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The scholar Al-Faqih Abdul Karim Zidan

Written by / Dr. Abdul Hakim Al-Anees

Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan was one of the great jurists of the nation in the fifteenth century, and he worked as a professor of Sharia at the College of Islamic Studies in Baghdad and its dean, then a professor of Sharia and head of the religion department at the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad, then a professor and head of its department in the College of Law at the University of Baghdad, and he obtained the title Senior professor .

  The third was Obaid al-Karim: Sheikh Abdul Karim al-Mudaris, and Sheikh Abdul Karim al-Dabban, and he

  He left our world last calendar year, and on that occasion I wrote these words .

I traveled to Iraq in the year 1400 AH - 1980 CE, and I studied in Fallujah, and in Baghdad, then I studied, and I left the year 1419 AH / 1998 CE, and I did not meet him in these years except several times: one of them in the administration of the (Islamic Education Magazine) at its editor-in-chief Professor Abdul Wahhab al-Samarrai, Once again, he attended the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad, discussing a PhD thesis presented by our professor, Dr. Aref Ali Aref .

  He wore a strange suit, put "Faisaliah" on his head, appeared sober, and was surrounded by reverence and respect .

  We wanted to visit him and be close to him, and benefit from him, but his circumstances were not permissible, and he was not in agreement with the regime at the time, nor clashing, and he was almost like in forced isolation, and despite that his books were scheduled for teaching in the aforementioned college - the College of Islamic Sciences in University of Baghdad - We studied including: “The Introduction to the Study of Islamic Sharia” and “Al-Wajeez fi Usool al-Fiqh”, and we noted the good arrangement and classification .

Professor Abdul Karim was not a prolific author, but the books and research he directed were sober and accepted .

Among the most extensive of his books: “The Mufassal in Rulings of Women, and the Muslim House in Islamic Law,” the date of its introduction is 4 Rajab 1412 AH - January 8, 1992 CE .

He won the King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies in the year 1417 AH-1997AD, and the book became very popular .

Dr. Abdul Karim lived for knowledge, and did not come close to the first ruler, and did not take his sufficient opportunity to broadcast what he had, but when he traveled to Yemen and stayed there, he set off for some time .

He did not return to his homeland after the occupation until he realized that he was dead, and was buried there .

I wrote it from Dubai to evaluate some of the research submitted to the Ahmadiyya Journal, and he responded, and his report was scientifically useful, and his hand tremors were evident in his old age ...

And from what I read to him: “The Judicial System in Islamic Law.” I was asked to conduct research at the university level in the subject of legal pleadings, so I read this book and summarized it .

In the doctoral stage, Professor Dr. Mohsen Abdel-Hamid suggested to us the titles to write on, including on the divine Sunnahs in the Qur’an. My brother Sheikh Muhammad Ayyash Al-Kubaisi told me that a book was issued by Dr. Abdul Karim entitled: “The Divine Sunnahs in Nations, Individuals and Groups”, and I did not see it .

The doctor was from the Mahameda clan, who had an origin, but he was born in Baghdad and died in Sana'a .

And between birth in 1921 AD until his death on 1/27/2014 AD, the journey of this scholar, fundamentalist and legal jurist, author, teacher, mentor, may God have mercy on him, rewarded him for knowledge and religion, and compensated Muslims for his loss .

Dr. Abdul Hakim Al-Anees

10/30/2015 AD - 1/16/1437 Hijri


Published on: 2018-05-14 (4959 Reads)

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