الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Researches


Rudud ealaa shabahat aljuz' althalth: alhurub w alghazawat fi al'islam

A paper entitled " Responses to Misconceptions" presented by Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan at the Third International Conference on Biography and the Sunnah of the Prophet held in the State of Qatar on the fifth of Muharram 1400 AH, on November 25, 1979 AD .,Dr. Abdul Karim Zidane in this research responses to the four suspicions of repeated or ignorant haters of the law of God , namely , (polygamy, the Prophet 's position of Quraizah, wars and invasions in Islam , the border in Islam.)

When the Prophet settled  ﷺ in the city and vowed Ansar God bless them reportedly hurt him his victory, Rmthm Jews and Arabs as a whole for one arc and exposed them from each side. And God, glory be to Him, orders them to be patient, forgive and forgive until the thorn is strong, so he authorized them at that time to fight and did not impose them on them. Then it was imposed on them to fight after that for those who fought them and not those who did not fight them, God Almighty said (And fight for the sake of God those who fight you) Then God imposed on them to fight all the polytheists. Thus fighting was forbidden for Muslims at first, then it became permissible for those who started them to fight, then an order for it to all polytheists .

This is the valuable summary mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim, may God Almighty have mercy on him, regarding the issue of war and fighting in Islam, in contrast to what some modern writers claim that fighting is forbidden to Muslims except in one case, which is responding to the aggression of others if Muslims start to fight .

The argument of these people is that the wars of the Prophet  من were all like this, i.e. to respond to an aggression that occurred or is about to take place .

Indeed , the wars of the Prophet ﷺ fought by himself and with Muslims, or brigades that was being sent  ﷺto fight, can be divided into two parts: ( first ) wars with the Muslims of Quraish ( II ) with non - Muslims wars Quraish .

First: the wars of the Muslims with the Quraish

It was in these wars allows ﷺ Muslims exposure convoys Quraish because he was in a state of war with Muslims and driven from their homes and took their money, and the wars in which the Prophet ﷺ ,called invasions, the invasion of the clan came out in Jumada II at the head of six nest months his emigration to object Aira Quraish had emerged from Mecca want Sham reached r place of a clan and resided days , and the benefit of the children Mudlij and their allies did not receive an enemy . And when this caravan returned from the Levant, the Prophet and the Muslims went out to intercept this caravan, so Aba Sufyan, the commander of the caravan, informed that. it must walk Valtqgua with the Prophet ﷺ battle known as the battle of Badr, or invading Nasrallah Muslims and Muslims near the Badr and signed the infidels .

And Uhud's invasion was caused by the Quraish coming with its army to fight the Muslims and take revenge on them. The battle of al-Khandaq was caused by the Jews' inciting the Quraysh to fight the Muslims. The conquest of Mecca was caused by the Quraysh's veto of its treaty with the Prophet ﷺ, which is the Treaty of Hudaybiyah as it is known in history .

Second: The wars of Muslims with non-Quraysh

These wars fought the Prophet  ﷺ and with Muslims, or Muslims fought without being with them , the Prophet  ﷺ and that he is peace and blessings sent to fight, and was the cause of these wars from the infidels for Muslims to fight and their attitude and their willingness to fight and these invasions and wars invasion (Safwan) and the Battle (The command Banjid), the (Bani Al-Musalq) battle, the (That-Ruqaqa) battle, and the (Dumat Al-Jandal) battle And the Battle of Tabuk .

The significance of these wars

But it is not possible to infer those wars and invasions as the only form of fighting in Islam, since there are other cases or forms of fighting that Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, referred to in his saying (then God imposed on them to fight all the polytheists), that is, whether they started them fighting or not started them and supports what he says verse (fight those who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah has forbidden and His Messenger, nor condemn the religion of truth from those who were given the book until they pay tribute out of hand and they are submissive) This verse explicit in the right of Muslims but from their duty as infidels fighting if they refuse to give tribute And the provisions of Islamic law flow on them, said Imam Al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him . .

In the Prophet’s Sunnah what supports the right of Muslims, that is, the right of their Islamic state to oppose others and subjugate them to their authority and to apply Islamic law to them. If they refused to do so, they would fight them, for honorable prophetic hadiths were mentioned in which the Prophet ندthe army commanders when they approached the polytheists from the people of the house of war to invite them to Islam , if they refused They offered to pay the jizya - which is the title of submission to the ruler of the Islamic state - if the fathers of their Muslim killers were to submit to the authority of the Islamic state. There is no doubt that this depends on the ability of Muslims to start the infidels in fighting. As for Muslims 'weakness, they are only able to ward off the infidels' attacks on their behalf .

And it is not permissible to think that the Muslims start the polytheists By fighting if they reject Islam or give the tribute, that this fighting and justifying it to Muslims is a kind of injustice and assault on non-Muslims or forcing them to convert to Islam. This is not to be assumed because the justification of what we have said is what the Islamic Sharia has brought, and its justification is like removing evil from the earth, Because the survival of vain entities that are based on other than the law of God is the survival of a huge falsehood on the earth that must be removed, and it must be removed either with goodness and acceptance of Islam, or by force and power possessed by the Islamic state, if it possesses it it is obligatory upon it to remove these false entities by force when necessary, or by submitting to the authority of the state Islamism and the flow of the provisions of Islamic law on them and the title of that is their acceptance of paying the tribute, and this is not a compulsion for them to Islam, because their entry into Islam is left to their choice. If they choose it, the false entities will disappear. And if they pay the tribute, the ruling becomes for the Muslims and they apply the law of God, and they leave the people free. Whoever wants them enters Islam, and whoever wishes remains on his religion and pays the tribute, there is no compulsion in religion .

In conclusion , it is the duty of the Islamic state, if it is strong enough, to remove all false rule in the land and subjugate it to the authority of Muslims if it rejects Islam or submits to its authority, because that is a matter of enjoining virtue and forbidding what is wrong. The Almighty said: It is a good and forbidden thing - and may God be the consequence of matters).


Published on: 2016-07-16 (7726 Reads)

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