الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh
About The Sheikh Biography   Sheikh  Abdul Karim Zidan, may Allah have mercy on him, did not write his biography with a book that collects it, and he did not care much for this (may  Allah  have mercy on him), but  Allah  willing that a researcher at Al-Azhar University would register a doctoral thesis entitled (The efforts of Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan in the service of the Islamic More >>
Ruling On Imitation Quran
RULING ON IMITATION OF THE QUR’AN IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT WAS REVEALED IN IT (Using Quranic VersesI nappropriately In Newspaper Articles) Question One of the newspapers published in an article which reads: (Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the whites... Did He not make their plots to undermine them, and sent upon them the hawks of monotheism, and the dark, staunch le More >>

About Sheikh --> They Said About The Sheikh

Speech Of Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Taha In The Memorial Service Of Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan

A speech delivered by Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Taha in improvisation of memorization and memory without relying on the paper, and improvisation in rhetoric, the Sunnah of the Caliphs and the Companions, may God be pleased with them all, and this eulogy was published by Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan in sound and image in many channels and sites .The site publishes the text of the memorial after unpacking the video recording, which included the comment of Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Taha on chapters from the life of Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan over decades .

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the punishment for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, and upon his family, his companions, his wives, and his descendants, and whoever guides his guidance until the Day of Judgment .

As for after

The news of the death of Imam Sheikh Abd al-Karim Zaidan is a sad and frightening news even though God Almighty’s power is in force and he is on the head and the eye, and God is Almighty. That this right is when the command of God takes place and fulfills its destiny. He said the truth will be received by souls with some sadness and pain at a time when the exalted are glorified, such as this master, upon him the mercy and pleasure of God Almighty .

This man has been known in the scientific circles for more than half a century that he is a man who occupied himself with science and work, spreading virtue and revising ideas that taint them. Or propaganda, but he is silent, a few words, a lot of work, a lot of work, far from suspicion, but it is fulfilled in him the saying of the Messenger ﷺ (There is no envy except in two. And teach it ).

The man since I met him is a man who carries wisdom, refines it and presents it with a beautiful, reasonable and acceptable presentation. For more than fifty years, his books are varied, all enlightening the minds, all of which build the personality of the student of knowledge. He is of course a professor in the original at the College of Law in Iraq and was the head of a department in the College of Law in the fifties, and he was entrusted with teaching the fundamentals of law in Islamic law and writing in this regard Although it was an acronym that fits the minds of law students graduating from high schools, but later on expanded and made it a source of the fundamentals of jurisprudence ... I can say that it is in the Arab world and perhaps in the Islamic world. The book (Al-Wajeez fi Usul Al-Fiqh) was read by all students of the age, and it is a modern old book that avoids the strong and exploitative phrase and clarifies it with contemporary examples. It was a book of little likeness, and other books on spiritual education, and others on advocacy issues. His book (Fundamentals of Da`wah), you will find it as a book as it formulates the individual Muslim to assume the responsibility that God sent the messengers and commanded by their followers.Where the Almighty and Ali said, addressing his Messenger, (Say this is my path, I pray to God ۚon me and with insight.) So the individual Muslim understood that he was commanded by the text of this verse to pray to God and to act upon him. Therefore, you find that the book is approaching five hundred papers that direct what should be the individual educated Muslim in this time, but in fact it is like a laboratory for the formulation of preachers .

He writes on issues the rules ... in the rules of fundamentals, the rules of jurisprudence and general rules in Islamic jurisprudence, and deals with topics that make you feel that the man, may God Almighty have mercy on him, was a scientific encyclopedia .

Then there are his wonderful and great gestures from the Holy Qur’an and quotes from the wisdom that he refers to every mind that this book calls for the one who is the most righteous, a book that contained all knowledge and called for happiness and focused on the foundations of the happiness of societies in achieving justice, charity and loyalty to the kin, and warned of the harshness of destruction And the causes of failure for societies, God Almighty said (He forbids immorality, immorality, and indecency ).

This man was very simple and impatient ... Do not imagine that he is the dean, for example, or the head of the department, or that he is the vocalized professor or that he is the founder of the institution. Sometimes there is an activity for him, he founded a facility and called it (the College of Islamic Studies). It produced many meals and saved many of those who were killed by emptiness and haunted by confusion, who had competencies, but age prevented the continuation of studies, and opened it in a legal, legal, evening college, so many qualified people joined it. They did not get the certificate, from them the teacher, including the teacher, including the employee, including the soldier, and the merchant, so he graduated generations

This man has the mercy of God Almighty ... I, by God, believe that this is the happy one whose goodness is incalculable, unless a person holds a record. The use of his books is not limited to an art, for he is a jurist and he is a mufti, a preacher and a teacher and educator. You notice that Iraq was mourned by his death and was afflicted by a calamity and the occurrence of an impasse in reality is not forced. And to fill the void left by our professor and jurist of the era, Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan, may God Almighty have mercy on him .

The man did not take him to God as blame for a blame, he was not reckless, and he was not known to be a preacher who addressed the audience .

I remember at the beginning of the seventies we were called once at one of the dear ones and Professor Abdul Karim Zaidan attended ... We sat about two hours after dinner, and when people wanted to go out, he had a point of view ... and he was not the oldest of the people, many were older than him, but the man was conscious He was calm, purposeful, intelligent and legally ... He said, "I ask the group - he said it with some humor or a light joke - to be on the safe side. Get out every two separately or all three ... Do not go out in this way, so pay attention to those who are trolling appearances, for the group is one of them smiling and some of them He laughed, and some of them said, may God reward you well, so the man was far-sighted ... he was very far-sighted, and therefore at the beginning of the nineties he felt that his presence was surrounded by inconvenience and may be intolerable or perhaps insulted ... He used to tell us when we asked him if there was An occasion to speak strongly? He says: (No, my brother, they are not ordered to do this. We are commanded to speak the word of truth and to soften the method Because other than this calls for an insult, and the Messenger of God has forbidden us - and indicated that the believer should not humiliate himself, because he who does not hesitate in speech humiliates himself), so God Almighty’s mercy was wise .

We studied in 1970/1971 in postgraduate studies at the University of Baghdad, and the study was evening. During the lecture - his lecture of course - it exceeded an hour and a half because we usually have graduate studies curricula that combine two hours, so it is about an hour forty minutes or two hours, and sometimes the time of Maghrib is during that time. If a few minutes passed for the call to prayer, he looks at the students' brothers - we used to remember at that time about ten - and he thinks ... Then he said: Everyone leaves - once it was an exam - so he said everyone leaves his paper and his notebook on the trip and gets up ... So we got up, he said: Please - We went out, turned the door back, then went to the room again, then he said to one of us: Please, pray with us in front of him, he did not wear a turban and the student was wearing a turban, at that time I said to him: Excuse me, professor ... He said: No they want the group - meaning your colleagues want You pray, we prayed Maghrib only as much as the obligatory prayer, and when we finished we went straight back to the room and everyone returned to his place. So you notice here that he applies the law, he applies the Sharia, he warns against criticism, He warns of the legal drawbacks and the legal drawbacks. We really need such models from educators, and this is how we should be and be the educator. We ask God Almighty and to compensate the nation for his loss .

He felt that there was an extension of a hand on some of the preachers and professors when the arrests of some of them began, so he thought and then left. His exit was not for the purpose of fame, because he is a man known and does not need it and does not seek it, and it was not for the purpose of collecting money because God is kind to him, but he was the bearer of an invitation. A reception befitting his standing, so people led there and shouted the students' complex there to go to him in the college and in his home, and he did not call him, and his answers were not hesitant or uninterrupted, and if you asked him a question that needs four or five pages he tells you: Give me, God willing, until tomorrow, and sometimes not Tomorrow says, he says: Give me, God willing, we will answer you, most of the time the second day the answer comes to you in three pages, four pages, five pages, and when you read it you imagine that it was parked on a shelf and then came and printed it .

The man of God Almighty gave him talent and a smooth phrase and blessed his time, may God Almighty have mercy on him .

Consequently, when you look at his books - I will when I see his book, which was printed about ten or fifteen years ago (The Muslim House and the Rulings of Women), a book of this size that needs - God knows - at least twenty years, but it is in fact a gift from God. And a man who was serious and did not know the fun or tampering with him as a way, even when the government looked in the country of the Hijaz, I looked at they were holding an annual conference and choosing the Year Book or the Book of the Age, so their choice fell on Abdul Karim Zaidan's detailed book that he is the one who deserves to be rewarded ... so I was given the honor of the King Faisal Prize At that time the man is not in her condition .

Of course, he was summoned to conferences that God does not know, and his standing in every conference indicated the light of insight and not paying attention to the creation, but turning and turning to the Creator, where God is pleased and is coming, without fear or flattery, and where God Almighty does not accept the project, you see it closed, and he says: No, my brother ... this does not belong to us, or it is outside of the Sharia, or this is not authorized by Sharia or it is not desirable in Sharia, so it is clear without - far from it - without rudeness .

God Almighty has sealed the most honorable honor

We know from what we know that he who dies while seeking knowledge will die a martyr. She brought these hadiths and reports, and until the man dies, he teaches and seeks knowledge, and he is not ashamed to say to his student - by God, I hear him more than once while we are ashamed - he says: (Ahmed, what is your information? So-and-so books or so, Zakat. Whether it is long in religion? You saw my opinion that it is exempted except for a year or zakat is given every year?) I mean, he asks, and I am one of the youngest students, but he knows that we are graduate students, most of us are imams of mosques we were in those courses . He was humble and in front of the people he asked, he said: (Which of you will be aware of this matter). He was humble, seeking knowledge. In the noble hadith that he who dies seeks knowledge - knows and seeks knowledge - this dies a martyr, and whoever dies in estrangement is a martyr. God collected many blessings for him. He was hoping to return to Iraq, and he had spoken to me before dawn prayers for this day, his son, Professor Muhammad, may God bless him and take care of him ... He called me and said the subject of the plane and its disembarkation, and the day will come. I told him, I do not know if you have specials, then you are your opinions. As for the legal point of view, a person is buried where he died, but your opinion, God said that he would have loved to be buried in Iraq. I said: Salvation, no matter. So you notice that he used to like to be buried in Iraq because he was bereaved of heart, that he was kept away from his place of residence, his place of residence, his hometown, his childhood, youth, and memories, when he was disturbed and brought out an unwilling hateful, this has a reward with God, so if he dies, he is a martyr (and whoever goes out of his house is a migrant. Then death will overtake him, as his reward has fallen upon God.)This has a reward with God, so if he dies, then he is a martyr (and whoever goes out of his house, migrating to God and His Messenger, then death overthrows him, then his reward will fall on him).This has a reward with God, so if he dies, then he is a martyr (and whoever goes out of his house, migrating to God and His Messenger, then death overthrows him, then his reward will fall on him ).

We ask God Almighty to maximize his reward and to compel the nation in his misfortune and death by compensating it with people of knowledge, sincerity and fear of God who fills the void and to bless the nation of Muhammad and to force Iraq and its people, to inject their blood, to reconcile their hearts, and to divert the machinations of the wicked from them .

Our Lord is our mother in our homelands, and no one who does not fear you or have mercy on us should not be brought under the authority of us. Oh God, whoever wants us bad, so make the circle of evil upon him, pray and blessings and bless Muhammad, his family and his companions, and peace and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds ,,, peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you .


Published on: 2018-05-13 (5692 Reads)

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