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In The Departure Of The Scholar Abd Al-Karim Zidan ... A Divine Scholar

Written by Dr. Wasfi Ashour Abu Zeid

With the death of the scholar Abd al-Karim Zidan today January 27, 2014 AD at the age of ninety-seven years, and nearly a century in the Hijri calendar, the nation loses one of its flags, and a planet of the guiding planets in its sky, and one of the pillars of science in our time is destroyed, and a notch is not blocked in its construction. Until the world of others takes his place .

And it was narrated from the hadith of Jabir in a marfoo ': “The death of the world is a hollow in Islam that is not blocked by the difference of night and day.” Al-Tabarani: From the hadith of Abu Al-Darda 'he raised it: “The death of the world is a calamity that cannot be forced, and the death of a tribe is easier than the death of a scholar, and he is a star of obliteration.” And from it on the authority of Ibn Umar, Al-Dailami included it with the wording: (God did not seize a scholar but was a loophole in Islam that would not be blocked). Verse 41 said: The death of its scholars. Al-Bayhaqi from the hadith of Maarouf bin Kharboud, on the authority of Abu Jaafar, that he said: “The death of a scholar is dearer to the devil than the death of seventy worshipers .”

And on the authority of Amr bin Al-Aas that the Prophet said: (God does not seize knowledge by taking it away from the people, but he does not seize knowledge by seizing scholars, so that if there is no knowledge left, people have taken foolish heads, and they were asked, and they issued fatwas without knowledge. Lubaid Ibn Rabia said : The Razia is not like a raze, the loss of every brother is like the light of the planet. Abdul Karim Zidan was born in Baghdad in the year 1917 AD, grew up there and graduated, learned to read the Noble Qur’an in private Qur’an education offices, and moved to work in Yemen, and worked in many of its universities .

He completed his primary studies in Baghdad, then entered the primary school teachers, and after graduating there, he became a teacher in elementary schools, entered the law school in Baghdad and graduated there, and was then appointed director of the Najibiya religious high school, and he joined the Institute of Islamic Sharia from Cairo University and obtained a master's degree with excellent grades and obtained a doctorate from the College of Law, Cairo University, in 1962, with first honors, on the topic: "Rulings of the Dhimmis and the Trustees in Islamic Law  .

He left the Fiqh and Fundamental Library a large number of books, including: The rulings of the dhimmis and the trustees in the abode of Islam, the brief in the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the introduction to the study of Islamic law, the guarantee and the assignment in comparative jurisprudence, the principles of the call, the individual and the state in Sharia, and the detailed in the rulings of the woman and the Muslim house in Islamic law, and the brief in explaining the rules of jurisprudence in Islamic law, The Iraqi Explanation of the Twenty Principles, Reviews of Islamic Law, the Impact of Intention on Actions and Contracts, Snapshot and Its Provisions in Islamic Law, The Provisions of a Foundling in Islamic Law, the State of Necessity in Islamic Law, Islamic Law and General International Law, the difference in Islamic Sharia, the doctrine of Judgment and Destiny and its effect on Individual behavior, punishment in Islamic law, individual rights in the abode of Islam, restrictions on individual ownership of the public interest in Islamic law, the judicial system in Islamic law, position of Islamic law on slavery, abstract intention in Islamic law, and issues  Breast feeding in Islamic law .

Abd al-Karim Zidan was a fundamentalist, jurist, jurist, juridical, political, ideological, rabbinic advocate, a working world, combining the rulings of Sharia and the requirements of the age, linked to the original and connected to the age, looking with one eye at the texts of Sharia, and with the other eye on the development of reality and its processes, so his jurisprudence and scientific production came alive, useful and immortal. , Jurists, fundamentalists, preachers, politicians, and other disciplines .

Abd al-Karim Zaidan's books were distinguished by scientific depth, legal rooting, established methodology, deep discussion and awareness of reality, and the compatibility between it and the Sharia in a way that does not contradict the principles and faculties, so his jurisprudence came in proportion to reality, distinct, useful and useful, blocked a defect, forced a deficiency, and decorated the fundamentalist and jurisprudential library .

I certify that d. Abd al-Karim Zidan was the most contemporaries I read in the field of jurisprudence and fundamentals, and despite this his efforts were not limited to jurisprudence and fundamentals only, but he went beyond this to other fields such as advocacy, Qur’anic studies, politics, belief, systems and law, until he received the King Faisal International Prize in Islamic Studies In the year 1417 AH / 1997 CE, on his book: “The Mafsel in Rulings on Women and the Muslim House in Islamic Law”. It is in 11 volume .

The important lesson that we must realize in the awareness of our noble world and our divine call is that we raise a generation of scholars who are aware of the law and related to the age who combine the jurisprudence of the text with the jurisprudence of reality, and have the skill to download the text to reality, in order to fill this deficiency that is expanding day after day with the departure Pentecostals and unswerving in science, and until they perform the letter and the Secretariat, and carry out their duties towards the legacy of the Prophet ﷺ .

God bless the great scholar d. Abd al-Karim Zidan, and successor to the nation in him, and we belong to God and to Him we shall return .

Dr. Wasfi Ashour Abu Zeid

January 27, 2014 AD


Published on: 2018-05-23 (4712 Reads)

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