الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh
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About Sheikh --> They Said About The Sheikh

The Word Of Eminence Dr. Yousif Abdallah Alqaraawi , In The Memorial Of The Scholar Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidanin The Name Of Of Allah The Merciful

(مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ قَضَى نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَنْتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا)

(Among the believers are men who have believed what they have promised to God, for some of them have spent our lives, and some of them wait, and they have changed).

On Monday 26 Rabi` al-Awwal 1435 AH, corresponding to January 27, 2014 CE, we learned the news of the death of our scholar Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan, and we cannot afford in this great situation, except to have mercy on our brother, beloved, Sheikh and Imam Abdul Karim Zidan, we ask God the Blessed and Almighty to forgive He has mercy and is rewarded with the best of what is rewarding the divine scholars and sincere imams who work for the sake of their religion and their nation. We ask God Almighty to unite us with him in the Paradise of Paradise together.

And one of the grace of God Almighty is that He has mercy on people with scholars, both alive and dead. Abd al-Karim Zaidan, may God Almighty have mercy on the people, is alive, and may God have mercy on people when he dies. In Iraq, and in the country around Iraq, and he ended up in Yemen, so he worked there as a professor of jurisprudence and its origins at the University of Sana'a, and he was one of the most important pioneers of Islamic jurisprudence in our Islamic and Arab world. This man is not a normal man, we lost a man with him, as they say we lost a man and the men are few, and the truth about men is little, as Al-Samawal bin Adai’a said:

( Taarna I am a little Aadidna I told her that a few esteemed What Dharna I and a few neighbor Aziz, a neighbor who excel servile)

Abdul Karim Zaidan was a man, and he was also a scientist, not all men are scholars, scholars are few men, what is the meaning of a scientist? I mean, he knows things and specializes in them, knows them from their roots, knows their out wardness and their interior, knows their whole and parts, and knows their intentions and phenomena, and this is how Abd al-Karim Zaidan was a scholar of Sharia jurisprudence, but one of the few scholars in this world.

His Role And Advocacy

Abdul Karim Zaidan inherited the Iraqi flag after he left the world, Sheikh Amjad Al-Zahawi, the sign of Iraq, and Sheikh Al-Sawwaf emigrated from it. Hassan Al Banna .

I belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood’s mission in the early fifties of the last century, which was founded in Iraq by Professor Muhammad Mahmoud al-Sawaf .

And he was writing and publishing his articles in the magazine "Islamic Brotherhood", in the period of the fifties .

He was the first man responsible for calling the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq, after Sheikh Al-Sawaf left it, and the Brotherhood unanimously chose him as a general observer for them, and he continued to lead them, understand them, and raise them according to Islamic principles, and he has writings and studies on that .

Abdul Karim was one of the scholars of the nation, he is a scientist, but he excelled in science with jurisprudence, not all scholars are jurists, scholars are very few scholars, many scholars preachers, preaching and shaking pulpits, and they gather people by thousands, but in terms of jurisprudence, you do not find them as jurists, but Abd al-Karim Zidan was one of the few men in the science of jurisprudence, and that began with his famous book "Rulings of the Dhimmis and the Trustworthy in Islam "His doctoral thesis from Cairo University, whose professors testified to him about science, discussed them and discussed it, and people first knew what they knew about this book which proved its scientific authenticity, then he began writing about other matters in the fundamentals of jurisprudence and jurisprudence. He wrote in the jurisprudence of women his famous book (detailed in Rulings of the Woman and the Muslim Home (in eleven volumes, and he took the King Faisal Prize in Fiqh for him, and his knowledge and jurisprudence were recognized by all people. The Saudis recognized this, and they hardly recognized anyone of jurisprudence outside their Hanbali school and outside their thought, and he was the first to be chosen as a member of) International Fiqh Academy) Which represents Muslims around the world, each country chooses one of them, it is not necessary to know that the people of his country, usually people who know, especially officials, but Abdul Karim Zidane , who was chosen by scientists, was first chosen by Saudi scientists, And scholars of the International Fiqh Academy .

The scholars of Yemen also knew him, and the scholars of Yemen were Zaydi and Shafi’i scholars, who recognized his jurisprudence and introduced it, and when he moved to Yemen he became the first professor who graduated holders of a doctorate, and gave it to young people from different countries, and some of them studied some books on it, Sheikh Fadl Murad studied on it the book (Badaa'i al-Sanai ') In the Hanafi Fiqh of Kasani.

Abd al-Karim Zaidan - even if he was a Hanafi - used to study all schools of thought, balance them and choose from them what is correct and more correct in his view, so he used to follow the evidence and walk with the evidence, and with his jurisprudence he was an advocate, not all jurists are advocates, there are those who excel in jurisprudence And his issues and the weight between them, but he cannot deliver a sermon, lecture, or lesson to the public.

Abd al-Karim Zidan was the first preacher. Rather, he wrote several books in the field of da'wah, including “Usul al-Da`wah”. We all learned from the book “Usul al-Da`wah”. This book taught Muslims around the world.

After the first preachers: Al-Ghazali, a former master, Al-Bahi Al-Khouli, Fathi Othman, and their ilk. Abd al-Karim Zidan, and his advocacy books are distinguished by that they are written in the language of the jurist, in which the jurisprudence of the preacher and the call of the jurist are combined, and he has several books in this area, including: (The Sunnahs of God among nations, groups and individuals), (learned from the Qur’an stories for the call and preachers), (the individual And the State in Sharia) and other books that Abd al-Karim Zidan wrote in al-Da`wah.

Abd al-Karim Zidan was a scholar, jurist and preacher, and indeed a great preacher, upon whom the people of the ummah gathered with different backgrounds, and studied his books, and his books of jurisprudence and advocacy became taught in Islamic universities, and they began to take curricula from them for teaching and education.

Although he was the first preacher, he was a mujahid who spoke truthfully, there are preachers who were afraid to talk about jihad, to teach people jihad, as well as to strive on their own.

He, may God have mercy on him, was keen on resistance, and raising people to resist. May God have mercy on him, he was a mujahid. He fought in Iraq the first that fought for Palestine, and fought in Yemen.

The most important of what holds the banner of jihad is not the sword carried but the fault of the right, some people think that the most important thing in jihad weapons, do not, the Prophet says: " The best jihad right word when unjust ruler." The best types of jihad, and the highest ranks of jihad is to carry the word truth with an unjust sultan. I did not allow me to go to jihad, and I would have liked to go to jihad, but I did not abandon the jihad of the word, which the Messenger of God presented If its owner believed in it - to jihad Weapon; Because the jihad of arms resists corruption at home, while the jihad of weapons resists invasion from the outside, and the inside must be treated before the outside.

We learned of the Prophet ﷺ  said: " the master of martyrs Hamza, and the man to an unjust imam ordered him and forbade him , killing him." The mujahid in the word is close to the master of the martyrs.

Abdul Karim Zidan used to have students everywhere, raising them to jihad, and understanding them in jihad, so that they would be the ones who lead the nation's jihad in their countries and regions.

I met Abdul Karim Zidan in Lebanon, perhaps the first meeting I had with him, and I gave him my book (The Jurisprudence of Zakat) and he gave me some of his books, and I wrote on the book as a dedication, but he was afraid that the Iraqi regime would know who met him from this gift, and I said to him, Our Lord bless him.

I met him in Qatar several times, and he used to complain about his eyes, so he used to come to a German doctor who was treating me in Qatar, and he agreed with him to meet him here and treat him, and I met him in Saudi Arabia in the meeting of the Islamic Fiqh Academy and the Assembly of the Muslim World League, and he had a respected hearing opinion, and I met him several times In Yemen.

And he, may God have mercy on him, used to call me a lot, asking me to say this and that on some issues, especially with regard to Iraq, even though he was far from Iraq, this was written on him, he left Iraq and did not return to it, but he was busy with it, and he followed everything that happens in it.

He was over ninety, but he was young in his spirit and determination, he was doing everything he could in every field to serve Islam, he was one of the few men who combined manhood, knowledge, jurisprudence, advocacy and jihad, he was a godly humanist and a global moral, he had an impact on everyone who knew him, and whoever He was not influenced by his books or some of his books, and whoever did not read from it read to his many students.

Our Sheikh, the Great Imam, passed away on Monday, 26 Rabi` al-Awwal, 1435 AH, losing Iraq and the Islamic world ... and one of the greatest scholars in fundamentals and jurisprudence.

We ask God Almighty to have mercy on this venerable deceased that our nation has lost, and the nation in this age, if it loses a man, is less able to make up for something like him, who goes rarely, there is a similar one, Abd al-Karim Zaidan is rarely found, we lost a man and men are few.

The Prophet said in the modern agreed: "God does not receive the flag by force, being snapped up from the subjects, but science caught Bakd scientists, even if it remains a world, took people warheads Jhala, Vsiloa, Vovetoa without knowledge, preferred Odiloa ." 

These scholars who keep the nation 's religion and ideology, values and morals, if the scholars went the nation, the Prophet said: "This science holds all behind reprieve, deny him distortion Algalin, and impersonating wrongdoers, and the interpretation of the ignorant ."

By God, I am sad about the departure of my brother and beloved and my teacher Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan, one of the men of Iraq, and the men of Iraq are well known. Say that there are like them, but he is one of the men of Islam. If we want to define the men of Islam, the men of knowledge, advocacy, jihad and sincere divine Their head is the nation's deceased, the entire nation lost it.

I ask God Almighty to provide him with his mercy and to dwell in his spaciousness, to dwell in the highest paradise, and to reward him with the best reward for working scholars and honest imams whom God is pleased with and pleased with him, and to prepare for them gardens under which rivers flow, and to bless his disciples and his country And his brothers, and in every country he stepped foot from the countries of Islam.

(رَّبَّنَا عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْنَا وَإِلَيْكَ أَنَبْنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ)، (رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَإِسْرَافَنَا فِي أَمْرِنَا وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ ‏الْكَافِرِينَ) , (  رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلِإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِالْإِيمَانِ, وَلَا تَجْعَلْ فِي قُلُوبِنَا غِلًّا لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ رَءُوفٌ ‏رَحِيمٌ  ).

( Our Lord , we have hoped and you Onebena and you destiny), (Lord , forgive us our sins and our extravagance in our proved our feet and give us victory over the disbelievers), ( Lord , forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith, and do not make it in our hearts to those who believe our Lord You Merciful ).

Youssef Al-Qaradawi

President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars

8 Rabi 1435 AH , February 8 , 2014


Published on: 2018-05-06 (5806 Reads)

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