الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Researches


(Rudu ealaa shabihat - aljuz' alththani : mawqif alnabii salaa allah ealayh wasalam min baniin qurayzat ‏‏)

A paper entitled "Responses to Misconceptions" presented by Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan at the Third International Conference on Biography and the Sunnah of the Prophet held in the State of Qatar on the fifth of Muharram 1400 AH, on November 25, 1979 CE, and was also published in the magazine “Al-Baath Al-Islami” in its fourth issue issued in Muharram 1401 AH / November 1980 .

, Dr. Abdul Karim Zidane in this research responses to the four suspicions of repeated or ignorant haters of the law of God , namely , (polygamy, the Prophet 's position of Quraizah , wars and invasions in Islam, the border in Islam).

Written by Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan

1)  When the Prophet came قدمto Madinah as an emigrant, and all Jews called him , and wrote between him and them in a book and made between him and them a security and stipulated conditions for them that they would not pretend to be an enemy and in the narration that the Prophet همpromised them that they would support him from those who attacked him .

2)  The Jews of Medina had three sects: the Banu Qaynuqa, the Banu Nadir and the Banu Qurayza. As for the Banu Qaynuqa, the Prophet evacuated them from Medina to Dhirat, a city on the outskirts of the Levant. As for the Banu Nadir, the Prophet postponed them after thirty-seven months of Hijra because of their betrayal and breaking the covenant . .

3) However, these Jews, despite their evacuation from Medina, did not stop their hostility to the Prophet and plot against him, and from their ploy is that a group of them went to Quraysh with some of their chiefs from the Banu Al-Nadir, such as Haiyi bin Akhtab, inciting Quraysh to attack Medina and fight the Muslims, and they considered them victory and aid Then they answered them, then these Jews went to the Ghatfan tribe and attacked them to fight the Muslims and informed them of the Quraish’s determination to attack the Muslims, and they answered their request. Thus gathered polytheists and went to the city want to fight the Prophet and Muslims, and aware of Bmekdmanm, he ordered his companions dug a trench around the city to repel the infidels and prevent them from entering the city .

4)  Not only did the Jewish shy son of orate, including an act , but gave the Quraizah in their strongholds , and still induce them to set aside their covenant with the Prophet this covenant that they need to upholding Muslims against those who want to attack the city, or standing on the sidelines at least, even responded to the Jews of Bani Qurayza to his motivation, they announced treason and breaking the covenant and cooperation with the parties , and they detest the besieged city, making a very serious matter to the Muslims, and the Holy Quran referred to it, he says (as Jaeokm from above you and below you , and when eyes grew wild and hearts reached to the throats , and ye God Znon Imam Ibn Katheer says in his interpretation: Those who came from the bottom of the believers were the Banu Qurayza when they broke the covenant . .

5) and took the sons of Qurayza sent groups , including the raid on the city, sent the Prophet part of the Jund al- Muslims to the city to meet the Jews .

Those who raid her and repel her from her, in order to protect the offspring and the women in her, as the Muslims ’fear of them from the attacks of the Jews was greater than their fear of the attacks of the Quraish and their cover from behind the trench .

6)  After the response of God parties from the city and still the siege of Muslims, directed the Prophet and Muslims with him to Quraizah to put an end to their betrayal, Vhazarethm Prophet r and Muslims twenty - five night, when he intensified their siege and refused to be dropped off on the rule of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ,go down On the rule of Saad bin Muadh, and they coveted his tendency as the master of the Aws, and they were their allies in the pre-Islamic era .

7) was pleased with the Messenger of Allah Allen be judged between him and Quraizah Saad bin Maaz, Saad I said to judge them to kill fight them captive their wives and Dhiraehm divided their money, said the Prophet ﷺ : I have ruled them by virtue of God from above the seven heavens. The ruling of Sa`d ibn Mu`adh was executed among them, and their fighter was killed. Their number was four hundred, and it was said that there were six hundred or seven hundred .

Estimate this transaction

8)  Some of the enemies of Islam claimed that the treatment of the Prophet was very harsh and far from justice, and was to afford Ageletm city was built and built Kinka evacuated Nadeer .

Respond to this claim

9)  In fact, this claim is invalid and far from the objectivity and justice they demand, for the following reasons :


: The punishment is fair if it is as much as the crime. Was the punishment of the Banu Qurayza equal to their crime ?

The answer is that this equality cannot become clear until we uncover the seriousness of the crime of Banu Qurayza, and this requires clarifying the following :

The position of the Muslims was very accurate and dangerous, as they were on the defensive behind the trench, and their number was smaller than the number of attacking polytheists .

Among the ranks of the Muslims were apostates and hypocrites .

Any group cooperating the polytheists in their war with the Muslims, that group will be in a state of war with the Muslims, and a fortiori it will be in a war with the Muslims if it actually fights them .

It was hoped that the Jews of Qurayza would assist the Muslims in their fight against the polytheists, as their treaty with the Prophet stipulated in one of the narrations, or their stance on neutrality as stated in another narration due to the nature of their covenant with the Prophet .

The Jews of Banu Qurayza did not stand on neutrality as stipulated in the treaty between them and the Prophet but rather broke it and declared their assistance to the polytheists and attackers and actually sent groups of them to fight the Muslims in Medina and raid the women and offspring in it .

The hypocrites became active, shivering and discouraging the Muslims, spreading their weakness in them under the pretext that the Banu Qurayza entered the war with the polytheists against the Muslims and that the defeat of the Muslims was beyond doubt .

The Muslims were forced to fight on two fronts: the Jewish front and the parties front, which made the power of Muslims distributed on these two fronts .

Second: Adapting the crime of Bani Qurayza

10) In light of what we have shown, it can be said that the least characteristic of the crime of Bani Qurayza is the description of high treason against the state, at a time when it was besieged by a powerful enemy With the breaking of the covenant in the most embarrassing circumstances, with the actual killers of Muslims, and with the assistance of the parties besieging the city .

Third: Their insistence on their hostility to the Prophet

11) and with the magnitude of their crime have insisted on their hostility and to show this enmity of the Prophet ﷺ ,and did not think to show remorse for their betrayal and did not seek amnesty from the Prophet did not provide any excuse, evidenced by the Muslim vanguard , led by Ali bin Abi Talib may Allah be pleased with him that reached the forts Quraizah before reaching the Prophet and with him to these forts, the Jews of Bani Qurayza this Negotiable Avant - garde Islamic insults and abusive of the Nile and the Prophet

Fourth: the acceptance of a judgment chosen between them and the Prophet

12) and with the gravity of their crime and their insistence on their hostility and show hostility to Muslims and their refusal to apologize or seek a pardon, he refused to get off on the rule of the Messenger of Allah and chose Saad bin forbid is to be the referee, it was pleased with the Messenger of Allah that were sentenced Saad including the rule .

Punishment justice

13) Based on what we have presented, the punishment appears completely fair, because it is equal to the crime, but less than what this crime is worth. As for it is a cruel punishment, the punishment is not a reward for a beautiful act, but rather a punishment for an ugly act. It is not a condition of justice in the punishment that it be soft and easy, as cruelty does not contradict justice .

Is there an alternative to the death penalty ?

14) The alleged supporters of the Jews of Bani Qurayza that it was possible to simply be evacuated from the city as evacuated Bani Kinka and Bani Nadeer This evacuation penalty is enough to get rid of their evil .

Respond to the proposed alternative

15)  This proposed alternative is repetitive in many ways, including :

First : He looks at the interests of the Jews and pays what they deserve in terms of punishment for them. He does not look at the interests of the Jews and pays what they deserve in terms of punishment for them. He does not consider the legitimate interest of Muslims to take precautions for their future security from the very potential treachery of the Jews .

Second : The evacuation of the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir was a punishment that included great tolerance, as it was less than their offense. However, a just ruler is not permissible to always tolerate criminals, but rather always demands justice, and what the Banu Qurayza paid is pure justice, as we have shown .

Third : Tolerance of the Banu Qurayza by being satisfied with their evacuation from Medina exposes Muslims to danger again, because the Jews' enmity to Muslims is not eliminated by their pardon or tolerance, so it is very possible that they will restore the role of Hayy bin Khattab in inciting the polytheists to fight Muslims, not the enmity of these Jews I reached the point where I prevented them from seeking clemency from the Muslims and made them proclaim it while they were being driven to death, for Haiyi bin Khattab said while he was led to murder and his eyes fell on the Prophet ﷺ (As for God, I will not blame my soul for your enmity, but whoever fails God will be let down)


16)  In conclusion, the punishment of the Banu Qurayza was fair because it is less than their crime by its extent, and a criminal who insists on his crime, which is high treason and breaching the covenant, has no right to wait for mercy and tolerance, but rather he has the right to seek justice in his punishment, and justice is abundant in the punishment of Banu Qurayza he sees All fair .


Published on: 2016-07-16 (6267 Reads)

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