign of Iraq and the Islamic world, Abdul Karim Zaidan, who passed away on Monday 27 of Rabi` al-Awal 1435 AH corresponding to 1/27/2014 AD.

It was not destined for me to be a student at the hands of the sheikh, nor to meet him, but I am proud that I have learned and studied on his books that included most of the Sharia arts, in various Sharia, legal, intellectual and advocacy specializations, which were taught as scientific subjects in many Arab and Islamic universities.

In Sharia, he wrote “The Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” which is one of the masterpieces of the entries, the deepest and most comprehensive of them, and he wrote “The Individual and the State in Sharia” and “Views of Islamic Law” where he persevered and sat on his method, which was distinguished by the ease of the phrase and clarity of its meanings. His teacher, the scholar Muhammad Abu Zahra, excelled in “Rulings of the Dhimmis and the Trustees in the House of Islam” and “Guarantee and Transfer in Comparative Jurisprudence.” As for the “Rulings of Women and the Muslim House in Islamic Law,” he came in eleven volumes and was a knight in explaining the jurisprudential rules in his book “Al-Wajeez in Explanation of the jurisprudential rules, "where he came fully in spite of its brevity, and if you moved your gaze towards the da'wah and its origins, then you must pause carefully and reverently before his unique book" The Fundamentals of the Call, "so he performed, drew and sailed without being bored or bored. After that, he has research and connections on various matters, including:Intentional effect on actions and contracts "," The foundlings and its provisions in Islamic law, “Foundlings rulings in Islamic law”, “The state of necessity in Islamic law”, “Islamic law and general international law”, “disagreement in Islamic law”, “the doctrine of judgment and destiny and its effect on the behavior of the individual”, “the punishment In Islamic Sharia, “Individuals Rights in the House of Islam”, “Restrictions on Individual Ownership for the Public Interest in Islamic Law”, “Judicial System in Islamic Law”, “Islamic Sharia’s Position on Slavery”, “Abstract Intention in Islamic Law”, Breastfeeding issues in Islamic law .

Thus, you see that the man was a scholar and a scholar whose counterpart is scarce in the modern era, as he wanders you in his books as if you are in a garden with many trees and spices .

Sheikh Imam al-Alamamah Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Hanbal al-Shaybani, may God be pleased with him, said that he was rewarded by Paradise, and he forgave us and him with him and his generosity, according to the likes of our Sheikh Abd al-Karim Zidan, and on the scholars working in the sermon of his book, in which he responded to some of the lost sects of his time: (Praise be to God who made all A long time ago, some of the messengers were remnants of the people of knowledge, calling for those who went astray to guidance, and they were patient with them from harm, they revive the Book of God - the Almighty - the dead, and they see the light of God the people of blindness, how many of the dead of the devil have revived him, and how many lost lost they have guided. The best of their impact on people and the ugliest effect of people on them, they deny the book of God the distortion of the expensive people, the plagiarism of the invalid, and the interpretation of the ignorant who held the brigades of heresy and unleashed sedition, for they differ in the book, contradict the book, they are unanimous on the paradox of the book, they say about God and in God and in the book of God Unknowingly, they speak the similarity of words, and deceive the ignorant people with what they are like to them, so we seek refuge in God from the temptation of deceivers .)

And Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, said about them (They are on earth like the stars from the sky, with them guided by confusion in the darkness, and the people's need for them is greater than their need for food and drink, and their obedience is more important than the obedience of fathers and mothers according to the text of the book ).

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, may God have mercy on him, said: “People are in need of knowledge from food and drink, because food and drink need it two or three times a day, and knowledge needs it all the time .”

It is no wonder after that for the scientists to remain a blessing from God, and their going is a calamity that afflicts the earth and its people, and a dullness in the religion does not block anything, so with the death of the scholars and preachers and their loss lies the calamity, the glorification of the shame, and the destruction of the world, Ibn Masoud, may God be pleased with him, said: Islam is not blocked by something that is different night and day.) Said bin Jubair was said: What is the sign of people's destruction? He said: If their scholars perished .

And the belief in that is what Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated in their Sahih on the authority of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas on the authority of the Prophet that he said: (God does not seize knowledge by extracting it from the servants, but he seizes knowledge by seizing scholars, even if he did not remain a scholar, people took the heads of fools, and they were asked, and they gave fatwas. Unknowingly, they preferred and went astray.) Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, may God have mercy on him, said :

The commentators mentioned in the Almighty saying in Surat Al-Raad from verse 41: (Did they not see that the earth came, we would reduce it from its outskirts) Ibn Abbas said in a narration: It is ruined by the death of its scholars, scholars and good people from it. Likewise, Mujahid said: It is the death of scholars .

It came in Majma 'al-Zawaid on the authority of Saeed bin Al-Musayyib who said: I witnessed the funeral of Zaid bin Thabit, and when he was buried in his grave, Ibn Abbas said: “O these, it is his pleasure to know how the knowledge went, so this is how the knowledge went ... May God went today with a lot of knowledge.” Narrated by Al-Tabarani. And in the book “The Ethics of the Scholars” by the Ajri: Ka'b said: (You have knowledge before it goes, because if knowledge is gone, the death of its people, the death of the world is a star that is obliterated, the death of the scientist is a fracture that is not forced, and a septum is not blocked. If I meet them, and I am misguided if I do not cast them, there is no good in the people but them .)

The earth lives when its world lives. Whenever a world dies in it, a party dies

Like the earth, it will live if rain falls on it, and if it refuses, it will be damaged again

In the hearts of believers in the judgment and destiny of God, we mourn to the entire Islamic world the death of the sign of the age, the distinguished jurist of Iraq, and his preacher educator, the eminent Sheikh Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan, after a lifetime of nearly ninety, most of her spent in knowledge, writing and calling to God Almighty .

As we mourn the death of this venerable divine world, let us beseech God Almighty to have mercy on him and to join him with the prophets, the righteous, the martyrs, the righteous, and the goodness of those who are companions, and to inspire his children, his family, his students, and his loved ones with patience and solace, and to increase their reward, just as God Almighty calls that the mosquitoes of the Islamic ummah are raised by rabbinic scholars Their duties are in the rift with truth and the call to God Almighty and that our sons and daughters understand the importance of the role of scholars instead of establishing them with celebrities of music and art and enrich us. If one of them dies, the world will rise and it will not sit, but there is no movement when we hear of the death of a scholar or jurist, so God bless us and bless the agent, and we are God and we shall return to him.


Published on: 2018-07-11 (5924 Reads)

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