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Abdul Karim Zidan .. The Scientist Of The Fundamentals And Jurist Of Aldaewa

Written by / journalist Bassam Nasser

  Journalist and researcher in Islamic thought

  He moved to the mercy of the Almighty on Monday January 27, 2014 AD in the Yemeni capital Sana'a, the Iraqi scholar, Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan, after a life journey of 97 years, which was decorated with his blessed advocacy efforts and celebrated with his distinguished scientific achievement. Arab and Islamic. It appears to the viewer in the biography of Dr. Zaidan and his scholarly and advocacy career that he was a jurist, a worker, and a theoretician involved in the movement's work. At the same time, he was practicing the movement's missionary work, bearing his heavy consequences and responsibilities, through his work in the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood, until he assumed the position of the former general observer of the group in Iraq .

Dr. Zaidan's various scientific and advocacy interests led to the diversity of his scientific and intellectual production, which focused mostly on methodological and scientific studies specialized in Islamic jurisprudence and its origins, and the editing of Sharia rules, with his individual studies and books dealing with advocacy issues and affairs, and between what the preachers benefit from the stories of the Holy Qur’an With his clear interest in the issue of "divine Sunnahs in nations, groups and individuals in Islamic law", for which he devoted a separate book with the title it .

This article seeks to highlight what Dr. Zaidan's narrative found in the fields of da`wah and fundamentals of jurisprudence, through an extensive and comprehensive presentation of what he wrote in his books "Usul al-Da`wah" and "Al-Wajeez fi Usool al-Fiqh", which are reflected in them and in his other books, his distinguished research faculty. Clearly, his wealth of knowledge, his broad knowledge, his proficiency in presenting his material, and his citation of sufficient and sufficient evidence, with the presentation of the sayings of previous imams, and the weighting of them with what he deems the strongest evidence and the brightest argument .

Facilitating the principles of jurisprudence and facilitating its discussions

Among the studies and systematic research of Dr. Zaidan specialized in Islamic jurisprudence and its fundamentals, he tops the list of his published books and publications, his book entitled "Al-Wajeez fi Usool al-Fiqh", which is a well-known and widely circulated book, accepted by scholars, students of knowledge and the general public, and many have adopted it. Colleges of Sharia, and professors of the fundamentals of jurisprudence, as a methodological reference book, which generations of students of Islamic law have benefited from in various Islamic universities, and colleges of Sharia and Islamic Studies .

It is known among scholars of Sharia sciences that the science of jurisprudence, a science specific to the Islamic nation, produced by the Islamic mind, as a standard science that preserves the jurisprudence of a jurist from error and error, by providing him with standard rules and disciplined principles that make the process of deducing legal rulings from their detailed evidence, going in its tracks The correct list, to produce legal understandings bound by these rules and principles .

In his book "Al-Wajeez fi Usool al-Fiqh", Dr. Abdel-Karim Zaidan presented the discussion of this science, in an easy and accessible way, and he based his book on the topics of the science of origins, which are confined to the legal ruling and its evidence, and the methods of deducing it, and the deduction himself, that is, the mujtahid in terms of eligibility for ijtihad, That is why the book’s research was organized into four chapters: the first chapter deals with what is related to the Shari’a ruling, the second chapter deals with the evidence of the legal rulings and the sources of legislation, and the third chapter is devoted to discussing ways to derive rulings and their rules, and what is attached to all this of the rules of weighting, the transcript and the copied, and the fourth chapter Its focus was on Ijtihad and its conditions, and Mujahid, and tradition and its meaning .

The book Al-Wajeez is distinguished by its clarity and ease of language, and by looking at it shows the extent of its author's diligence in presenting the topics of the fundamentals of jurisprudence, in an easy and accessible way, in which he gathered what the advanced imams discussed in their books, providing their definitions with their texts and explaining their doctrines with their evidence, and often discusses those sayings and doctrines, which weakens what he sees Weak, and outweighed by what he deems strong and solid. For all of these features and characteristics, this book is suitable for being the appropriate entry point for a student of legal science in his study of the fundamentals of jurisprudence, even if he mastered it and comprehended his investigations, this enabled him to move to old books and the original references of this art known to specialists .

Advocacy fundamentals: how do Muslims call to Islam ?

In his book “Usul al-Da`wah” Dr. Abdul-Karim Zidan explained that what is meant by the call is the call to God, as in the Almighty saying: (Say, This is my path, I pray to God On insight I and those who follow my religion ..), and what is meant is the call to God ... Islam (The religion with God is Islam) that Muhammad, may blessings and peace be upon him, brought from his Lord, may God be glorified and exalted, for Islam is the subject and the truth of the call, and this is the first basis for the call according to what the author, may God have mercy on him, explained .

The Holy Messenger, may blessings and peace be upon him, attained this great Islam well-communicated and perfected and continued to pray to God from the time that God honored him with the message until he moved next to his honorable Lord, and that is why God Almighty sent him: Enlightening), so he, may blessings and peace be upon him, the first preacher to Islam, so the caller is the second origin of the call, according to the explanation of the scholar Zaidan .

Those who were called by the Messenger of God to Islam and whose message was communicated to them are the Arabs and others. Because His message is general to all human beings and is not limited to the Arabs, the Almighty said: (And we have not sent you except for all of the people as evangelists and evangelists), so the one called to Islam is therefore the third principle of the call, as it came in the introduction to the book .

The Messenger of God has called for Islam through the means, methods, and approaches that God has revealed to him, and which are proven in the Qur’an and the noble Prophet’s Sunnah. The convener, the summoner, and the means .

In the chapter related to the subject of the da'wah, namely Islam, the author spoke about defining Islam, among its pillars, showing its characteristics, explaining its systems, and highlighting its objectives. As well as what is related to the audience of the invitees, and the methods and means of the invitation that the caller adopts to communicate his call to the invitees .

Recorded by Dr. Abdel Karim Zidan; That when he was dealing with classification in matters of Sharia sciences, or dealing with issues of Islamic advocacy, he used to combine rooting and revelation, and then he presented issues rooted in their evidence, and the saying about them was detailed according to what the imams of scholars said, diligently in dealing with contemporary Muslim issues, and interacting with the concerns of the ummah Major issues and their fateful issues ,

May God have mercy on him, and Shabeeb bestowed upon him his pleasure and forgiveness .

Journalist Bassam Nasser

Friday, January 31, 2014



Published on: 2018-05-28 (5289 Reads)

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