الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh
About The Sheikh Biography   Sheikh  Abdul Karim Zidan, may Allah have mercy on him, did not write his biography with a book that collects it, and he did not care much for this (may  Allah  have mercy on him), but  Allah  willing that a researcher at Al-Azhar University would register a doctoral thesis entitled (The efforts of Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan in the service of the Islamic More >>
Ruling On Imitation Quran
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(Taqdim alshaykh eabdalkrym lilkatib alduktur salah alsawi)

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions, and afterwards ,,,

The essence of Islam is surrender to God, the Lord of the worlds, voluntary surrender. As for forced surrender, this is subject to everyone, and it is surrender to the Sunnah of God in finding creatures, their survival and death, and what they need for their survival for the prescribed period for them. Man is subjected to forced submission in his presence in the manner known to form first in the womb of his mother, then after his birth and what he needs To survive and its necessities until the expiration date set for him in life .

Such surrender has no assignment, reward, or punishment, and the Holy Qur’an referred to it by the Almighty saying in Surat Al-Imran : “Whoever transgresses the religion of God .

As for voluntary surrender, it is the one in which the assignment is the essence of the religion of Islam, and this voluntary surrender is based on belief in God Almighty with the love of man for God Almighty with a love that surpasses all other love with glorification of God Almighty, and man’s knowledge that everything in him of grace is from God Almighty that does not count nor count. countless Almighty said in Surah (and you of the grace of God , then it is if Mskm Aldhar Valle Tjoron), and the verse in Surah (and become the grace of God have mercy that Allah is Forgiving , Merciful ).

The manifestation of this voluntary surrender to God Almighty, which God Almighty revealed to our master Muhammad to convey it to the people, and this is the concept of the Islamic religion when the name of Islam is given in all its meanings and rulings. A person relates to what he says, does, takes and leaves, and in all his relationships with others .

So the Muslim is required to adhere to all prescribed by God, and the whole is meant that this law , but came to all human beings the Almighty said in Surah Saba (and sent thee all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know ).

He says , addressing the Holy Messenger in Surat norms (Say: O people , I am the Messenger of Allah all of you , who has the king of the heavens and the earth there is no god but He gives life and causes death , believe in God the Prophet and His Messenger , an illiterate who believes in God and his words and followed him, that ye may be guided .)

This necessitates the delivery of Sharia by Muslims to non-Muslims wherever they are, as much as Muslims can deliver the Islamic call to them .

It is known that adherence to the law of God is preceded by knowledge of this law, the Almighty said (So know that there is no god but God, and I ask forgiveness for your sin ) .

One of the facts that you should know is that society influences a person and his behavior and based on what is present in this society and what is described by it, and this is indicated by the noble prophetic hadith (every newborn is born on innate nature and his parents are his Jews or they support him or they touch him) or as he said, peace be upon him The parents are the small community of the child, so also the large society in which a person is resurrected after his puberty affects, and for this it was the overall duty of every Muslim to work to remove everything that affects the goodness and safety of society from sins and sins. With his tongue, if he is unable, then with his heart, that weakens the faith) or as he said, peace and blessings be upon him .

Based on these facts, Islam desires and is keen for a Muslim to live in an Islamic society that is committed to the provisions of the Sharia because such living in such a society helps him to adhere to the provisions of the Sharia and act upon it, but it is permissible or deprecated to live in a non-Islamic society, that is, in a non-Islamic country because of the existence of a legitimate justification Among these justifications is the conversion of a Muslim to a non-Islamic country to carry out the call to Islam and what this entails in fulfilling the duty of the Islamic call in terms of a temporary or permanent stay. Among the justifications is also trade, so Muslims still do business in non-Islamic countries and then return to their countries .

Another justification is that a Muslim is forced to leave the abode of Islam to a non-Muslim country in order to seek the safety that he loses in the abode of Islam, and this is evidenced by the transmission of Muslims in the Meccan era in his  signs and guidance from the Prophet ﷺ To Abyssinia and it was not an Islamic country at the time. The number of Muslims in a non-Islamic country may increase in the number of various justifications that we mentioned some of them, and this requires them to maintain adherence to the law of Islam and its application in various affairs of life with themselves and in their relationship with others because Islam for a Muslim is something that cannot be separated from it in all His conditions, circumstances, and place of living. Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to submit to some of the rulings of Islam without some. Islamic Sharia takes into account the circumstances and conditions of man, and for that the various licenses came to take care of the conditions of the Muslim, including whoever hates the word of disbelief, otherwise he is killed because it is permissible to say the word disbelief in his tongue with the contentment of his heart with faith Upon compulsion, the refuge that misses his life, and the concession is also to eat the dead of the compelled to induce the perdition of starvation for himself and to preserve his life .

And if the matter is as mentioned, then those expatriates who live in non-Muslim countries for acceptable legal justifications will struggle to introduce them to the rulings of the Sharia and to confront their teaching of these rulings by a group of scholars by teaching them the legal rulings they need while they are in foreign homes, or a group of scholars rises to receive their questions or what interests them To know the Islamic rulings in what they ask about, then these questions and answers are what can be called fatwas of expatriates .

One of the utmost general benefits of these fatwas is that they are collected, printed and published, and that they are not defined only by those who ask about them. Rather, they can be used by all expatriates who were unable to inquire about their rulings, and for this reason the honorable brother did the work of the honorable Professor Dr. The General Assembly of the Collective of Islamic Jurists in America, and the President of the International University, which compiled and printed it and published it. Four parts of it have reached me. It includes various topics and most of them, God willing, acceptance and common diligence .

Perhaps this is precedents in Islamic jurisprudence, where some jurists collected, printed and published fatwas, including what the Hanafi school jurists are famous for in authoring such books as they contain various fatwas and they may not be answers to questions about actually occurring incidents, but some of them may be questions about supposed things to identify their ruling Because its subject matter is needed by Muslims if they have facts related to these fatwas, including the Khan and Bazzi fatwas in Hanafi jurisprudence, and these fatwas can be referred to by an expatriate Muslim who does not always find among the scholars who ask him about his issues because the basic principle for the questioner is to explain his case to the mufti with accuracy and description Because of the conditions and circumstances of his case so that the fatwa can come to match what the questioner is asking about, and it is useful to remind our expatriate brothers who are in non-Islamic countries for the legitimate justifications, some of which we have mentioned that it is their duty to seek to know what they need from the rulings of Islam while they are in foreign lands by asking scholars about They need knowledge of the provisions of ShariaThey are in foreign homes by speaking or verbally, and that there are certain parties that they can go to for such questions that concern them, and that these expatriates also know that they are in an urgent need to examine their faith and the extent of their commitment because they live in a non-Islamic society, so they may be affected by it, so they need maintenance and protection for their faith from falling With regard to the law contrary to their ignorance, and one of the means of this prevention is to always check the validity of what they say and do and what they take and leave, and that in asking the people of knowledge, the Almighty said (So ask the people of remembrance if you do not know)And they leave that in the question of the scholars, the Almighty said (So ask the people of remembrance if you do not know)And they leave that in the question of the scholars, the Almighty said (So ask the people of remembrance if you do not know ) .

The scholars also have to fulfill their duty to inform Islam and its rulings, as God Almighty has commanded,  and one of the ways to inform expatriates of the rulings of Sharia that they need to know is to receive fatwas and inform the questioners and generalize their benefit and this is what our brother has done, may God reward him well, Professor Dr. Salah Al-Sawy It is used by those who collected fatwas, printed and published them as a circular for their benefit .

He prayed to God Almighty to always grant him success for what he loves and satisfies him in the service of Islam and advice to Muslims .

May Allah's blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds .

Prof. Dr. Abdel Karim Zidan

Monday 14 Jumad Al-Akher 1431 AH corresponding to 05/28/2010 AD


Published on: 2016-10-06 (5455 Reads)

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