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Archive --> Proclamation

A Press Statement By Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan About What Was Published By Dar Al Salam Newspaper In 2005

In 2005 AD, some media and satellite channels reported Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan's approval of the Iraqi constitution, which was held in the referendum after mid-2005 AD, and since these words were not true and the sheikh was slandered and said what he did not say, may Allah have mercy on him at that time issued a press statement denying these news And confirms that he does not agree to this constitution.

Text of the press release:

Praise be to Allah, and may blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions.

Some asked me about my position on the constitution on which the referendum took place recently, "regarding the extent of it agreeing or violating Islamic law.

The answer to that I believe that this constitution, including the articles it contains, is not permissible to support or consent tobecause it contravenes the provisions of Islam, and the Muslim cannot approve or approve of it, because the Muslim’s reference to what he supports, denies or rejects is Islam with its provisions and principles.

This reference for the Muslim does not accept polytheism or comment, rather it is comprehensive and general in all events and facts, and therefore everything that is published about me or said about me that I support the constitution on which the referendum took place before its amendment or after its amendment or after the addition of Article (140) to it, it is talk It is not true and it was never issued by me, and it is not permissible to attribute it to me at all.

Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan  

Shawwal 7, 1426, corresponding to September 9, 2005


Published on: 2015-08-21 (5501 Reads)

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