الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Articles


An old article written by Sheikh Abd al-Karim Zidan addressing his brothers in the Islamic advocacy work, the article was published in the Islamic Brotherhood magazine, the mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time, in its eleventh issue, issued on Shaban 3, 1372 AH, corresponding to April 17, 1953 AD.

Note: The translation below may need revision... We welcome any correction by emailing us

Written by: Professor Abdul Karim Zidan

My brotherKnow - and you the All-Knowing - that knowledge is before work (so know that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness for your sins), so know your approach. (Every party with what they have is joyful) ... and the path of God is one straightforward, with no crookedness, twisting, ambiguity, ambiguity, or invisibility (so hold on to what has been revealed to you) and whoever persists in the congregation (And whoever desires the Messenger after it becomes clear to him the guidance ٰand follows the path of the believers).And beware the devil, as he may come to you through the interest of the call to get you out of the da'wah and push you to fight it and make you diminish those who do it with a false and abominable interpretation and an argument that is more powerful than the spider's web .... And in the past, Satan made people stand down (one of you despises his prayer with their prayer and reading it with their reading) so they permitted killing Muslims and pardoned On the authority of the polytheists, they fall into what is filed from it ... and every facilitator is for what was created for him, and the hearts of the servants are between two of the fingers of the Most Merciful, he turns them as he pleases ...

Brother ... beware that you walk in the earth without light - and you have light - because the darkness is very intense and the people clash and fall, and they do not come out of the darkness except to remain in the darkness (the darkness of one another and over another), (or whoever is dead) Like him in darkness, there is no outside of it ... From the strength of your spirit, the burden is heavy, and there is no helper but God (surely we will accuse you of a heavy saying).

My brother ... You go up a mountain to reach the summit, and there is nothing on the mountain except what you know of the nakedness, thorns and stones ... so do not stop from the knees and have cut something that is not easy .... and in the morning people praise the secret ...

Beware that you rush the fruit is grown Nkhala not Fjela .... and palm trees do not come to eat , but after a while ... ( the descent to the ground not cut, nor kept at noon ) ... and do not pay attention to discouraging the frustrated and the mockery of the cynics and ignorance of the ignorant, and saying those who say: What have you done? Where did you arrive? And when will you reach the goal, and you are helpless while you are calling without violence or threat? Then say to those who are loud and loud, and they have accepted to be with the Khaleefs and criticize the workers and deprive people of their things, say to these people: Lighting a candle in the darkness of the wild night is better than cursing the darkness and the darkness ... and that the constant drops of water falling to do in the rocks what the water bladders do not emptying it on The stone will go on your way ... and that the guidance of one individual is better than the world and what is in it (because God guides you one man is better for you than the world and everything in it) .... And we did not know darkness, it was removed by insulting and blowing ... but with burning candles and lamps that burn, so be You, dear brother, are a candle from these candles and a lamp from these lamps ... and let others be .

My brother ... Be in people with iron magnet attract and are attracted to and affect not affected , and come out of the darkness into confused light (God is those who believe them out of the darkness into the light and those who disbelieve masters Juggernaut light to drive them out of darkness) ... not disheartened symptoms Some people and their repulsion (but those who hear and the dead are sent by God will respond to them) and Noah kept calling his people for a thousand years but fifty ... and do not grieve that you are an unknown soldier, so you are known to God ... You do not know them, so the Knowing Imam said, and the lessons are almost suffocating him, and knowledge of Omar will not benefit them, God knows them ...

God is greater, praise be to God .

The springtime: He is the one who continues to walk continuously, then one of the effects of his continuation will be that he walks, for example, for five days, without relieving himself or his camel. In these five days, he may walk and cut off, he will travel fifteen days in five days, then he will bless his camel and joke and cut it off, and he is cut off in a wilderness meaning desert, so he is not the one who accompanied his camel until he brings it even after twenty days, nor is he the one who cut off the whole land But he ponds with his camel in the wilderness And that is because he cost himself, and assigned his camel, so he went on it until I made it easy.


Published on: 2017-04-27 (5625 Reads)

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