الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Literature --> Articles


(Tashih Almafahim Wataqwim Almawazin)

An article written by Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan, and it was published in the Muslims magazine that was published by Sheikh Saeed Ramadan, and it is one of the most prestigious magazines issued in the 1950s and 1960s. It attracts the masses of Muslims all over the world, and writes in it masters of knowledge and thought leaders, and major preachers and reform leaders, and Muslims are waiting for its publication With impatience, it was published in Syria for a period of time under the supervision of Dr. Mustafa Al-Sebaei, General Observer of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time, then in Geneva under the supervision of Dr. Happy Ramadan .

Note: The translation below may need revision... We welcome any correction by emailing us

Written by Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan

Islam has taken great care in correcting people's perceptions of the universe and life, and straightening their scales with which they weigh things and people ... We find this care is evident in many texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah ... There is no strange or extravagant care in Islam, because the correctness of man’s actions and the integrity of his behavior It is entrusted with the correctness of his concepts and the correctness of his scales ... and it is impossible for what was issued by a person to be correct and acceptable if behind it was a corrupt concept or a defective balance ... and it is hoped that a Muslim should not have concepts other than those that Islam has articulated, and no scales other than those established by Islam. ... But this assumption may be hoped for, and we may not find it in the reality of a Muslim, or we find it in a corrupt, disturbed or mixed way .

We do not exaggerate if we say that we do not find this assumption that is hoped for in the reality of Muslims today except in the face of scarcity and in the few of the millions of Muslims ... that this bitter reality is one of the major causes responsible for what we find among Muslims of weakness, dishonor and deviation from the approaches of Islam by the ruled The rulers are alike ... That is why those who are interested in Muslim affairs (and whoever does not care about Muslims are not among them) have had to give this serious issue the care and attention it deserves, and not be satisfied with mourning, mourning, regret and bemoaning the conditions of Muslims and enumerating their shortcomings, because what they see From the conditions of Muslims and their symptoms from the meanings of Islam, it is only a symptom of a disease with which they are celibate. Rather, the treatment is correct, and it is hoped that a cure will be cured if the treatment deals with the origin of the illness and the therapist does not stop at the symptoms ... One of the wise means of treatment - in our opinion - is to present the concepts of Islam and its scales clearly and clearly.And inviting Muslims to present their souls to it so that they see the extent of compatibility and difference between what they have in terms of concepts and scales and what Islam offers in this field ... If they see consensus and congruence, praise God and abide by what they have. And if they see otherwise, they carry their souls to the correct situation by correcting their corrupt concepts and straightening their crooked scales to deliver their religion to them from aberration and slippage, and purify their deeds from chaos. Rather, this method, which we described as a way of wise treatment, improves, because the Muslim is supposed to believe in God and the Last Day, and that, like every human being, he is keen on what is useful and happy for him. He is afraid of what will harm him and heal him. If the Muslim is exposed to the path of his benefit and happiness. He took the first path and deserted the second out of self-love and protection from all harm and sufferingAnd if they see otherwise, they carry their souls to the correct situation by correcting their corrupt concepts and straightening their crooked scales to deliver their religion to them from aberration and slippage, and purify their deeds from chaos. Rather, this method, which we described as a way of wise treatment, improves, because the Muslim is supposed to believe in God and the Last Day, and that, like every human being, he is keen on what is useful and happy for him. He is afraid of what will harm him and heal him. If the Muslim is exposed to the path of his benefit and happiness. He took the first path and deserted the second out of self-love and protection from all harm and suffering And if they see otherwise, they carry their souls to the correct situation by correcting their corrupt concepts and straightening their crooked scales to deliver their religion to them from aberration and slippage, and purify their deeds from chaos. Rather, this method, which we described as a way of wise treatment, improves, because the Muslim is supposed to believe in God and the Last Day, and that, like every human being, he is keen on what is useful and happy for him. He is afraid of what will harm him and heal him. If the Muslim is exposed to the path of his benefit and happiness. He took the first path and deserted the second out of self-love and protection from all harm and suffering ...

From this article, we present, for the sake of representation only, some of the concepts and balances in Islam and what corresponds to them among Muslims to show the extent of the compatibility and difference between what they have and with Islam, and God is the helper .

First - the concept of winning and the success

The concept of winning and succeeding for the general Muslim does not exceed the victory of the pleasures of life and the purposes of the world and the means and reasons that lead to that ... such as obtaining a certificate or a job, or a position or prestige, or authority, or praise, or money, or material profit, or housing Comfortable, beautiful woman, delicious food, well-being and other things related to the body's desires and the love of domination over others ... These are all of the purposes of the world and its little possessions ... and based on this concept, as if the successful winner in the balance of people is the one who obtained these things in a great many ... This concept and the consequent balance of people has a very dangerous impact on the reality of Muslims, because Muslims set out to collect these things even if it led them to neglect the rights of Muslims, loyalty to enemies, commit the forbidden, and violate the explicit provisions of Islam through false interpretation or outright disobedience ... The Muslims, and this is their balance, did not give anything to Islam, because their concern has become limited to the purposes of our number.And if they were mentioned about Islam, they evaded the reminder, and perhaps some of them dared say that Islam does not achieve what they want . ...

The concept of victory and success in Islam is different from that which is seen by the general public and flock to it ... It is the true concept that every Muslim who believes in God and the Last Day must be recognized ... that it is salvation from the torment of God and victory in Paradise where the eternal bliss resides. (all the same taste of death but Buffon Gore the day of Resurrection, it budge from the fire and enter Paradise has won and the life of the world, but the pleasures of vanity) and any greatest win from entering Paradise and that consideration be given to the face of the Holy God and the sense of the pleasure of God, and this and that the greatest bliss at all ... And in heaven other than this and that, in it there is what no eye saw, no ear heard, and no danger to the heart of a human being ... that this victory is the real victory in the balance of Islam, the balance of reason and the balance of account ... As for the balance of Islam, this is the word of God that we mentioned - and the like in The Qur’an is many - a witness to the truth of what we say, and whoever is truer than God in a word ... As for the balance of the mind,We do not consider a sane person who believes in God and the last day can argue in this fact, or consider winning on the other day a lower rank than winning the blessings of the world ... As for the balance of account, the one who wins a year’s bliss will win a bargain and more peasant and a greater victory than the one who wins an hour of bliss ... This is the balance of account and numbers, which is a correct and proper balance. And if this is true and it is true, then what is the ratio of the infinite bliss of this world to the infinite bliss of the hereafter? What is the value of what a person possesses in his short life from the little bliss of the world in relation to what awaits the winners of permanent and resident bliss? Are we not entitled to say that winning in the hereafter is the true victory and that winning the pleasures of life is a victory metaphorically? He likened the Messenger of GodThis is the balance of account and numbers, which is a correct and proper balance. And if this is true and it is true, then what is the ratio of the infinite bliss of this world to the infinite bliss of the hereafter? What is the value of what a person possesses in his short life from the little bliss of the world in relation to what awaits the winners of permanent and resident bliss? Are we not entitled to say that winning in the hereafter is the true victory and that winning the pleasures of life is a victory metaphorically? He likened the Messenger of God This is the balance of account and numbers, and it is a correct and proper balance. And if this is true and it is true, then what is the ratio of the infinite bliss of this world to the infinite bliss of the hereafter? What is the value of what a person possesses in his short life from the little bliss of the world in relation to what awaits the winners of permanent and resident bliss? Are we not entitled to say that winning in the hereafter is the true victory and that winning the pleasures of life is a victory metaphorically? He likened the Messenger of God ﷺ Life, its enjoyment, and its bliss is with a wonderful and tangible analogy, as it came in the noble hadith (By God, the life of the world is in the hereafter except as one of you dips his finger in the palm, so let him see what he returns to it ).

And if it becomes clear that the real success and victory is the successor and the victory in the hereafter, and that this victory is worthy of the Muslim’s concern for him, raising his eyes to him and exerting his effort to reach him, then what is the way of this reaching, and what are the means of winning it? Islam is between this path and revealed these means, God Almighty said :

( O you who believe, be patient and patient and bond and beware of God, that you may prosper ).

And the Almighty said: (And let there be a nation among you who invites to good, enjoins good and forbids those who are rejected .)

And the Almighty said: (But the Messenger and those who believed with him strive with their wealth and their souls ۚAnd those are the best of them and they are of good things and they

And the Almighty said: (And the weight of the day of truth - then whoever has a heavy balance, those are the ones who are successful ).

And the Almighty said: (O those who believe, bow down and worship and worship your Lord and do good, that you may well be successful ).

Belief in the realities of Islam, patience in its broad sense, piety of God in secret and in public, enjoining good and forbidding evil, striving for God’s sake with money and soul, worshiping God alone, on top of which is prayer, and doing good in all its kinds, all of this and its likes are means that lead to true success and true victory. Whoever adopts these means is truly successful, and if people consider him among the disappointed ... and whoever abandoned them, followed his whims and ran after pleasure, he would be among the miserable because his desires and self-worth drive him to certain misery, and if people regard him as happy, the Almighty said: A lost people). And Imam al-Qurtubi said in the interpretation of this verse: (Our self and our passions prevailed over us. He called pleasures and passions a shaqqah because they lead to it ).

Second - the concept of perdition

The common concept of perdition among the general public is the exposure of a person to what harms him or misses his rest or his life regardless of the motives and goals ... and they have withdrawn this concept on whoever suffers harm while he is fulfilling the right of Islam to enjoin good and forbid what is wrong and to proclaim the truth and call to Islam and to stand In the face of lost tyrants, and jihad for the sake of God through speech, work, money and soul ... and they quote the Almighty saying: (And do not throw your hands to destruction). They have wronged the meaning of this noble verse and revealed it to be incomprehensible. Its true concept is the opposite of what they understood ... That the destruction in the balance of Islam and the concept of this verse is to flee from perdition in the cause of God, affecting wellness and accommodation between family and children busy in investing and increasing money ... It was narrated on the authority of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, may God be pleased with him that he He said in this verse, "The Ansar group has descended in us." When God Almighty supported His Prophet and revealed Islam, we said: We evaluate our money and fix it.So God Almighty revealed the verse (And spend in the path of God, and do not throw your hands into perdition ).

Based on this concept of truth, there is no destruction in the concept of Islam, the loss of the Muslim, the right to harm him, the loss of his money, the loss of his freedom, the demise of his job, or his persecution, if that is for the sake of God and that is a duty or desirable for him. The limitations in this issue are three: that the destruction is for the sake of God, and if it is not for it, as if it is to seek praise, position, reputation and so on, then exposure to perdition is forbidden. The second limitation is that it is obligatory or desirable for him. The necessity and desirability are weighed against the scale of Islam, as mentioned in the books of fiqh, interpretation and sunnah. And the third limitation is that his destruction by Muslims does not miss a certain interest, and if he misses he is forbidden to suffer destruction. The secret of the issue is that the person’s soul is not his property to investigate, but rather it is a property that God Almighty has created, so it is not permissible for a person to act by himself except in the manner that its owner authorizes him to do.If the owner prevents him from exposing himself to perdition, he will stop it and protect it from it, even if his desire in this display is for perdition and calamity. This is a delicate place where passions are mixed, and God is the conciliator of righteousness .

Third - the concept of profit

The general concept of profit is to take more than you give and get more than you spend, and this concept is known in worldly matters as in selling, buying, renting and all other trade-offs ... This concept of profit, even if it is correct, is sound if it is in lawful transactions, but it is deficient if it is limited to it alone. ... that profit has another subtle concept that Islam has alerted to it, and it is the most deserving of the concepts with care and concern, and it is most beneficial to the human being even if this concept is the first thing that a person forgets about and overlooks it ... This right concept of profit is the gain of good deeds, not the gain of the pounds ... The souls of those knowledgeable about giving their money did not regret or regret it ... It was narrated on the authority of Uthman Al-Hindi on the authority of Suhaib, he said: When I wanted to emigrate from Makkah to the Prophet ﷺ Quraish said to me: Oh Sahib, you came to us and you have no money, and you and your money go out? I swear, it never will be. I told them: Did you think that I give you my money and give me away? They said yes. I paid them a financial then leave me I went out even made the city that reached the Prophet said (profit Sahib) and Sahib did not win dirhams and dinars , but lost Drihamh and Dnanarh, he is the loser in the balance of the money changers and traders sunflower money ... but in the balance of Islam winner on the face of the greatest investigation Profit is ... that he won good deeds by emigrating to the Holy Prophet ﷺ (Rabah Suhaib) is a metaphor for saying, but it is the truth that is not permitted. According to a concept that makes the profit of good deeds for the Creator of the heavens a metaphor for saying, and makes the profit of stones from the truth and not the metaphor ... So making money for the sake of God is a certain profit that is greater than the profit of merchants in buying and selling, because it is a guaranteed profit for the rich who is able, it appears to a person what is most urgent To him and lead him to the gardens of bliss ... The fact that this profit does not show its effect except in the hereafter does not diminish his ability, so the smart merchant spends a lot of money waiting for a lot of profit to come to him in the future. As for the one who is satisfied only with a quick profit in this world, like a child, he does not leave what is in his hand even if you promised him honestly - and you are able - to give him tomorrow, double what is in his hand .

Fourth - the differential balance

Islam has its own scales in evaluating things, actions, and people, and in differentiating them. We do not think that these scales are applicable to all Muslims ... The righteous deed in the balance of Islam is the best thing that a person should be keen on, and it is the best that he can find in his world. Came in the hadith about the Prophet  النبي (For a mooch for the sake of God, or a ritual event, is better than this world and whatever it contains) And the mooch for the sake of God is not a summer gathering in the mountains of Lebanon, nor a pleasure from the pleasures of the soul, nor the pleasure of that body, but rather a struggle and the fatigue and blame that is in it and is subjected to perdition ... And with this, the master of knowing says that it is better than the world and what is in it ... and the morning, After this, which came in the hadith, it indicates that the righteous deeds intended for the honorable face of God are always better than the pleasures of the world and are always in the place of introduction and preference in the balance of Islam ... Rather, these deeds had priority and introduction because they yield the reward of God, and the reward of God. The best that a person attains, and the best that he attains in his worldly life, and this is the balance of Islam. Of money, children, power, wellness, and the like, it is a trivial, despicable thing.And what God has of reward and blessings for the working believers is better than what man has given me .

That this noble meaning, accurate balance and deep understanding was within the realm of the knowledgeable. As for the students and loved ones of the world, they are far from this realization ... that their souls hover around its belongings, and their saliva is flowing whenever they remember this little fleeting baggage, but they are considered by their unbalanced and happy balance who won money and penetrated into that life ... and in the story of Qarun, an example is on the scale of these. It Otte Karun money God told him (and gave him treasures once approached to overwhelmed NLD initial strength) and then got what God we have the story: (went out to his people in the finery said, who want life Oh we like what Otti Karun It is full great fortune But those who know who hold the balance of Islam and who are aware of the value of God’s reward were not satisfied by the saying of those who responded to them with what God told us:(He said those who provided knowledge, and you have the reward of God, it is better for the one who believes and works righteousness, and does not meet it except for those who are patient and wait for those who wait for it.) And there is this scene that is repeated by all those who are patient and there is repeating this scene .

And the best of people and the best of them in the scale of Islam is the mujahid for the sake of God. In the noble hadith on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, he said: A man said: O Messenger of God, which people are better? The Messenger of God said : (A believer strives for the sake of God with himself and his money ...) As for the balance of people, the best of the people who strive for the sake of passion, reputation, power, tyranny and the devil ... Indeed, from the setback of the balance of people, they have become reproached for the mujahideen in the cause of God with their pens, actions and money . .

And with the same balance of differentials in Islam, it weighs a person's entitlement to advance with those with authority and obtain the giving from the treasury ... and among the applications of that is that the inspired caliph Omar bin al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, authorized Bilal to enter him before Abu Sufyan, and when he was asked about that, he said: Bilal preceded Islam and emigrated from Abi Sufyan or as he said, and he did not look at the lineage of Abu Sufyan and the people of Abu Sufyan, because mathematics, genealogies and races have no value in the balance of Islam, but this balance is burdened by piety, past and jihad. As for the scales of people today, the matter is reversed, as is the perceived, visible, and God-helper. It was also narrated on the authority of this al-Rashid Caliph that he divided between the women of the city’s inhabitants, so there was a good value left of her, so some of his people said to him: O Commander of the Faithful, give this to the daughter of the Messenger of God ﷺ who you have (they want Umm Kulthum, the daughter of our master Ali, may God be pleased with him), so he said: Umm Salit it later, he swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ And she was breathing for us near on a Sunday. Umm Slit preceded Umm Kulthum in the merit of the charity, because she preceded her in jihad and pledging allegiance, even if she was late in the high lineage. And in today's scales, the first for those with arithmetic and lineage, and for those who are close to the Sultan .

These are some of the scales and concepts of Islam. I put them in the hands of the honorable reader, hoping that he may benefit from them and benefit from them and spread them among people .


Published on: 2015-08-28 (7007 Reads)

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