الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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About Sheikh
About The Sheikh Biography   Sheikh  Abdul Karim Zidan, may Allah have mercy on him, did not write his biography with a book that collects it, and he did not care much for this (may  Allah  have mercy on him), but  Allah  willing that a researcher at Al-Azhar University would register a doctoral thesis entitled (The efforts of Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan in the service of the Islamic More >>
Ruling On Imitation Quran
RULING ON IMITATION OF THE QUR’AN IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT WAS REVEALED IN IT (Using Quranic VersesI nappropriately In Newspaper Articles) Question One of the newspapers published in an article which reads: (Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the whites... Did He not make their plots to undermine them, and sent upon them the hawks of monotheism, and the dark, staunch le More >>

Literature --> Articles


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The book “The Prophecy of Muhammad From Doubt to Certainty ” was written by Dr. Fadel Salih Al-Samarrai, written in 1391 AH-1971 CE and printed in numerous editions and is considered one of the best written articles on its subject. The site, in order to achieve the benefit, publishes Sheikh Abdul Karim's presentation of this book, which included many clarifications and digressions about the title and content of the book .

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions .

Writing and the like of public speaking and lecturing is only better if there is an intentional demand behind it that its owner wants to reach, and without that writing and its sisters are a kind of absurdity or a blameworthy mental luxury and distracting people with something that is neither useful nor useful ... The best of absolutely good demands is to introduce people to their Lord and document Their connection with Him, charging their souls with the meanings of faith so that God and His Messenger would be dearer to them than others, guiding the confused among them, returning the strayers to the righteous path of God, and revealing the meanings of Islam to them, and killing the falsehood libel about the doctrine of Islam (and the Prophet of Islam ).

And this book that I present to him is of this high and sublime type that aims at the best of the good demands that I referred to, and it is the best and finest of what I read on its topic, which is the proof of Muhammad’s prophethood and what is related to this subject, which is one of the pillars of faith and the doctrine of Islam, as is known .

And Dr. Fadel Saleh, may God bless him, made the title of the book: (Muhammad’s Prophecy from Doubt to Certainty), which suggests to the reader and comes to his mind that the author doubted and doubted Muhammad’s prophecy and then returned to him the certainty ... This initiator of the title supports what the author said In his introduction, he explained what he saw in terms of suspicion and suspicion ... But this initiator of the title and what is understood from the introduction to the book is not an accurate expression of what the same writer had, so I do not think that the writer was afflicted by a doubt that dislodged his belief in Muhammad’s prophecy. God the believers .

This is not said of me as pure conjecture, unseen stoning, far-fetched possibility, and incorrect speech, because every person knows himself from others .

And the writer talks about himself and tells about what happened to him and he is sincere in what he reports and says, and approves of himself, (and the acknowledgment is an argument against the acknowledged) as the jurists say and I say in response to this saying that is likely to be said: that a person does not always know the conditions of himself from others, so he may not know What is in himself or what is in his body from illness

If he senses it, then he may not know its type, and if he knows its type, he does not know its danger, but other physicians of the body and soul know that, and if this is taken for granted, he may tell a person about what is in himself and it is not accurate news or identical to what is actually reality in himself, and on this basis I said what I said about the writer and by analogy with what happened to me at one stage of my past life .

The indication of this is that the devil has nothing to do with dead or dark, blindly wrapped hearts , for he has finished with them, but his concern for believing hearts is the one who seeks and hovers around and seeks to find a gap in it to break into it to extinguish its light or disturb its people with what he spews in it of black smoke or what he throws in it from the decoration of the saying Falsehood .

The devil is like that of the vile thief who is spiteful against those with grace, as he does not hover around desolate and deserted homes, so he has nothing to tempt him to enter them, but rather he hovers around built-up houses full of what tempts him to break into them and steal what is in them, or at least disturb their people by bringing him and his noise and throwing stones at them, a cure for what is in his chest From pent-up anger and buried hatred that indicates what we have said is what came in the noble hadith narrated by Imam Muslim in his Sahih on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, who said: (People from among the companions of the Messenger of God came to the Prophet, and they asked him: We find in ourselves that which one of us increases He speaks with it! He said: “Did you find it kindled?” They said: Yes: He said: That is an explicit faith). And in the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God said: (Satan comes one of you and says he who created such-and-such until he says to him who created your Lord ).

The indication of these two noble hadiths is that Satan throws bad thoughts and whispers into the heart of the believer to disturb the serenity of his faith in God, and it is known that his whispers do not stop at this type but rather include everything that contradicts the Islamic belief and its origins, such as belief in the prophethood of Muhammad and the last day and so on .

This devilish diction worries the believer, annoys him, and irritates him, just as germs bother him and irritate him. The germs enter his body, and the believer glorifies these satanic encounters, not speaking about them, but rather strives to push them away and get rid of them just as someone who has a disease seeks to get rid of him. All this is among the signs of the life of the heart and its severity against every intruder that contradicts his faith, and this is what happened to the author. It covers the face of the moon according to the beholder's sight, even though it is far from the moon. That is why the writer did not speak about what he felt, but went silent, gathering evidence and evidence to suppress this demonic spout and kill it, so this book was .

It is not said here or thought that what happened to the writer will definitely happen to every believer, for there is no evidence in our words that indicates this assumption, and we do not believe this. The believer is safe from him, or that all his raids are of one type ... and the same is like that of a vicious thief who is despicable and his habit of storming populous homes, but this does not mean that every home must be broken into by this thief and not be spared, rather it means that every house Amer is vulnerable to assaulting this thief .

Prophethood is derived from the prophethood, and the prophet has an effective weight, and it either comes with an effective meaning, so what is meant by the prophet is the prophet. As for it to have the meaning of an object, then what is meant by the prophet is the prophet .

And the word al-naba, even if it means information and news, but in its general resources in the Holy Qur’an it is intended to inform about the absent matters that are pertinent to knowledge of those who inform about them without informing about the observed matters that other people share in their knowledge with the informant. Among these Qur’anic uses is the Almighty’s saying, a story from the words of Jesus, peace be upon him, (And I tell you what you will eat and what you will save in your own homes, that there is a sign (for you) if you are life expecting ) .

The Almighty for His Messenger Muhammad ﷺ (when he showed it and plant it knew some of Allah and introduce some when he said of him speak for themselves this Onbok Nbony said ٱ'er ٱlkhbayr) {prohibition }

On the Day of Resurrection, the Almighty said: (What will they ask about. About the great news) {An-Nabâ .

And the Almighty said: (And let you know his news after a while) {p .}

Belief in prophecies is based on belief in God Almighty and is a branch of it, so it is not conceivable to believe in prophecies with a denial of the existence of God Almighty. Hence, it was necessary to speak, even a little, about belief in God, and this is what the author of the book did .

  The truth is that the question of belief in the existence of God is the greatest and the most obvious of the axioms at all. It is equal in its appearance and clarity, our saying - one plus one equals two - and there is absolutely nothing on it of evidence and proofs for his existence like the existence of God Almighty. Everything is tangible, visible and audible, and in a more comprehensive word, everything that is present on the earth here or in the sky and its incrimination, there is conclusive evidence and shining proof of the existence of God Almighty, as happened in the field of the atom and the ascension to the moon. And if we wanted to count these evidences and proofs for the existence of God, the same in what concerns the knowledge of scholars and what the common people have in common with them in his knowledge, we would not have been able to count them .

Belief in the existence of God Almighty after this, is concentrated in the soul of the human being and broken by him, and the deniers have a few sects whose denial is based on pure arrogance and stubbornness. These facts are what was narrated by one of the magazines from a talk by an atheist pilot about the most embarrassing hours he went through during his work in the Second World War, he said: He was an atheist who did not know God and did not mention his name at all, and in one of his raids on the enemy his plane struck a serious defect that has no salvation and meaning That certain death for him. This atheist pilot said: I found myself without feeling, will or intent, and chanted in the name of God asking him for relief and supplies, and the supplies came and miraculously escaped, he explained in his speech, and afterwards he became one of the believers.Whereas the belief in the existence of God Almighty was weaned upon him by the origin of his creation and its form (then God invaded the one that the people had broken against) {Roman} God Almighty did not send His messengers to prove to them that God alone deserves worship in all its forms and meanings .

The Almighty tale about some of the messengers of God said to their people (said Messengers Avi Allah doubt the Creator of the heavens and the earth) {Abraham said} and the Almighty said, indicating Bam sent all messengers: (We have sent a messenger to every nation to worship Allah and shun the idol) {bees} and the Almighty said : (As we did not send before you from a messenger except to Him we mourn that there is no God but I, then you worship) {the Prophets}. And the god is the Almullah, meaning: the deity that the hearts deify with the purpose of love and submission, so there is no worshiped rightly but God Almighty, and since the polytheists acknowledge the existence of God and his lordship and uniqueness of creation, life, death, benefit, harm, giving, prevention and sustenance, the Holy Qur’an reminds them of this recognition and tells them: God is The individual deity is the same as the individual deity. And if God Almighty is the only one deserving of worship and that God did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Him, the Almighty said:(And I did not create Jinn and mankind except for them to worship) {Dharatiyyat}. It is necessary to define creation by how it is worshiped and the methods and method of this worship. So it was from the mercy of God that he sent them messengers of their own kind to explain to them the methods of worshiping God that they would be happy with. The messengers’s mission included the supplies and manifestations of God’s mercy on His servants and His Lordship to them. That is why denying the prophecies was ignorance of the truth of God’s divinity and a diminution of God’s decree. The Almighty said: (And they did not appreciate God the right of His destiny when they said that God did not send down a thing to human beings.The Almighty said: (And they did not appreciate God the right of His destiny when they said that God did not send down a thing to human beings.The Almighty said: (And they did not appreciate God the right of His destiny when they said that God did not send down a thing to human beings .

And if the message of the messengers was one of the requirements of God Almighty ’s divinity and mercy, then this necessity has already occurred. God Almighty sent people missionary and warning messengers over periods of time, until the news of the messengers and their coming to people and calling them to worship God and that God sent them to deliver his messages to them became all this Among the common things known to human beings that have been cut off are their occurrence, and this is why the Almighty said to His Noble Messenger: (Say: I was a heresy among the messengers) {Ahqaf} And the Almighty said: (And Muhammad is nothing but a Messenger, before whom the Messengers were emptied) {Al Imran }.

The race of the messengers, even if it is little in humans, but it is known to them, is not objectionable, as we said, and all of God’s messengers were called to worship God alone, as we have indicated before. That is why the religion of the prophets was the same, and if they differed in the methods and methods of worship, he said ﷺ: (We associate with the prophets is our religion. One, the prophets are the brothers of the family, and if I give people the son of Mary because I am, there is no prophet between me and him .)

And the Almighty said: (To all we have made of you a law and a method) {Al-Ma`idah }.

Since the prophets religion one, Mrzlem one which is God, the Almighty had faith Bbahm duty shall not differentiate between them in this faith, the Almighty said: (Those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and want to distinguish between God and His messengers and say, believe in some and disbelieve in some want to take between that way * those are truly unbelievers, and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment * and those who believe in Allah and His messengers did not differentiate between one of them will be those Aatehm wages, and Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful) {women }.

And the Almighty said: (The Messenger believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord and the Believers ) َنEveryone believes in God and his angels and writings (of his prophets) and his messengers .


If Ka n faith in all the prophets and the duty , the obedience is based messenger to come after him , which shall be obedience to him, and this obedience in both cases is in fact obedience to God. The Almighty said: (He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God) {Women}. And whoever refuses to obey the late messenger under the pretext of his obedience to the preceding messenger, his argument is unacceptable in reason or religion, and the same is the same as the one who refuses to obey his prince appointed by the just Sultan on the pretext that he is obedient and follows the previous prince who died ... and this is pure ignorance because obedience to the Messenger, as we said, is obedience to God .

The Messenger is obeyed as a messenger who reports on God and does not obey himself. That is why the advanced messenger preached the messenger who would come after him, reminding his people of this good news that they must obey him. The Almighty said on the authority of the good news of Jesus, peace be upon him, by Muhammad: (And preaching a messenger, whose name comes from me, Ahmad) {Al-Saff }.

And the late messenger approves of the previous Messenger, God Almighty said: (And we have sent down to you the Book with the truth, certifying what is in his hands of the Book (and he is dominant) against him). The author, may God bless him, mentioned some texts from the Torah that are in the hands of the Jews now and from the Bible that is in the hands of the Christians now. These texts are explicit in their connotation of Muhammad's prophethood .

And if the messengers of God were to deliver His messages, and human beings must obey them in fulfillment of God’s right over them, triumph with happiness in both worlds and deliverance from disobedience and disobedience and the consequent misery of them and God’s wrath on them, I say: If the matter is so, then the messengers of God should be supported by what indicates their sincerity and not confused. He ordered them to other slanderers against God lying, and this is what actually happened, because God Almighty is from his complete grace and mercy and establishing evidence for his servants, his messengers supported by verses that indicate their truthfulness and that they are truly God’s messengers, and these verses are what scholars call miracles, while the Qur’an calls them the verses, Likewise, His Messenger Muhammad calls it, and this name is first to call it miracles. Among the uses of the Qur’an is the Almighty’s saying:(They said whatever Totna its verse to Tzhrna them what we are you not believe * We sent them the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood verses Hinges were arrogant and were a people of criminals) {customs} and the Almighty said: (Then we sent after them Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his) {customs }.

And in the noble hadith, the Messenger of God said, (There is no prophet of the prophets without having been given any of the verses similar to him. People believed ... etc .).

The Qur'an called the miracles of the prophets-based, as the Almighty said: (I have came to their Messengers with clear proofs) {customs} and the Almighty said: (Moses said: O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds * Hakiq that I do not say to God, but the truth may I come by evidence from your Lord sent me Bani Israel * He said if you brought a verse, then bring it if you are of the truthful.) {Usages} The evidence and the verse, in these verses are the miracles by which God supported His messengers to show their truthfulness .

And since the message of Muhammad is general to all human beings, their Arabs and their non-Muslims, their white and black, the Almighty said: (Say, O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all) {norms} And the Almighty said: (And we have not sent an insult to you) The Almighty: (Muhammad was not the father of one of your husbands, but God’s Messenger and Seal of the Prophets) {Al-Ahzab}, His prophecy verses were varied and well-known to those who were sent to them, and their knowledge and sayings of their prophethood were varied and appropriate for all people. Among the verses of his prophethood is his fragrant biography, pure morals and complete sincerity, what is known about him is never a lie, no betrayal, never obscene, and there is no doubt that such a fragrant and good biography is sufficient evidence for those with sound minds and common sense of Muhammad's prophethood For what is not known about him is a lie in the lesser things, no It is imagined from him to lie to God, who is the most obscene lie. The Almighty said:(And whoever is more wrong than he who slanders to God a lie or said to me was revealed to me and nothing was revealed to him) {Al-An`am} This is why his biography was sufficient evidence for his prophethood according to Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq. As well as a Muslim Arab who came to the Messenger and asked him: Did God send you to people? He said: Yes. Al-Arabi converted to Islam and said that this face - that is, the face of the Messenger of God - is not a liar, because adhering to the truth leaves a trace on the features of the honest face. But not all people, such as Abu Bakr and Khadija, and that Al-Arabi in the speed of response and contentment with the life of the Prophet and inferring it to his sincerity and prophethood, it is necessary to diversify the verses of his prophecy, and this is what happened.As well as a Muslim Arab who came to the Messenger and asked him: Did God send you to people? He said: Yes. Al-Arabi converted to Islam and said that this face - that is, the face of the Messenger of God - is not a liar, because adhering to the truth leaves a trace on the features of the honest face. But not all people, such as Abu Bakr and Khadija, and that Al-Arabi in the speed of response and contentment with the life of the Prophet and inferring it to his sincerity and prophethood, it is necessary to diversify the verses of his prophecy, and this is what happened.As well as a Muslim Arab who came to the Messenger and asked him: Did God send you to people? He said: Yes. Al-Arabi converted to Islam and said that this face - that is, the face of the Messenger of God - is not a liar, because adhering to the truth leaves a trace on the features of the honest face. But not all people, such as Abu Bakr and Khadija, and that Al-Arabi in the speed of response and contentment with the life of the Prophet and inferring it to his sincerity and prophethood, it is necessary to diversify the verses of his prophecy, and this is what happened .

Dr. Fadel, may God preserve him, mentioned some of these verses that were transmitted to us repeatedly, such as the splitting of the moon, the Isra and the Mi'raj, and his description of the Holy House, and he had not seen it before I was captivated by it And praise of the pebbles in his hands and the nostalgia of the trunk for him and the abundance of food and the spring of water between his honorable fingers. But the greatest of those verses at all is the Great Qur’an, for it is its great verse that still exists among us that masks all falsehood and challenges every ungrateful person and confirms the qualities of faith: He said Referring to the greatness of this verse: meaning the Noble Qur’an: (There is no prophet but he has been given of the verses that he believed in People are like him, but he was the one I came and the inspiration God revealed to me, so I hope that most of them will be a follower on the Day of Resurrection .)

The manifestations of the faces of the Qur’an’s miracle and its evidence for its prophethood are very numerous, mentioned by the author of the book. It is known that the Koran challenged all incredulous or evil to the prophecy of Muhammad that comes with such a Koran that was truthful in denying the prophecy of Muhammad said the Almighty: (Say met while mankind and the jinn to produce such a Koran does not come in kind , even if some of them for some helpers) {Israa}. And whoever sought to challenge him himself, he came up with funny fallen words exposing the lie of this pride of evil, just as it happened to Muslima the liar who claimed the prophethood and came with the fallen saying defying the Qur’an. You prevent drinking, your head is in the water and your sin in the mud .

The truth is that the Noble Qur’an can never be made by a person because it is the word of the Lord of the worlds that pertains to it, and any attempt by any person to do something similar is absolutely unsuccessful. God Almighty said: (And this Qur’an would not be fabricated without God) {Yunus} It is not possible and not permissible. This Qur’an is issued only by God Almighty, and no creature can make it because it is beyond its ability .

And if it is proven by definitive evidence that Muhammad - the Messenger of God is true to all people, then they must believe him and believe in his prophethood, especially those of religions, including Jews, Christians and others, because there is no verse that called them to believe in their prophets except that of the Messenger of God Muhammad - such a verse and greater than it .

He prefers all the prophets with his great verse that has survived until now, which is the Holy Qur’an, while all the verses of the Prophets have passed and remain told. Belief in the prophethood of the previous prophets and denial of Muhammad's prophecy is not justified in the mind. And someone who does that is like someone who believes in the jurisprudence of so-and-so because he is a student in the first grade of the College of Islamic Studies and denies the jurisprudence of Abu Hanifa, al-Shafi’i, Malik and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, or believes in the poetics of so-and-so because he composed a poorly worn poem and denies the poetics of Al-Mutanabi or Al-Bohtri, or believes in the knowledge of so-and-so in grammar because he is a student in The first grade in the College of Language denies Sibawayh's knowledge of grammar, or believes in so-and-so's knowledge of hadith for keeping some hadiths and some hadith arts and idioms, and he denies to Bukhari his knowledge and knowledge of hadith .

If all of this is condemned by sound minds, then denying the prophethood of Muhammad along with believing in a prophethood other than him is more reprehensible .

A question arises here: If the matter is as we said, then why did the prophets of other religions not believe in the prophethood of Muhammad, and why do they fall into this contradiction, which was struck by proverbs? The answer is from two sides :


  The first face: ignorance. Whoever is ignorant of something that he did not appreciate and did not know its value, and this is the case for Muhammad’s prophethood and the verses of his prophethood. Whoever is ignorant of it and does not know it, either because he did not reach the news of it and the news of his vocation and the verses of his truthfulness, or he did not know that was distorted without investigating the rightness and seeking correct knowledge about the issue of his prophethood, may blessings and peace be upon him, remains on his ignorance And his lack of faith in him And if he is on a religion and he has something of a mind that has seen contradictions in his religion, then perhaps he rebelled against him and remained without religion, meaning without following a Prophet. This reason, ie ignorance, is prevalent among the common people of religions. Hence, the propagation of the Islamic call to the people of the earth was an obligation on Muslims .

  The second aspect: following the whims and desires, and this is the prevalence of the students of the presidency, which made them stubborn and not believe in the prophethood of Muhammad. He left blackness in it and covered a whiter of it until it completely prevailed, and the same is the human heart. And they know the Messenger of God as they know their children, and yet they did not believe in him stubbornly among them and following the whims of their souls out of their keenness to rule in the name of religion to follow them. This is how a group of the infidels of Quraish blinded their hearts with love until they no longer saw the verses and if they saw them they did not benefit from them, but they increase in error. They interpret false interpretations .

The Almighty said: (And they said: Whatever miracle you bring us, by which you shall be bewildered by us, for what we are for you are believers) {Al-Usuf }.

He says: (And come upon them from the verse of the verses of their Lord, but they were reported exposed) {Yasin}, and the Almighty said: (And how many a verse in the heavens and the earth, pass it and they reported exposed) {Joseph}, and the Almighty said: (If we got you a book in Ply So they touched him with their hands, because those who had disbelieved said that this is only a clear witch. ({Anam }.

This is the purpose of disappointment and relapse of heart Rather, the blackening of the heart due to following whims and desires reaches such a great amount that if its owner had seen the fire of the Hereafter truly and then returned to this world, he would return to his infidelity and denial. The Almighty: (even if you see, as they stood on the fire they said, Oh I wish we respond not lie, the verses of our Lord and be one of the believers * It seemed to them what they hide from even responded to what they returned forbidden it, and they are liars) {} Anaam said .

This is a very frightening thing that a Muslim who is keen on his faith shudders and makes him constantly watch for himself and the hidden currents of passion that are going on in it, lest it intensify and tilt it from the truth until it completely removes it from it .

Whatever the reasons for denying those who deny the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ,their disbelief is in fact a confirmation of what the Qur’an told of their lack of faith , just as the faith of those who believe in them is a confirmation of what the Qur’an told of their faith. In this is another evidence added to the evidence of Muhammad’s prophethood. And he does not insult in his prophethood a denunciation of his lies, because in a person there is a tremendous willingness to decline and delusion, and he may reach foolishness by him as he actually told him to make the journey to kill the Messenger of God as the first polytheists did. The plot is for him to assassinate him in Makkah. When God saved him from them, they wanted to follow him to Medina to kill him and his followers. Is there a greater than this tremendous decline in delusion and blindness ?

We seek refuge in God from disappointment, and this is why we never marvel at the denial of the deniers and the blocking of many people from truth. We know with certainty that the ancient polytheists used to see the Messenger of God يرwith his enlightening face, supporting the revelations of his Lord and evidence of his truthfulness, and with this they lie and even fought against him, so let the Muslim praise the blessing of Islam and bite on it until he meets God and make a lot of saying (O you who turn my hearts ).

And after: I go back to what I said first, that this book is one of the finest and best I have read in its subject, and I think that its author has succeeded in writing it a lot, so let him praise God for that. It is not my intention from these words to praise the book and its author, even if the praise is appropriate and deserving of it is acceptable .

Rather, my intention is to indicate what people benefit and need for many of them, even if there is in the folds of this indication praise of the book and its author, and like me in that is the example of someone who points thirsty to a spring of fresh water, and the hungry indicates a bowl of delicious delicious food that is permissible even if there is in the folds of this indication an indication of the merit of Introduce this food and cause that fresh water to pour out albumin .

God rewarded the author of this book with the happiness of the two worlds and benefited the people. May God bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions, praise be to God, Lord of the worlds .

Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan

Baghdad - Jumada Al-Ula 1392 AH / June 1972 AD


Published on: 2015-12-03 (6780 Reads)

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