الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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The Memo Was Written By Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan And Submitted In The Name Of The Iraqi Islamic Party To The Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qasim

In the month of Shaban 1379 AH / February of 1960 AD, a group of brothers working in the field of Islamic advocacy submitted to the Iraqi Ministry of Interior a request to establish an Iraqi Islamic party. This request was rejected. This decision was appealed to the Court of Cassation, which issued its decision to officially authorize the party on 4/26 1960 AD.

After a period of work, the party found the government’s persistence in its instincts and the insistence to go along with its policy without heeding the advice of an advisor or a correct directive to a directive. The option for a frank and correct confrontation was to direct a detailed and explicit statement to Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qasim in particular to put before him all the wrongdoing committed in His reign and the ordeal and harm that befell the nation under his rule, Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan wrote this memorandum and it was published on Saturday, 24 Rabi 'al-Thani, 1380 AH, corresponding to October 15, 1960 AD .

Because of the importance of this serious historical note, as it showed the deficiencies in an important period of rule in the history of Iraq, the site publishes them in the literal text in which it was presented.

  In The Name Of Of Allah The Merciful

His Excellency the Prime Minister, Major General Abdul Karim Qasim the respected

Our Messenger and our leader Muhammad said: (Whoever does not care about Muslims is not among them), and among the simplest requirements of concern is to express opinion on the problems of the Ummah, guide it to good, monitor rulers, advise and criticize them, and explain their mistakes. On this approach, the first Muslims walked rulers and ruled, and they were happy in their homes and the hereafter, and they achieved judgment in the land. They established a virtuous society and established an ideal state in which there is no place for an oppressor, no unjust ruler, or for a citizen who is hypocritical and flattering him with falsehood, and it is sufficient for us here to mention that a man said to Omar bin Al-Khattab: (Fear Allah, O Omar). One of the attendees said: Do you say this to the Commander of the Faithful? The speech I said, which has become an example (There is no good in you if you do not say it, and there is no good in us if we do not hear it).

This is how the righteous ruler will be, and this is how the nation is aware of the righteous, so Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, is not satisfied with hearing what that citizen said, but rather pushes the ummah to use its right, but rather to fulfill its duty towards the rulers. He decides that there is no good in the ummah if its members do not observe the rulers, advise them, criticize them, guide them, explain their mistakes, and hear them say the truth without hypocrisy, hypocrisy or hypocrisy, as the righteous caliph decides that there is no good in the rulers and whoever has the authority if they do not hear the criticism of the ummah and its advice is to hear the satisfaction and acceptance of Indignation and denial.

Our Islamic party has taken upon itself a covenant to follow the trail of our righteous predecessors, guided by the guidance of Islam in everyone who takes and leaves and in everything that says and writes and in its criticism and praise, whether people and rulers are satisfied with him or exasperated. May Allah be with the knowers and the end of the goal of sincere Muslims, and we hope that you will be one of these if Allah Almighty wills.

And after:

The party presents its opinions on some of the issues of the day in fulfillment of its duty towards the ummah, as Allah Almighty has imposed it:

First: The Government's Position

Since the Islamic party was established, the government has been harassing him and working to obstruct his work secretly and publicly, as if the Islam we are calling for is something that contradicts, annoys and terrifies her, as if we are in a non-Islamic country. More than a month has passed since his reservation. The government and the government prevented the party from publishing its newspaper (Al-Jihad). You, Mr. Prime Minister, and the ministers who are with you are nothing but executors of your order. About a previous newspaper.

Then the party replaced this official with others, and the government did not answer until now, and it may not answer forever or after a while and saythis person is not satisfactory, Thus, the government's position before the party and the misuse of its authority cannot hide his truth to anyone and can never be justified. Baghdad, Dar es Salaam, is full of newspapers that spoil the faith and call for secularism and glorify the void of communism.

However, the government does not see this as anything wrong or dangerous, because the danger, in its opinion, lies in issuing an Islamic newspaper for the Islamic party.

These paradoxes do not empower our minds to realize their wisdom, and all that our minds can comprehend is that rational, righteous governments are the ones that facilitate the righteous groups' ways of working to serve the ummah, and it is the inadequate and unjust governments that make it difficult for these groups to work and narrow the thorns in their path.

The government frequently repeats, in the face of the ostentation and pride, that it sponsors freedom of opinion and the establishment of parties, so how does this saying agree with the government's stance on our Islamic party? Is it not right for us to say that the government's statement is true of the Communist Party, in its open and secret parts, its newspapers and its things, and is not true of the Islamic Party ?

Whatever the case, we are determined to go on our Islamic path, bearing all harm, present and future, by making every effort to serve our nation with the affordable means that we have according to the true Islamic approach that no other right is until the Islamic spirit awakens in our dear nation Her Islamic awareness is complete, and at that time she will reform what has been corrupted, straighten what is wrong, and guide those who have gone astray.

Second: The Government's Position On Communism

The government gave way to the Communists, sponsored them, and supported them secretly and publicly, so they started calling people to their falsehood by saying the embellished statement and distorting the speech about its position. The second is the traitor, the conspirator, the apostate, or the reactionary, and they arranged on this paralyzed premise to allow themselves to pursue the non-Communist and harm him in the hearing, knowledge and support of the government.

Then the communist criminality reached its climax in the tragedies of Mosul and Kirkuk, and the government did nothing more than describe the criminals of Kirkuk as anarchism, as if calling the communist criminals with this description returns to the bereaved mother her only son and returns to the bereaved wife her young martyr husband.

What happened in Mosul and Kirkuk can never be forgotten, and the government cannot absolve itself of its responsibility. The tragedies that occurred would not have happened had it not been for the government's support for communism and its sponsorship of the communists.

Supporting communism is not endorsed by Islam because communism is a null idea that is clearly contradictory to it, and therefore no one may embrace it or help spread it. The government's sponsorship of communism is an act contrary to Islam and is invalid this matter.

Now that the government has discovered its great mistake in taking care of communism and the communists, is it not time for it to repent to its senses and return its mistake. If a person is not required to be infallible, then he is certainly required not to insist on the mistake after it has become clear to him whether after the tragedies of Mosul and Kirkuk there is a need To further statement ?

Returning from error and correcting what has been corrupted will be by the following:

The explicit declaration to the nation that communism is forbidden by law and that the government adheres to this prohibition.

Withdrawing the public dead Communist Party license and prohibiting the activity of the living Communist Party.

Preventing newspapers from promoting communism in order to preserve the nation’s creed and without paying attention to the noise of the heroes and their saying that this clashes with freedom of opinion. Freedom stands or stops where it is a tool to corrupt the nation’s belief and harm it and breach its unity. Muslims.

For the government to stop sponsoring the Communists and their internal and international conferences, its duty is to guide the lost, not to encourage the lost, and it is its duty to spend the nation’s money on the nation’s interests and not on delegates to communist conferences such as the International Student Conference.

That punishment is inflicted on the perpetrators of the crimes of Mosul and Kirkuk, who are the direct and the instigators, because the relatives of the dead do not calm down unless they see just retribution inflicted on the criminals

( وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ حَيَاةٌ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ)

(And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous), Possessing such a right and the correctness of disposition depends on the person’s disposition of what he has, and if the government feels compassion for the relatives of the innocent dead and wants the punishment that the Lord of servants ordered.

Every slowdown in retribution against the criminals of Mosul and Kirkuk makes people believe with certainty what had been said that the crimes of Mosul and Kirkuk were with the knowledge of the government and its support for the perpetrators.

To stop the government's sponsorship of the Communists, especially their heads, and to implement the rulings issued against them, and because this is a requirement of the rule of law that must be applied to everyone. As for the issuance of judgments and then their abolition, as happened to the called Abdul Qadir Ismail, one of the heads of communism before one night has passed since the issuance of the ruling, this gives us evidence Tangible to the extent of the sympathy of the officials of all the parishes equally, so it is not fair and equitable to cancel the military martial council’s ruling on the owner of the (Aitihad Alshaeb) newspaper at a time when the owner of the newspaper “Alhiad” is removed to the "Nuqrat Al-Salman" Prison, so have we reached the point of inequality of a Muslim man calling for Islam with a communist Calls for unbelief and atheism in the country of Islam.

What supports the government’s continuation of sponsoring the Communists and fighting others is what happened to (Al-Hurriyah) newspaper in terms of the method of closing it, that method that we did not know from a government. It was previously the day the Prime Minister stated in the hospital that the owner of (Al-Hurriya) newspaper is integrated into the line of the revolution and is not to be blamed for his son’s crime.

As for the military statement, it entered the case of his son and held his father responsible for the son, and we regardless of his conviction, because we have our own opinion in the Special Military Court and its rulings, and we believe in the Almighty saying: ( وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَىٰ) (And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another), This is an Islamic principle that is recognized.

Third: Arrests And Seizures

The government has followed the way of arrests, detaining people in parking lots or detaining them in their homes, and disrupting them from their work from their families. The government has taken this approach for a year and until now, even Islamic scholars have not been spared from this method, and some of them are still between those detained in their homes and detained in the parking lot without being charged. Or they are being investigated.

The government should not ride this difficult boat and take the innocent with the guilt of the guilty. The basic principle is that a person is innocent. If the government suspects that a person has committed a crime, it must quickly investigate him and send him to the judiciary if they overturn his conviction and its signs appear, otherwise it will release him immediately.

As for dumping the innocents in detention centers and prisons or detaining them in homes without a specific charge and keeping them like that for long months, this is something that is not approved by Sharia, law, or fairness.

Accordingly, we believe that there is a need to form honest and fair investigative bodies to carry out the task of investigating every detainee, detained or deported, and decide on his matter .

Fourth: The Nation’s Unity Has Been Cracked

Iraq has not witnessed a division among the nation’s ranks as the division seen now, and there is no doubt that the government is responsible for the unity of the nation and preserving it and preventing what breaks it up. Our Muslim Iraq, and the government does not escape responsibility for that. The only path to the unity of the Ummah is Islam, for Islam is the one that unites and others that divide.

And the path of unity through Islam, the government adopts it, so it carries a doctrine and system, so it applies its provisions all at home and carries it abroad, and abolishes all invalid legislation contrary to Islam, whether it was enacted in the previous era or in this covenant, such as the inheritance law enacted by the present government, which clashes with the texts of the Qur’an and contradicts it. Without this, which we say cannot be There will be real unity among the nation.

As for what is said that this is something that cannot be achieved in the country because there are non-Islamic sects, the answer is that establishing the state on the basis of Islam and implementing its rulings is easier than establishing it on the communist system or on the basis of any false principle.

The people of the country, with their overwhelming majority, are Muslims and non-Muslims welcome the application of the rulings of Islam, because if its rulings are not applied, the rulings of other laws are applied, not the rulings of their religion, what harm does it cause them in that. Moreover, Islam recognizes the people of other religions on their religion and does not force them to convert it ( لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ) (There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion).

Fifthly: The Economic Situation

We do not come up with anything new and we do not reveal a secret if we say that economic life is deteriorating and unemployment is increasing and in view of this situation the government must study its causes, stand on its factors and put a prompt treatment for it, so it implements, for example, studied economic projects to employ the workforce in it and carry out productive projects and not squander state funds In what does not work, such as erecting monuments and statues, opening squares, and appropriating buildings for this purpose with millions of dinars, what benefit from that and economic hardship takes people off the hook ?

In addition, the government must place land reform affairs in safe hands, far from the Communist party, and take the initiative to implement irrigation projects, lend farmers what suffices them, and monitor them in terms of spending what they will spend and so on.

Sixth: Workers' Rights

Workers have rights that must be safeguarded and not wasted, such as obtaining fair wages, insurance against unemployment, disease and old age, and hearing their complaints and demands. If it was really implemented, and if it was void, it would be rejected and their trade unions removed from the current of the communist movement so that it would be professional in the affairs of workers and serving their interests, not serving communism.

Seventh: Education Policy

We have previously presented a memorandum to the officials explaining our opinion of what the education policy should be and the basis on which it is based, and in summary what we have said is to make the Islamic faith the basis on which the philosophy of education, its goals and objectives are based, so that a generation will grow up in the ummah that believes in Allah and the Last Day and watches Allah in his work secretly and openly In order for the ummah to preserve its Islamic character, and on this basis, we demanded that the curricula be appropriate to this which we are calling for.

Eighth: Solidarity With The Arab Countries

We call on the government to eliminate the division with the Arab and Islamic state, and we call for closer solidarity with it because it is part of the Islamic ummah, provided that this solidarity is based on Islam that unites the Arab state and other Islamic countries.

We call for the unity of the Arab countries on the basis of Islam, given that these countries are part of the Islamic countries and that the establishment of the unity between them is closer than others for considerations, but we insist that the basis of this unity, its system, its goals and its spirit is Islam, a belief, rules and order.

The government must work to eliminate division and increase solidarity in various fields in preparation for unity on the basis of Islam, and it is coming undoubtedly, Allah willing .

Ninth: Oil Companies

Oil is a tremendous wealth for the nation, so it must be well utilized from it, and this is only in our view when the government itself extracts and sells oil and does not entrust that to oil companies.

Therefore, we see that the way to benefit the nation is to nationalize these companies, compensate them for their facilities, and the government undertakes the tasks of extracting it with the hands of the people of the country, and if that is needed, then there is nothing wrong with hiring experts from the neutral state. Rather, it calls us to nationalization, in addition to its material benefits to the country, which is that companies always work under the inspiration of their colonial governments, often exceeding the limits of their work, and work to spread intrigue and work to harm the country's interest. the future.

Tenth: Conclusion

After this, our opinions on the issues we mentioned are derived from the guidance of Islam, and the government should be guided by them and follow them, because the Muslim government is the one that is subject to the rule of Islam and returns to it in all its actions. If does that, it will be rational, and if it refuses, it will go astray and cause its people to suffer and distress

( وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَىٰ)

(And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind),  So that the officials know that the ruling of the annihilated count has fallen and collapsed due to the deviation of its rulers from the rule of Islam, and that the Sunnah of Allah is one in the first and the others. They also have to know that the revolution has succeeded in eliminating the corruption and injustice of the annihilated era, but it has not yet succeeded in finding positive reform in all the affairs of the country.

The Ummah does not convince her of the correctness of conditions by repeating the saying that the revolution has put an end to the corrupt and outdated era unless it sees true Islamic reform in all the affairs of the state because eradicating the corrupt covenant is a means not an end as a means to establish a righteous covenant. Allah says the truth and he is the guide to the path of the path.


Published on: 2017-03-14 (4932 Reads)

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