الايمان بالقضاء والقدر واثره في سلوك الفرد للشيخ الدكتور عبد الكريم زيدان
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Archive --> Proclamation

A Press Statement By Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan Regarding The Elections And The Constitution In Iraq, 2005

The Dar Al-Salam newspaper, Issue 122, dated Ramadan 24/1426 corresponding to October 27, 2005 under the title: (Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan calls on the Islamic party to enter the upcoming elections as a united front) the following phrases:

(( The scholar Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan called on the Iraqi Islamic Party to enter as a united front with the rest of the various Islamic and national forces in the upcoming elections, and Sheikh Dr. said in a letter he sent to (Dar Al-Salam) with Dr. Muhammad Jamil Al-Habal, a professor at Sanaa University, that entering into The upcoming elections, as a front or a grouping, are very important because they are fateful elections that result in a permanent government for a period of four years. Sheikh Abdul Karim Zaidan called for the selection of candidates accepted by the community and who could present a lot to the Iraqis, and Sheikh Dr. explained that adding Article 140 to the constitution It is a good thing and justifies the position taken by the Iraqi Islamic Party before the date of the referendum on the constitution because it provides an opportunity to amend the bad articles in it, calling for success to all )).

Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan's Comment:

I did not say what was attributed to me that I said the following: (Adding Article 140 to the constitution is a good thing and justifies the position taken by the Iraqi Islamic Party before the date of the referendum on the constitution because it provides an opportunity to amend bad articles).

What I mentioned about what I mentioned in the aforementioned newspaper was during a public speech and a general discussion on public matters with Dr. Muhammad Jamil Al-Habal. It was not for him to upload this copy in writing to deliver it to the party, nor to instruct him to inform the party verbally about this mentioned in all the words attributed to me, Note that the opinion is that it is impermissible to support or approve this constitution because it is not permissible according to Shariah to approve it because the issue of the Muslim is that his reference is to correct and erroneous the rulings of Islam only exclusively.

Rather, he quoted from me, except for the phrase mentioned in Paragraph (1), which is what I said and I say because the hand of Allah is with the community and for he who is separate from it will be separate in hell.

All praise is to Allah, the Lord of universe.

Sheikh Abdul Karim Zidan


Published on: 2015-08-21 (5371 Reads)

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